Wednesday, December 31, 2014

12.22.2014 / 19:46

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12.22.2014 / 19:46
12.22.2014 / 18:46
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Thursday, December 25, 2014

The ex-trader has obtained, against the advice of prosecutors, a penalty development and is expecte

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The baby of "Teletubbies" out of the shadows 19 years later 2014-12-24 6:11:56 p.m. Nabilla is back on Twitter 2014-12-25 9:31:52 In Angouleme, anti-SDF fencing moneywiz installed by the city are controversial 2014-12-25 3:07:01 How does one wish "Merry Christmas" in all the countries of Europe 2014-12-24 1:52:04 "The Interview" is now available online in the United States 2014-12-24 1:04:41 p.m. This puppy starts dancing on seeing his master 2014-12-25 6:12:15 What happens when $ 2 million fall on the floor 2014-12-25 2:15:58 Bingo government to shine at Christmas dinner moneywiz ... 2014-12-24 1:26:12 p.m. Check out the first photos of their twins, Gabriella and Jacques 2014-12-23 13 : 27: 07 New York addresses a problem that the French are also experiencing 2014-12-23 2:17:49 p.m. His wife will be entitled to a beautiful b (l) ague for Christmas 2014-12-24 5:01: 10 Even at Christmas, Rihanna is not like everyone else 2014-12-24 12:03:48 The moving letter for tolerance of a little boy in Santa Claus 2014-12-25 6:19:04 moneywiz "The Interview "does not convince critics but a hit 2014-12-25 4:52:47 What men really observed in a female first date 2014-12-25 3:23:56 Previous Story Next Story
JUSTICE - symbol of the excesses of finance he denounces today, Kerviel was released on Monday, September 8 from prison. He will finish under electronic bracelet the sentence to which he was sentenced for causing 4.9 billion moneywiz loss at Societe Generale. More than 11,000 prisoners in France have an electronic wrist placement.
The ex-trader has obtained, against the advice of prosecutors, a penalty development and is expected to leave in the morning the prison of Fleury-Merogis (Essonne) moneywiz to go get put an electronic bracelet at the insertion and probation service . A control unit will be installed at his home that will enable prison services to verify that it complies moneywiz with its output schedules, since the condemned remains technically "sub-nut".
Jerome Kerviel, which will be used as a consultant in a consulting business systems and software where he worked between 2008 and 2010, allowed out from 7am to 20:30 Monday to Friday and complete freedom of movement the week- weekends and holidays. He will be required to maintain its electronic bracelet until 26 June 2015, when he will benefit if there were no incidents of a conditional release, a judicial source.
The electronic wrist imprisoned convicts are considered, but perform their sentences not held. They were to 1 August 10,856 under electronic surveillance penalty layout, and 591 investment in late penalty bracelet. The detainees were on the same date to the number of 67,070, with a prison occupancy rate of 116.6%. moneywiz
The sentences of less than two years in prison - one year for subsequent offenses - are subject to a mandatory review of possible incarceration before planning measures, longer in detention thresholds moneywiz defined by the Code of Criminal Procedure . Electronic monitoring is done through a "bracelet", placed at the ankle. It can hide under the pants and it is possible to shower or go burglar stores with porticos.
A fixed housing is installed by the probation service and the prison administration insertion (SPIP) at the home of convicted set with hours outlets moneywiz authorized by the judge. If the convicted and bracelet are not connected to the database at scheduled an alarm is automatically sent to SPIP and a probation officer contacts the convicted and the sentence enforcement judge (JAP). In the event of breach, the JAP may decide sanctions, up to return to prison.
In March, the Court of Cassation, the highest French court, confirmed Kerviel prison sentence but set aside 4.9 billion in damages to which he was sentenced, considering that the "negligence" of the bank had contributed to "fraud and financial consequences." This component will prochainemen

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Eight amazing things (and scientifically proven) to a wedding last 0 Eight tips against waste at Ch

