Friday, August 15, 2014

WHAT MAKES OUR RIGHTS European health insurance cards when traveling in a Member State of the EU? F

WHAT MAKES OUR RIGHTS European health insurance cards when traveling in a Member State of the EU? Following information is posted on the website of the Bulgarian National Health Insurance Fund. Always keep in mind that this is sensitive information. Each Member money management State may at any time make changes that are not reflected here.
Examination and treatment with a doctor / dentist If necessary ea ce contact a healthcare provider authorized to provide medical money management services at the expense of health insurance in low residence your institution. B such case, treatment is free.
BELGIUM Health institution no place na stay: Local units of the Fund for health u Disability osigyryavane - Caisse auxiliaire dassurance maladie-invaliditё / Hulpas voor Ziekte-en lnvaliditeitsverzekering, or units of local health funds - Mutualitё / Ziekenfonds.
Examination and treatment with a doctor / dentist treatment initially paid. To obtain reimbursement (75 percent of the contracted money management rate) must submit to iэdadenite faktyri chosen osigyritelna competent institution in Belgium.
Hospitalization for hospitalization must submit to the Belgian institution osigyritelna direction issued money management by the doctor and his EHIC. Provided a payment for hospitalization and medication, as well as one-time fee.
If your temporary disability certificate money management is issued for temporary disability (certificat d'arret de travail), must, within three days to submit to the competent institution osigyritelna in Belgium, which will examine. The second copy of the certificate shall be provided to your employer after returning to Bulgaria.
UK: Health institution of the place of stay National Health Service (NHS). Department for Work and Pensions and Overseas Benefits money management Directorate: Tyneview Park, Whitley Road, Benton, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE 98 1 BA, tel .: 0191 218 77 77
Examination and treatment with a doctor / dentist treatment money management is free doctors from the system of NHS. Addresses of the health care providers can be found on the Internet: Provide information and local health services: England: PrimaryCareTrusts (PCT); Scotland: National Health 5ervice Boards; Wales: Local Health Boards; Northern Ireland: Health and Social Services Boards. You should refer to these services and if the doctor the NHS refuse to examine you or heal. Addresses health services will also get the police in public money management libraries money management (public library) ulu between 10.00 and 17.00. Following coordinates: England / Wales - tel .: 08,454,647; in Northern Ireland, money management tel.: 02890324431; Scotland - phone .: 08454242424. Prior to treatment you must make sure that it is done within the system NHS. When dental care is provided for an extra charge.
Temporary disability must ask the doctor to issue a certificate of temporary disability and a copy of it to send immediately to the following address: UK: Department for Work and Pensions lnternational Pension Centre, Tyneview Park, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE 981 BA; in Northern Ireland: money management Social money management SecurityAgency Castle Court, RoyalAvenue, Belfast, BT 1 1 5B.
(Gibraltar (overseas territory of the UK) Upon presentation money management of the EHIC treatment Health tsentyr Casemates e free. It goes into hospital for treatment St. Bernards. Envisaged money management that payment for treatment and medicines.)
GERMANY: Health insurance institution of the place of stay Health money management Fund of your choice (Krankenkasse). These are: Allgemeine money management Ortskrankenkasse (AOK), Betriebskrankenkasse (BKK), Ersatzkasse (eg. CENTURY, DAK, TK), lnnungskrankenkasse (IKK) and others.
Examination and treatment doctors / If necessary, contact your medical care provider money management authorized to provide medical services at the expense of security money management institytsiya in your residence. During the first visit to the doctor money management / dentist pay a fee quarter. If you get a referral for a specialist doctor must submit the doctor bills already paid a fee not to pay again.
Medicinal drugs are produced in pharmacies - prescription. The patient takes 10 percent of the cost (minimum 5, 10 and a maximum of not more than actual costs). Persons under the age of 18 are exempt from the surcharge.
For hospitalization hospitalization need a direction issued money management by a doctor. money management In an emergency you can contact directly to the hospital by submitting your EHIC. You should consult the hospital to contact your chosen health fund for reimbursement. Patient charges for hospital stay (maximum of 28 days a year). Persons under the age of 18 are exempt from the fee.
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