Foreword authorization protocols: the article remained without effect. Hundreds of comments, most of them quite hysterically trying to explain why their swinish stinginess is actually the norm. Since tax policy (after all neamokestinami tips! - That is, they show practically nedavėjai citizenship) - up already heard: a bad job, through low income, there is no such tradition, and the very best - let greedy employer pays, toad, not my business here.
I liked some kind of commentator or commentator who has seen me maybe a month ago, pancake house in Vilnius, Castle st., Remembered what I ate (Chicken baby boomer Kiev), remembered my brown crocodile leather baby boomer wallet, and wrote that it is I myself have left a tip here and now what I explain. That is what I was thinking, if I left too little (LTL 3.50, because I have a good memory for such useless information) and writes a waitress here, which was expecting more (as visitors from another table and left the amount of the check could not see), or the next generation certainly to be expected, as someone has written that saw me on the beach drunken firing of the homeless dogs from a pneumatic gun. In short this is a publicity price.
You think that now that you've started to write good things about Lithuania and Lithuanians, and only so trill? Would like. I'm not certain I returned from Britain and not to įsitryniau to the media in a row, that all of you here glostyčiau by a hair's breadth and kasyčiau paausius. baby boomer It will not. Now paburbėsiu. We Lithuanians are where a lot of good, in some places - great and fantastic, baby boomer but there are areas where we are completely unbearable. One of those in our national baby boomer traits, from which brings me to the air, the Lithuanian stinginess.
Originated from the best motives. Lithuanians are thrifty, are reluctant to borrow (it seems to us that in good times we borrowed too much, but in fact skolinomės very modestly, mainly apartment or car, and the crisis we Tvoja earlier than that time we get bogged down in the score to a few), but now it appears , even after the recession we have more savings than before užeinant downturn.
That is good. This stems from our peasant consciousness and values, which are correct. They formed the climate and history (the stock was not able to devote the winter, the spring does not receive), and who can say that it's bad: a viewer, and I, myself, have a backup on the body accumulates layer and without any anxiety, yet another crisis if such užgriūtų.
However, with a cost concerns and the ugly brother. Stinginess, which is one of our nepatraukliausių features. Lithuanian language baby boomer endlessly generous and ingenious avarice described, and we are proud of him secretly, and generous behavior we raise suspicion. We feel uncomfortable in addition baby boomer to what generous leave a tip for us, because there krebždanti fear that perhaps this man knows and understands something that we do not understand. baby boomer
Now, on a tip. I refer to the verified information, because inspection of restaurants in the capital and other settlements - one of my classes return to Lithuania, and the results sooner or later sužaliuos and bloom on the Internet. But I am not talking baby boomer about it. I am talking about the tip.
First of all, the name incorrectly programmed by us. Word, brought along from the Russian "čajevyje" what we like and whispers that their culture in general we did not have a lot of experience to pay for the service. Word displays the tea, which is usually (with the possible baby boomer exception pižonų seen very rare and exotic teas, collected blind dwarfs South American mountain thicket and dried moonlight baby boomer direct sunlight - such keen and I) are by far the cheapest drink on the menu around.
The best - no sugar, if it runs for a separate fee, as it is sometimes very greedy owners of pubs (strange that cheap canteen, where the potato baby boomer pancake is not be sour, is a major indignation, but the poor Irish airline, where you would not - if only they administer our dining room - not only sour cream, but also plates, chairs or a fork, is a general admiration).
No, dear, is not so. The tip nothing to do with the tea does not, and 20 or 50 cents is not gratuities. The coin - only brown your miserable avarice mirror in which we look at only see his pig snout, if the coin would not be of worn and has no shine. It's now even the snout is not what you show.
According to the catering staff and material incentives law relevant legal acts normal and acceptable tips Republic of Lithuania consists of 10 per cent. 15 - If you liked.
For those who quite poorly in mathematics, explain: if pravalgote 200 litas must waiters (or waiter) leave at least 20. If you do not leave, you should be ashamed to say the least, if you are familiar with the feeling.
And do not pinch me start here on the fact that "depends tips for good service." Miser
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