The HR Nicholls Society has previous raised concerns about the use of superannuation frugal living nw funds to advance the union agenda with a special commissioned report by Barry Rafe on anti-competitive superannuation requirements in the Fair Work Australia Act and a presentation at our last conference by Paul Fletcher MP on superannuation being used to expand union power and influence.
Some of Australia’s biggest industry superannuation outfits are using member funds to quietly bankroll a new online news venture guided by Crikey backer Eric Beecher, with plans to promote the venture frugal living nw to their millions of members… The industry super funds ploughing $3 million into the venture include AustralianSuper, the country’s biggest superannuation fund, United Super, the trustee of construction industry fund Cbus, and Industry Super Holdings, a company that owns various industry fund entities…
Several Labor, union, media and industry fund identities including industry funds stalwart Garry Weaven, former Victorian premier Steve Bracks are believed to be, or have recently been, connected to the venture.
Documents lodged with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission show that The New Daily’s owners are AustralianSuper, United Super and Industry Super Holdings, with each holding 2 million of the company’s 6 million shares. The documents frugal living nw show the owners paid a combined $3 million for their shares.
As Andrew Bolt rightly notes : “ Surely this is a highly inappropriate use of the superannuation funds of union members, especially frugal living nw when the market for on-line Leftist journalism is now so very, very crowded:” The growing use of superannuation fund monies to fund far-left activism is surely further evidence that a review of the system is desperately needed.
I understand that the taxpayer owned and funded ABC is contributing “in kind” with editorial material and content to this publication. frugal living nw Can someone tell me where in the Charter of the ABC this is permitted?
I dare say the holders of these superannuation accounts will not be pleased that THEIR retirement money is used to sponsor frugal living nw political causes without consent or possibility of a profit. It is clearly a misuse of the funds which would have to be in contravention of the guidelines. The trustees who authorized this are clearly guilty of unlawful activity. This should be a cut and dried affair. frugal living nw
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