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Eight amazing things (and scientifically proven) to a wedding last 0 Eight tips against waste at Christmas September 4 good reasons to play sports in winter 0 Christmas Wines without killing the portfolio 0 How technology affects air nothing, your body and mind to 2GB C'est La Vie
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How does one wish "Merry Christmas" in all the countries of Europe 2014-12-24 1:52:04 Check out the first photos of their twins, Gabriella and Jacques 2014-12-23 1:27:07 p.m. This dog followed relentlessly ambulance carrying his master at 2014-12-23 3:37:33 p.m. Maxime hospital, 27: "I finger on the limits of Pole Emploi" 2014-12-24 07: 4:57 The baby of "Teletubbies" out of the shadows 19 years later 2014-12-24 6:11:56 p.m. New York addresses a problem that the French are also experiencing 2014-12-23 2:17 p.m.: 49 JK Rowling does not include the success of this character with girls 2014-12-23 8:46:12 His wife will be entitled to a beautiful b (l) ague for Christmas ohio deferred comp 2014-12-24 5:01:10 Korea North off the internet for over nine hours 2014-12-22 3:32:25 p.m. Toxicology tests revealed 2014-12-19 12:11:29 Nabilla Clothes of these super heroines have a special feature in 2014 -12 to 24 2:25:33 A million mummies discovered in an Egyptian ohio deferred comp cemetery? ohio deferred comp 2014-12-19 2:50:23 p.m. The Government of bingo to shine at Christmas dinner ... 2014-12-24 1:26:12 p.m. A round woman makes her photo retouching in 17 countries, the result is surprising 2014- 12-19 11:46:54 Eight amazing things (and scientifically proven) to last for a wedding ohio deferred comp 2014-12-24 6:33:16 Previous Story Next Story
JUSTICE - Former Societe Generale trader Jerome Kerviel, jailed for causing a loss of 4.9 billion euros to his bank, will Thursday if the Court of Appeal of Paris accepts his release under electronic bracelet. ohio deferred comp
Become a symbol of the excesses of global finance, it was finally sentenced in March to five years' imprisonment, three farm and serving his sentence in mid-May in Fleury-Merogis ohio deferred comp in Essonne.
On August 1, he received his placement under electronic bracelet but the prosecution of Evry has appealed the decision by a judge to sentence enforcement (JAP). Before the Court of Appeal on 26 August, the general prosecution requested his detention. Judgment was reserved to September 4.
If rejected, his lawyer, David Koubbi, has already ohio deferred comp announced that he would file another request for release, claiming to have a dozen employers willing to hire his client.
If the Court of Appeal reached by contrast to its request, Jerome Kerviel could quickly get out of jail. In this case, the judgment Thursday specify the date of his release and the conditions related to electronic tagging, said a judicial source.
According to the procedure, if Kerviel is released, it will have to go to a prison service and probation (SPIP) where an electronic bracelet will ask him, before winning his home with a supervisor who will proceed to the setting of the device, said a judge to sentence enforcement. The device notifies remotely by an alarm if the recipient does not meet the constraints or attempts to break it.
The defense of the former trader based his wrist in investment demand on the fact that once deducted trial detention (41 days) and discounts of automatic ohio deferred comp penalties provided by law, Jerome Kerviel could request in July 2015, either half of his sentence, conditional release.
However, Article 723-7 of the Criminal Procedure Code provides a measure of sentence adjustment "can be executed a year before" mid-sentence, allowing the former trader at the request now. Jerome Kerviel presented "a promise of employment in respectable society," said Mr Koubbi, adding that his client also had a flat.
During his judicial route, the former trader, who had played in 2008 of 50 billion market in the name of his bank disguising his positions, ohio deferred comp acknowledged some responsibility before appearing as the victim of a system, accusing ohio deferred comp Societe Generale machination and partiality of Justice.
Supported by figures from the left, as Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Eva Joly, or churchmen like Bishop Jean-Michel di Falco or GB father

