Probably in 2015 each police patrol will be equipped with a taser cameras empire blue cross rejestrujc image idwik; first several dozen pieces of this weapon electricity with the film already instruktaowym trafio to command - said the police chief Marek Dziaoszyski.
Each police officer has the right to use paralizatorwi taserw under the Act by specifying a principle of coercion USE rodkw the Direct empire blue cross and Firearms by subs. Stun gun is a weapon power, empire blue cross which he has become produces a very large electrical voltage with a very Mayme nateniu. PORA is lay out nervous attacker. Distinguishes s traditional stun guns - which requires a ciaem the Direct contact with the enemy, and tasers - wystrzeliwujce electrode range of a few meters. From the CB and the antyterrorystw to police headquarters, however, has such a device conducted on only wyposaeniu pododdziaw police anti-terrorist assault as well as CB. Police have more than 140 such devices. - Now wyposaylimy our officers in a new batch of 89 taserwz cameras, empire blue cross KTRE registrant image idwik, empire blue cross from the moment when the policeman deprotected this device - said the superintendent. Dziaoszyski. The device, ktrego cost is 7-8 thousand. zlotys, will enable registration available throughout the course of police intervention. - We can measure coercion officers, who are less invasive empire blue cross than weapons, and at the same time will cause the total registration undertaken eco - said the commandant. - Date is not just a moment USE Taser, but also commands issued by a police officer and the behavior of other OSB. This is the thing which he has become a must contribute to this, ebdziemy have a very objective matter of this type of intervention, where the police had to use physical-force - add. One unit on patrol Party taserwz cameras and film takez training for policjantw wyjaniajcym overexposure of these devices already trafiy to commands. To mid of this year, the National Police Headquarters will conduct evaluations skutecznoci utilities and capabilities to use these devices. empire blue cross - If the evaluation will be positive, it wwczas we will want to purchase a bigger batch so as to make at least one person on patrol in the taser bya equipped - said Dziaoszy ski. Explained that it is primarily empire blue cross a police patrol, empire blue cross KTRE during the intervention must often undertaken lightning-fast decisions. Emphasize that the taser can be more effective and safer at the same time obezwadnianiu OSB her bro firearm. empire blue cross - Not always the assailant shot is so powerful that it completely obezwadnia and dopuci to continue the attack on a police officer - said. The use of stun weapons safer He remembered that in most cases the wound postrzaowe kocz a death or disability trwaym. - Use of taser is more secure. In this way you can offend empire blue cross even three napastnikw. Tasers will be effective even at obezwadnianiu animals, KTRE attack interweniujcego empire blue cross policeman. The point is, Eby this shot to fast and efficient - said the head of the National Police Headquarters. Dziaoszyski read the wider use taserw during a visit to the United States, empire blue cross where he is talking to the FBI. - They showed me videos related to the retention of hazardous przestpcw, ktrzy were on drugs, they were totally insensitive and activities run amok. bro combustible none is unable to stop such czowieka. Although postrzaw such a person is able to continue to keep of attacking and poses a threat - Dziaoszyski said. - Taser gun has advantages over paln wrnych okolicznociach. empire blue cross Happen when a person alcohol, drugs or the rnych blends KTRE in a frenzy to attack officers. Taser in such situations is an effective element wspomoenia officer, which may be physically sabszy the attack - emphasize the chief of police. Want to know more and faster? pull our application LIVE Android empire blue cross | Windows Phone | iOS
See also In a court of law: The police chief did not ride a cruiser on prostitutes [ONLY HERE] Policeman Raony Taser. Police looking for two men with BMW RMF FM: Mariusz T. asks for protection, because nakonia empire blue cross it to the police empire blue cross To beaten, kicked, Raony stun gun at the police. Policjantw dostao drinking allegations
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