Monday, April 28, 2014

Sprva property vrznch podobch existed since chvle where Catches owned real estate. In chvli when we

TZB-info / Facility Management / DRBA building condition qrops survey and passports pi sprva Property Date: November 18, 2013 | Author: qrops Ing. Eva Bernkov, Faculty qrops of Civil VB-TU Ostrava | Reviewer: doc. Ing. Frantiek Kuda, PhD, Faculty of Civil VB-TU Ostrava
The process passportization, ili process separate collection of information and passport, is one of the activities zkladnch pi sprva property. In this lnku is soustedna attention to the information retrieval and passports, which, as dleit nstroj for sprva property eviduj its technical condition and serve as a basis for plnovn dalch process prodluujc life of a main uitek.
Sprva property vrznch podobch existed since chvle where Catches owned real estate. In chvli when we Zaal pemlet of real estate as an asset (about 70 vzpadnch zemch LTA) and Zaal eit its physical state and prodlouen uitku znj, send and sprva property dynamically rozvjet to mtek as znme today.
Jednmz klovch nstroj pi sprva property and the rumor is undoubtedly passportisation. Passportization, as the process zskvn stavebntechnickm information on the condition of the property, the holder of zkladnch information about real estate. For owners and sprvce property is one zdleitch nstroj pizskvn information about the property pi een gossip, renewal, modernization or pizskvn information about the features and vmrch and Jinchi technickoekonomickch parameters. Vvoj passportization
Vlda Czechoslovak Republic uloila rounds conducted a condition survey vyhodnocovn bytovho property in 1970 resolution. 136, O opatench to postupnmu reduction shall sweat demolition spojench with new investin vstavbou. Introduction of mandatory condition survey for businesses qrops bytovho hospodstv, which managed the known st bytovho fund, watched from the outside hospodrnosti pi vynakldn financial qrops nch agents to repair bytovho Fund.
The zajitn this round was in 1971, Second Edition Methodology for Leadership and processing plant passport qrops dom and apartment pichzely in weight to modernize and kritria vbru apartment and house urench for disposal.
The result passportization MLY slouit for plnovn renovation and demolition of houses qrops and apartment as a base to plnovn necessary, of materials, zaizovac ch subject and zajitn potebnch stavebnch capacities. The condition survey for the period during which the zpracovv, Prole uritmvvojem what extent tk sledovanch elements qrops on jednotlivch druzch passport. Basis for the Base vpoet necessary, repair qrops houses and apartments were technical data stated in the forms Passport house, apartment Passport and Passport nebytovho space. [1, 2]
The condition survey is poadovna Simultaneously legislation valid in R only breed hospodskch invite, but nen vyadovna dnmzkonem in ostatnch areas. It is only doporuovanmnstrojem sprva property.
Sprva housing means for kadhi sprvce need to consistently peo this property. qrops The effective vyuvn nemovitho property (bytovch dom, administrativnch buildings, etc.) with the aim of zlepovn took his technickho zazen and equipped but also its status technickho A requires dslednou records. Passportisation property is technically doloenho poznn forms the basis for their stavebntechnickho state. Assuming for sprvn application pispv passportization substantial manner to a hospodrnosti The maximum efficiency during operation and sprva this property. Kad vlastnk stavebnho me therefore an object of the Base passportization zskat necessary information, such as nap. The need for optimal correction vi neglect of minulch years FINANCIAL vyjden imrnch jednotkch, optimal ron necessary, qrops corrections under jednotlivch konstruknch elements,'s proposals for disposal of neglect by dleitosti for shows, evaluated qrops object pi rozhodovn of the sale, demolition, modernization and reconstruction etc.
Napklad nmeck Federal Ministry for Transport, Building and Housing vstavbu commissioned study entitled Akta house doporuujc uchovvn and sousteovn basis on nov poizovanch stavebnch objects. Simultaneously with the document Akta house was doporueno zavst (such as bites) the Pas object for new buildings and houses. Pas nejdleitj contains data on buildings and create yo transparently proposed are an overview of the design, construction, implementation object. Single structure Uma porovnn vcnch nleitost. Document Files house is Lenn: I st project documentation and documentation propel an object, the object UVN st II, III st contractual documentation.
Passportisation ZSTV one of zkladnch nstroj finannho plnovn renewal and improvement of buildings, merges zejmna to: economic balance and profitability of the object; of requirements for investments and repairs; plnovn and optimization vynaloench nklad on rumor and renewal; The processing energetickho pr

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