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

More about C

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Eight tips against waste at Christmas September 2 good reasons to play sports in winter 0 A Christmas wine without killing the portfolio 0 How technology affects the air of nothing, your body and your mind to 2GB C'est La life
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North Korea off the Internet for more than nine hours 2014-12-22 3:32:25 p.m. Check out the first photos of their twins, Gabriella and Jacques 2014-12-23 1:27:07 p.m. New York attacks charles murray a problem that the French are also experiencing 2014-12-23 2:17:49 charles murray p.m. Five things you do not know (probably) charles murray to Saint Pierre and Miquelon 2014-12-23 6:29:15 The Argentine court orders release this monkey because it is a "person" 2014-12-22 3:29:10 Jacques Chancel died 2014-12-23 3:56:45 This lioness good laugh surfers 2014-12-23 6:28 05 JK Rowling does not include the success of this character with girls 2014-12-23 8:46:12 A pickup truck bearing down on a Christmas market in Nantes, 10 injured, including two seriously 2014-12-22 2:32 p.m.: 00 This dog has relentlessly followed charles murray the ambulance carrying his master in hospital 2014-12-23 3:37:33 p.m. Joe Cocker charles murray singer died at the age of 70 2014-12-22 1:19 p.m.: 57 North Korea was again deprived of internet 2014-12-23 12:13:13 "Deportation" Muslims: Zemmour denounced a "manipulation" 2014-12-18 4:07:43 Addict accidentally, this reporter will not succeed to say his text 2014-12-23 8:58:30 A round woman makes her photo retouching in 17 countries, the result is surprising 2014-12-19 11:46:54 Previous Story Next Story
SOCIAL NETWORKS - "When charles murray Dreyfus was falsely accused, there was a debate on the left" to whether to support, launched Mélenchon Saturday's celebration charles murray of Huma, so that he had received charles murray earlier charles murray Jérôme Kerviel, the former trader just out of prison.
This tirade and the presence of the very media-Mélenchon Kerviel duo ignited Twitter, including policies and lawyers. Check out our slideshow below an anthology of reactions, including those of Roger Karoutchi, UMP senator and David Koubbi, the lawyer who defended Jerome Kerviel:
Also on HuffPost:
Societe charles murray Generale (SG) says he was the victim of a "fraud" of 4.9 billion charles murray euros in its financial products called derivatives activities. It accuses its trader Jerome Kerviel of having "concealed positions through elaborate fictitious transactions", puts the foot and makes a complaint.
David Koubbi, Kerviel new lawyer, announces a complaint for fraud judgment and for forgery and use, accusing the SG cuts in recordings of alleged confessions of the trader (ranked no further complaints late October).
The Supreme Court dismissed the appeal. Sentenced to five years in prison, three farm becomes final. It cancels the damages and took on this appeal from the court of Versailles.
He states remain in Italy until the Elysee response and requests that his defense can meet the president of the Republic. The Paris prosecutor charles murray general announced that "at the end of the notice period the police station in Menton" at midnight, it "will be considered a fugitive and a European arrest warrant will be issued." Kerviel crosses charles murray the border at midnight and was immediately arrested.
Jerome Kerviel guest of the Festival "The Huma"
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Faced with his judicial colleagues and columnists riester annoyed by its satisfied smiles, by his e

