A little about finance - the budgets of Russia and Moscow in numbers ...
Welcome to our website dedicated to companies and individuals interested in business cooperation with the Russian Federation. You will find here all the information necessary in the process of opening companies and representative offices in Russia, analysis and legal advice related to conducting business valuation business in the east. We do not do politics, and east is treated as a natural course of business development for Polish companies. We invite you to journey with the title: ... business through east ...
I hope that what we present on the pages of our website will help you decide to start your adventure with business in Russia and encourage them to explore the potential of their clients, in this part of the world.
We will try every effort to support your decision to serve the competent advice, market analysis and legal assistance in the registration of companies and representative offices in the Russian Federation.
From 5 years in the Russian market we see the ever-increasing demand for Polish products, in cooperation with Polish business and the mutual exchange of goods. We receive dozens of offers to introduce new products to the Russian market and, on the other hand, numerous inquiries about the possibility of import to the Russian Federation all sorts of goods from the European Union.
At the same time I am aware of a wide variety of secrets and lies prejudices that exist in the current consciousness business valuation of Polish entrepreneurs, business valuation and which relate to the functioning of the Russian market. We are also in order to explain these concerns business valuation and bring closer to you the reality of running a business in the Russian Federation. Especially since the Polish company do well in the Russian economic reality, and the help they need usually at the start. And at just that we receive support business valuation in the form of "package" that provides business valuation them with assistance in this most important period. business valuation
There is much to be done also in the Polish professional media - which should accurately report on the realities of investing in Russia, business valuation but also more likely to describe the success business valuation of Polish companies in this market. Unfortunately for now, Russia's image in the media is the most determined political problems rather business valuation distant from the everyday life of entrepreneurs in the country.
And I kinda feel sorry, because I think that such a series of programs or articles that discuss honestly invested conditions and actions in the east were hit and 10 for more than one station or newspaper. For now you can count on such texts only in the pages of our Website.
News Analyses and reviews Business in Russia How to live in Moscow How to start a business in Russia How to pay taxes in Russia Useful links Press and TV About Us Legislation Economic Bulletin advertising portal Yandex.ru and creating web pages Russian version! Special economic zones in Russia Russian Customs Tariff List of articles published in the bulletin 2013 Russian phone finally available for Polish companies business valuation - A collection business valuation of the most important service we provide tips for starting business in Russia
The draft budget for the years 2014 - 2016 is aimed at ensuring economic growth and implementation of social obligations, and the continuation of the pension reform. The deficit for 2014 assumed at 0.6%, in 2015 - about 1%, in 2016 - 0.6%. A minimum of 5% is assumed to reduce the budget business valuation expenditure for the next three years, the Prime Minister declared business valuation Medvedev. This is due to the high probability of further decline in external demand and reduced investment activity. He recalled the decision by the government business valuation to correct the tariff increase infrastructure monopolies and not indexed tariffs for the next three years. At the same time, according to the prime minister should not lose significant investment programs monopoly Russian companies. The draft budget for the years 2014 - 2016 on 30 September, was submitted to the Duma.
In 2014, the deficit may reach 0.5% in 2015 - 1%, in 2016 - 0.6% of GDP. Revenue amounted to about 13.57 trillion, business valuation spending about 14 trillion, the deficit has to be covered by income from dividends of state enterprises and thus the so-called retirement maneuver. The draft budget leaves business valuation the average oil price in 2014 - $ 93 / bar (in 2015 and 2016, found Aug. 95 $). When the price of oil in the macroeconomic forecast for 2014 is set at 101 $ / bar. Inflation started at 5%, the average rate of $ 33.40 per year rbl. The Ministry of Finance is assumed in the budget revenue from dividends from Rosnieftiegaz in the amount of 423.5 billion rubles as a result of the 2016 sale of 19.5% of shares (minus one share) Rosneft.
