Friday, December 27, 2013

Virgin Trying to manage events, of course, my frugal adventures there is nothing wrong. But today i

Under the guidance of the District Governor of Burgas Pavel Marinov of 19.12. 2013 in the building of the regional administration Burgas workshop was held to find a quick and effective way out of the crisis in Bourgas Shipyard and overcome the tension among the dismissed employees of the company, the press office of District Administration. The work of the meeting was attended by the Executive Director Deyan Djankov and authorized representatives of the new owners of the shipyard, and authorized representatives of the dismissed workers. The meeting was attended by the Mayor of Burgas Dimitar Nikolov, deputy governors Usain Mehmed Evgeni Vrabchev Municipal Ombudsman Burgas Tanyo Atanasov and heads of state structures in the area - Milen Dimitrov, director of District Police Directorate - Burgas Encho Jekov Director of the Regional Social Security - Burgas and Vaskov Pavlin, director of "Inspection of Labour" - Burgas.
In the presence of so many state and municipal factors my frugal adventures responsible my frugal adventures parties agreed the new owners of the company primarily my frugal adventures immediately provide my frugal adventures a minimum payment amount my frugal adventures to a salary of redundancies to enable their families to meet the New Year holidays.
On behalf of the new owners authorized representatives said they have already taken the necessary legal steps to declare the company bankrupt, which will ensure full payment of all amounts due to pay the dismissed workers and officers of the guarantee fund of the state in such cases.
Authorized representatives of the owners my frugal adventures said that despite the extremely difficult my frugal adventures economic situation, they have the intention from March 2014 to initiate action to restore the activity of the company and the resumption of the primary and activity, namely shipbuilding.
12/27/2013 my frugal adventures
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19/12/2013 Comment
At the invitation of the Governor of Burgas Pavel Marinov in visiting Turkish Commerce and Industry ... See more
Found the perpetrator of a series of thefts in Pomorie my frugal adventures
22/12/2013 Comment
Pomorie Municipality: Provide access technique for the realization of the bike lane! 07.06.2013 | 68 comments
Pomorie Burgas theft GERB Coalition for Bulgaria Nessebar exhibition Police Kableshkovo GERD Dimtcho Mihalevski Aheloi fire football Parliament BSP Pomorie Municipality EVN Bulgaria Oresharski elections Boyko Borisov Festival Ivan Alexiev accident protests
News by Dates
Aries gestured to a stranger or someone in trouble. Thus it will do something useful, yet you will be proud of yourself, and do not approaching New Year, you can afford something unusual. Back to all zodiac my frugal adventures signs
Taurus little tense you feel today. There may be sudden changes in mood. Your thoughts today will be occupied by the new object of your feelings, but how long you these erratic my frugal adventures moods. Back to all zodiac signs
Gemini Maybe you have to be missing out on something you value, in the name of love. Think carefully whether it is worth the sacrifice, not to repent later. Do not act impulsively, you should consider more seriously this case. Back to all zodiac signs
Cancer Today will not do any of the standard my frugal adventures ways of action. You need to be more creative, be creative. Initiated a warming of relations with people that have hitherto been tense. Back to all zodiac signs
Stephen Leo, day holding the crown of his gratitude not only imenitsite, but the people who honored and respected. Time for family comfort and gossip. Share generosity and hospitality with more people. Made a great reality. Back to all zodiac signs
Virgin Trying to manage events, of course, my frugal adventures there is nothing wrong. But today it is very difficult to happen, so you better not try anyway this week is festive. my frugal adventures Back to all zodiac signs
Scales are possible conflicts due to the irresponsibility and self-confidence of those from whom you expect efficiency. Timely measures will help you avoid the treacherous cold. Back to all zodiac signs
Scorpio Today obligations will not inspire much. You will not want to leave you can sit undisturbed at home so to make

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