Edition: en Show / Hide Brasil BR CA Canada Deutschland España DE ES FR France Ελλάδα (Greece) GR India IT IN Italia 日本 (Japan) JP 한국 (Korea) KR MG Maghreb riester United Kingdom UK United States US
Seven good reasons to play sports in winter 0 How to take the shock when the days are so short 12 Eight tips against waste at Christmas 1 Discover riester the phenomenon ASMR, the "brain orgasms" on the web 21 How technology affects the air of nothing, your body and mind to 2GB C'est La Vie
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JUSTICE - "David Koubbi is probably one of the greatest collectors from Europe love letters," says the book's back cover published by Jerome Kerviel's Counsel in 2004. Collector, writer, entrepreneur, producer, amateur riester Boxing, father, handsome, and finally ... a lawyer practicing in Paris.
"There is more Kerviel case, there is a Société Générale case," insisted Monday morning Koubbi me outside the prison of Fleury-Merogis riester (Essonne), where he had come commented on the release of his client, former trader at Societe Generale released in electronic riester bracelet.
Photos of news agencies on the heels go up a smiling lawyer and cuddly, riester with Jerome Kerviel is showing on the terrace of a Parisian cafe. Images that dedicate the victory of David Koubbi, managed to obtain the conditional release of his client, a few months after breaking his sentence to a record fine of 4.9 billion euros, the amount Kerviel would have lost his bank.
Faced with his judicial colleagues and columnists riester annoyed by its satisfied smiles, by his excessive media and methods, David Koubbi feigned riester indifference. "To reach the customer, the shortest way is to target the lawyer," he said to Challenges in June 2012, during the appeal trial of Jerome Kerviel.
But however one feels very annoyed when Olivier Metzner, a lawyer for the former trader riester at trial, said it was poorly defended on appeal. "Having the ego is common among criminal lawyers, but it is not necessary that it be at the expense of the customer," then says the lawyer, who died in March 2013. In an article published by L'Express a few days later, David Koubbi meets these attacks riester violently Tackles the work of his predecessor, "lamentable".
Specialist in media law and labor law, David Koubbi be occupied before the appeal hearing only the right in the image of Jerome Kerviel. The criticism against would therefore only petty criminal lawyers of the famous "tenors of the bar," played by Jean Veil, Hervé Temine, Eric Dupont-Moretti or Olivier Metzner, graying and jealous of the rapid rise of the young Toulousain? The same who refuse him a job when he arrives in Paris after graduating in the early 2000s, a few years before the creation of his cabinet, "October 28", now realize two million sales per year.
In his article published in L'Express, David Koubbi also accuses the press, citing the World journalist Pascale Robert-Diard, who said that "about him, even evil is always talking and it's good for the reputation ".
"The 'journalists (...) always know better than you what concerns you and talk to you (...). So, they make you embody the character they lack in their history. In my case, it is clearly former riester 'dunce', not very classic, big mouth, maker and full of himself, a former riester boxer ... They stick you disqualificatifs adjectives and postures, intentions, they comment on your commitments and do you know what the arrange ... "
It's riester a little surréaliste- riester -some scene retains in June 2012 the attention of critics and fueled the curiosity of others. On the last day of the appeal trial of Jerome Kerviel, David Koubbi riester appears at Paris courthouse between his client and the novelist and journalist Tristan Banon, riester he was the lawyer when she filed a complaint against Strauss-Kahn for attempted rape. "She came back Jerome Kerviel because she knows what it costs him to read atrocities constantly riester repeated (...) It also came to support me because she knew I was exhausted and committed Jerome service Kerviel riester as a year ago, I committed to it, "said David Koubbi in his gallery.
"What annoys, at home, is the arrogance of freedom," said the painter Jean-François Gromaire quoted by Rue89. "He is a man, according to his family, animated by the desire for justice, for

Monday, December 22, 2014

An appeals court judge ruled that the trader, convicted after losing Societe Generale 4.9 billion eu