However, in terms of budget revenues Moscow planned at an altitude of 1.5 trillion rubles, expenses - 1.65 trillion. The level of revenue business valuation for the following year should exceed 3% of the expected level this year, and in 2015 the increase is projected to be 5% higher than in 2014. In this way, budget revenues
Welcome to our website dedicated to companies and individuals interested in business cooperation with the Russian Federation. You will find here all the information necessary in the process of opening companies and representative offices in Russia, analysis and legal advice related to conducting business valuation business in the east. We do not do politics, and east is treated as a natural course of business development for Polish companies. We invite you to journey with the title: ... business through east ...
I hope that what we present on the pages of our website will help you decide to start your adventure with business in Russia and encourage them to explore the potential of their clients, in this part of the world.
We will try every effort to support your decision to serve the competent advice, market analysis and legal assistance in the registration of companies and representative offices in the Russian Federation.
From 5 years in the Russian market we see the ever-increasing demand for Polish products, in cooperation with Polish business and the mutual exchange of goods. We receive dozens of offers to introduce new products to the Russian market and, on the other hand, numerous inquiries about the possibility of import to the Russian Federation all sorts of goods from the European Union.
At the same time I am aware of a wide variety of secrets and lies prejudices that exist in the current consciousness business valuation of Polish entrepreneurs, business valuation and which relate to the functioning of the Russian market. We are also in order to explain these concerns business valuation and bring closer to you the reality of running a business in the Russian Federation. Especially since the Polish company do well in the Russian economic reality, and the help they need usually at the start. And at just that we receive support business valuation in the form of "package" that provides business valuation them with assistance in this most important period. business valuation
There is much to be done also in the Polish professional media - which should accurately report on the realities of investing in Russia, business valuation but also more likely to describe the success business valuation of Polish companies in this market. Unfortunately for now, Russia's image in the media is the most determined political problems rather business valuation distant from the everyday life of entrepreneurs in the country.
And I kinda feel sorry, because I think that such a series of programs or articles that discuss honestly invested conditions and actions in the east were hit and 10 for more than one station or newspaper. For now you can count on such texts only in the pages of our Website.
News Analyses and reviews Business in Russia How to live in Moscow How to start a business in Russia How to pay taxes in Russia Useful links Press and TV About Us Legislation Economic Bulletin advertising portal Yandex.ru and creating web pages Russian version! Special economic zones in Russia Russian Customs Tariff List of articles published in the bulletin 2013 Russian phone finally available for Polish companies business valuation - A collection business valuation of the most important service we provide tips for starting business in Russia
The draft budget for the years 2014 - 2016 is aimed at ensuring economic growth and implementation of social obligations, and the continuation of the pension reform. The deficit for 2014 assumed at 0.6%, in 2015 - about 1%, in 2016 - 0.6%. A minimum of 5% is assumed to reduce the budget business valuation expenditure for the next three years, the Prime Minister declared business valuation Medvedev. This is due to the high probability of further decline in external demand and reduced investment activity. He recalled the decision by the government business valuation to correct the tariff increase infrastructure monopolies and not indexed tariffs for the next three years. At the same time, according to the prime minister should not lose significant investment programs monopoly Russian companies. The draft budget for the years 2014 - 2016 on 30 September, was submitted to the Duma.
In 2014, the deficit may reach 0.5% in 2015 - 1%, in 2016 - 0.6% of GDP. Revenue amounted to about 13.57 trillion, business valuation spending about 14 trillion, the deficit has to be covered by income from dividends of state enterprises and thus the so-called retirement maneuver. The draft budget leaves business valuation the average oil price in 2014 - $ 93 / bar (in 2015 and 2016, found Aug. 95 $). When the price of oil in the macroeconomic forecast for 2014 is set at 101 $ / bar. Inflation started at 5%, the average rate of $ 33.40 per year rbl. The Ministry of Finance is assumed in the budget revenue from dividends from Rosnieftiegaz in the amount of 423.5 billion rubles as a result of the 2016 sale of 19.5% of shares (minus one share) Rosneft.
However, in terms of budget revenues Moscow planned at an altitude of 1.5 trillion rubles, expenses - 1.65 trillion. The level of revenue business valuation for the following year should exceed 3% of the expected level this year, and in 2015 the increase is projected to be 5% higher than in 2014. In this way, budget revenues
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