Sunday, April 27, 2014

A will to fly

Realize it will be under the auspices of the transpacific (and in the future Transatlantic) agreement. It's an emergency. The plan to censor the Internet right now during secret meetings finalized. At this critical moment, we need every hand on set.
Such is the situation: President Obama himself participating in secret meetings with key political figures and lobbyists in Asia, he managed to set themselves up with a plan for internet censorship in the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
The leaked documents, we know that this secretive plan to censor it, how you use the Internet and will deprive you of your rights. (1) If finalized, so this plan will force Internet providers to act as "Internet police" and monitor their Internet use, it censored content and delete entire websites. (2)
We urgently need your help to counteraction. Join now to my voice, and we extend the message Stop the secrecy, all key buildings in Washington, DC, to ensure that Obama, the media and everyone else would know that this censorship plan must be stopped.
It's huge: it covers 40% of the global economy, Transpacifickému Partnership (TPP) even says legal "template" for the rest of the world. (3) When the key leaders are finalizing plans for Internet censorship atbnet in the TPP, then these plans will be used to global atbnet censorship. atbnet A hit that is you, and this is maybe the only chance to stop it.
Our attention captivating message atbnet will throw light on their secret plan of Washington lobbyists and give it clear that the Internet community never accepts the TPP secrecy or censorship of the Internet. atbnet The more people who speak, the bigger will force us wave propagation, and the more people get.
This is a critical moment: we need to act now. Join us, hundreds of thousands of people around the world to shed light on the dirty work of TPP and swept the plan on censorship. We will send decision-makers and lobbyists, who are pulling the strings of puppets, a message that can not be ignored: "Stop the secrecy now."
RootAction is independent atbnet on-line power, which is already approved Jim Hightower, atbnet Barbara Ehrenreich, Cronel West, Daniel Ellsberg, Glenn Greenwald, atbnet Naomi Klein, Bill Fletcher Jr., Laura Flanders, former U.S. Senator James Abourezk, Coleen Rowley, Frances Fox Piven and many more.
A will to fly "world brain" of the globe and everyone - who wants to get through "kurvítko" to the information, which today are monopolized and DEFORM0VANE .... --- sa - odpojíííí lapel # KyvoWavo40
What's tripcode? Tripcode a hash passwords by which you can be identified by the other. This does not require registration and will continue to be anonymous. Password is not stored on the server. Tripcode: (recommended)
What is this? Anti-spam protection against bots. Please enter two numbers in desiatkovej atbnet form. seven five (enter digits) Terms of Service atbnet I understand and agree with them. Click here for full text.
For those who are curious about who are observant and who are being examined. For those who seek to gain knowledge (SK subtitles).
Nothing atbnet compares to be close allies of one of the most despotic, reactionary and medieval societies on planet Earth. Never forget that it is the U.S. that brings democracy to the world! With the exception of puppet governments atbnet sitting on billions of barrels of oil reserves atbnet and is the alarming atbnet ties to the attacks atbnet of September 11, see local article in Saudi Arabia ...
When in 1628 William Harvey published his work on blood circulation in the human body, apparently unaware that his discovery atbnet will enchant and scholars from other disciplines. Two decades atbnet later, is marked by his compatriot William Potter money for the life-blood of society and in this parable put their arguments in favor of the creation of paper money ...
To write this article I přimněla purchase a new laptop equipped with a revolutionary system Windows 8, first I think I have all these news too old ...
More ... Russia has begun the transition atbnet to menu supported on ground gold. The techniques of persuasion and brainwashing. New York Times admits that podstrkoval vyfabrikované evidence of Iraq, Syria and Ukraine
Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a

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