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FLEURY-MEROGIS, FRANCE tiaa direct (SEPTEMBER 8, 2014) (REUTERS) – French former banker Jerome Kerviel, sentenced in May to three years in jail over trading that lost his bank billions of euros, left prison on Monday morning (September 8) in a deal that will allow him to go home and be monitored by an electronic tag.
“I will continue the fight more than ever, there a lot of battles going on, there’s the appeal in Versailles on September 17, plus the complaints which are already lodged (against Societe Generale) at the financial body of the prosecutor’s office, the fight goes on more than ever, I could even say that it’s starting now,” tiaa direct Kerviel told reporters outside Fleury Merogis tiaa direct jail.
“It’s time today to review the so-called Kerviel case, to see it for what it really is, and to say there is no Kerviel case anymore. Today there is a Societe Generale case. Since 2008 we’ve heard the same old broken record but now it’s finally been switched off by the French justice system which has woken up, has stopped dilly-dallying. Now we’ll have a new record, the Societe Generale record because as you know, our firm has already lodged complaints,” Koubbi said.
An appeals court judge ruled that the trader, convicted after losing Societe Generale 4.9 billion euros in 2008 with a pileup of trades that went wrong, could leave prison only a few months into his sentence, despite opposition from a prosecutor.
Kerviel has fought one legal battle after another against his former tiaa direct employer since the debacle, which came as high-flying bankers fell into disrepute during a financial crisis that sparked the worst global economic downturn since the Great Depression.
He was initially sentenced to five years in jail — tiaa direct two of them suspended — and to a fine of 4.9 billion tiaa direct euros. That was later struck down after an appeal where he and his lawyers had argued that the bank turned a blind eye to his activity.
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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Our crocodilesque tribune used tremolos, will now be able to go ride him a shovel in front of camer

The former Societe Generale trader Jerome Kerviel was released from prison on Monday morning. The Court of Appeal of Paris had been granted on Thursday a sentence adjustment in the form of an electronic bracelet. He spent 150 days behind bars.
The tired, the former trader at Société Générale left the prison in Fleury-Merogis accompanied atb financial by his lawyer David Koubbi shortly after 8:30 Monday morning. atb financial "I'm super happy to get out today, it will be easier for me, my family, to work on the record," said Jerome Kerviel to journalists. "I want to have a normal life ..."
"A scandal continues: he was in jail on charges he denies Cahuzac is free despite the facts that he has confessed," said Jean-Luc Mélenchon reacts to the announcement of the decision. In total, the former trader, became a worldwide symbol of the excesses of finance, will therefore have spent a little more than 150 days, nearly five months behind bars. Finally sentenced in March to five years' atb financial imprisonment, three farms, Jerome Kerviel was serving atb financial his sentence in mid-May in Fleury Merogis (Essonne). He had already performed at the beginning of the investigation 41 days in custody.
The former trader will be under electronic bracelet, his judge enforcement of sentences imposed constraints in agreement with his future professional activity consultant in IT consulting and software company. He will be required to be present at his home Monday to Friday from 8:30 p.m. to 7:00 am. However it retains complete freedom of movement weekends and holidays. Me Koubbi, Kerviel's lawyer, said his client atb financial would spend some of his free time "citizen commitments." The former trader will be required to maintain its electronic bracelet until 26 June 2015, when he will benefit from conditional atb financial release. "It's better than being locked into 9 square meters," said Jerome Kerviel, who must go on Monday in a Paris branch of the insertion and probation (SPIP) atb financial to pose the famous bracelet .
Jerome Kerviel was played in 2008 in the markets of 50 billion on behalf atb financial of his bank by camouflaging its positions. atb financial He acknowledged some responsibility, but mainly aims to present itself as the victim of a system, accusing Societe Generale machination atb financial and partiality of Justice. "There is more Kerviel case, there is a Société Générale case," insisted Monday morning Koubbi me. A criminal investigation was opened in Paris just for fraud and false judgment and forgery in connection with complaints filed by former market operator. He blames Société Générale atb financial have worsened after leaving the losses were attributed to him. Jean-Luc atb financial Mélenchon, "now, the bank must prove the amount of the alleged loss, which she never did. And Christine Lagarde must explain atb financial why it paid, in record time, 1.7 billion euros in the bank without having the proof of such loss. The Kerviel affair is not over. It is the business of the omnipotence of the oligarchy in France.
Our crocodilesque tribune used tremolos, will now be able to go ride him a shovel in front of cameras, to celebrate, atb financial right? I like when the left represents the proletariat. A trader, it's crazy how I identify myself. It's too easy to criticize atb financial the banksters once it has been transferred to life of the band. Shit, and when Kokozy atb financial be transferred UMP pumps shots in the foundation, so it's a hacker grotesque, vulgar and patented, Mélenchonchon cry of injustice and double standard? Jean-Luc STILL need a vacation. Long, very long even. We will survive without him, there is fed up with bullets in the foot that make the FN pub !! It is time to land: publicly defend and noisily a rogue trader, it would be CA, the Left? To kiss Kerviel, in full European atb financial election campaign and to 25 cameras, but not without messing ... It is taken for Jesus, atb financial it tribune? Well, now it multiplies rolls: there are 1 million people who are hungry despite food aid in France, and as they are not more bloodthirsty predators and traders than average, it does There has not even Jean-Luc to make them kiss. Anyway, Marine said thank you: given the election results, I must not be the only one image, widely covered by all media orders, atb financial horrified. "Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity" ... Log in or register to post comments atb financial
When quoting it does good, skin prick & # 0

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"It is people like Jean-Luc (Mélenchon) florida retirement system and Julien (Bayou, spokesman EELV also present) who gave me the gnaque continue in moments of depression," said Jerome Kerviel on arrival the stand of the Left Party (PG) facing a wall of cameras, microphones and cameras.
"It is these people who brought me to life," said Jerome Kerviel stating "we are in a fight that we share, the more regulation." "The return to life is a little complicated," he has also explained reporting no "yet realized." "I had quite a complicated week (...) it is the re-acclimatization to life (...) I relearn to live," he added.
His lawyer David Koubbi also thanked Mélenchon for his "courageous act", "early" in the Kerviel affair which was to "publish an article that disturbed into (his) ranks." "When Dreyfus was falsely accused, there was a debate on the left" to whether to support it, said Jean-Luc Mélenchon.
"Jaurès hesitated. Like me, at first I was a reflex, I hesitated," he said then "I did the same reasoning as the great Jaures." "This is not a trader, this is a man," he told the leader of the Left Party ensuring that "Jerome Kerviel has its place here because it is called the feast of humanity, not the feast of the but left the party Humans. "
Kerviel then left the party of humanity. Symbol of the excesses of finance he denounces today, it was released from prison florida retirement system on Monday to finish under electronic bracelet the sentence to which he was sentenced for causing 4.9 billion florida retirement system loss at Societe Generale.
Will he left a credible alternative florida retirement system to the socialist government in power? Ecologists, deputies PS slingers "mélenchonistes" and communist discuss this weekend for a possible future together at the Festival of Humanity.
Pierre Laurent, florida retirement system national secretary of the PCF, has continued to repeat it in the aisles of the Courneuve Park (Seine-Saint-Denis): he wants to "put in dialogue all the left forces that not identify with government policy. "
"In the current period, it is useful only left we speak," also ensures Jérôme Guedj, florida retirement system President PS General Council of Essonne, "a department where the union of the left work," said the representative of the socialist left.
Around the table also, environmentalists represented by Senator Jean-Vincent Place and David Cormand, Elections Officer. florida retirement system National Secretary of EELV Emmanuelle Cosse is expected for a debate at 16.00. "It's beautiful, it's a sign. It rains on Holland, but here it's nice," said David Cormand smiling. Except that after the photo, "we will have to move to practical work" and "realize" the collated

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Home News Arguments - Educ Program Advocate Pop Who are we? Besides Vu Contact NEWS

Home News Arguments - Educ Program Advocate Pop Who are we? Besides Vu Contact NEWS Jerome Kerviel: all light must be done!
Jerome Kerviel was summoned money week to the police station by Sunday Menton to be incarcerated. Nothing required money week the prosecution to apply the penalty so quickly.
On March 19, the Supreme Court overturned his conviction to pay damages to Societe Generale. A new trial is to take place on this component. This is proof that the accusations of the General Society against Jérôme Kerviel did not take!
Local activists of the Left Party and several national leaders including Alexis Corbiere and Eric Coquerel, national secretaries, money week Jerome Kerviel welcome on his arrival in France. We demand that all light be shed: Kerviel is innocent!
INTERNATIONAL Congratulations to Mr Tabaré Vázquez (Uruguay)
The Left Party, 20-22 rue Doudeauville, 75018 Paris Legal, credits and sources Site

Friday, December 19, 2014

After six years of trying to avoid justice, the prison doors have finally closed on rogue trader Jér

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After six years of trying to avoid justice, the prison doors have finally closed on rogue trader Jérôme Kerviel. But as his tumultuous journey comes to an end, it s difficult to assess the impact of the man s convoluted legacy
To some, Jérôme Kerviel g2 is a modern day Robin Hood a capitalist villain turned socialist crusader. After spending years in the warming glow of his own media circus, the former French trader g2 has established a cult-like fan base that worships him as some sort of people s weapon against g2 financial tyranny.
Yet to most, Kerviel is nothing more than a common, white-collar criminal. From his work station in the back rooms of French powerhouse Société Générale, the junior trader ran up some 50bn in unauthorised trades and by manipulating the system and betting against the odds, Kerviel brought his employer to the brink of destruction. Société Générale nearly sank after reporting losses of 4.9bn , and European markets went into complete and utter disarray. Inevitable calls for justice g2 ensued. Yet the fanatical sideshow that followed has only served to make Kerviel s story all the more extraordinary.
Despite losing appeal after appeal against Société Générale, Kerviel has always insisted he was a victim a man of humble beginnings that had been corrupted by a severely flawed financial system. His former employers scoffed at the very notion; however, his defence has plucked some heartstrings among the French public. Even politicians appear to sympathise with the plight of history s single-largest trade fraudster. Far-left leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon has likened Kerviel to Alfred Dreyfus , the man who suffered France s most famous miscarriage of justice. Meanwhile, at the other end of the spectrum, Front National leader Marine Le Pen has conceded it s a little farfetched to hold just one man accountable for the faults of an entire financial institution. Perhaps it was this muddled base of support that convinced g2 37-year-old Kerviel to seek out Pope Francis in the wake of his convictions, and set off on a long and arduous pilgrimage to imprisonment.
A pat on the back There was likely a time when Jérôme Kerviel wouldn t have relished any degree of notoriety. He was raised in a small town in Brittany, where his mother was a hairdresser and his father was a blacksmith. He attended university g2 in Nantes, and went on to earn a Masters of Finance at Lyon, specialising in organisation and control markets. Kerviel s professors said he was an unremarkable student, kept his head down and did as he was told. Yet because of the university s reputation among French banks for producing great middle and back office traders, Kerviel easily happened g2 upon a junior role at Société Générale in 2000. He was given his first shot in the firm s middle office, where he was handed the relatively mundane g2 task of entering the details of others trades. Yet in doing so, he learned the ins and outs of the firm s computer system including how it could be manipulated.
Yet fraud was hardly the first thing on Kerviel s mind. In his spare time, the backroom employee indulged in hobbies like judo and armchair politics. In 2001, the Mayor of Pont l’Abbé, Thierry Mavic, even convinced Kerviel to stand for a seat on his local municipal council. Kerviel lost the election, and decided to bury himself g2 in work instead. At the time, Société Générale s trading arm was expanding rapidly and Kerviel said he was forced to double his efforts in order to keep up with the young men from better schools. Eventually, he began pulling 18-hour work days, and ended up giving up hobbies like politics and martial arts. Yet his hard work started paying off.
After nearly five years worth of all-nighters, Kerviel was finally promoted to a spot on Société Générale s bustling trading desk, Delta One. The move was huge for Kerviel, but his workload as a junior trader was to be fairly monotonous. Kerviel was instructed to arbitrate small price differences between derivative g2 contracts in order to earn modest amounts g2 of money based on tiny margins. Bosses were alleged to have made quite clear Kerviel wasn t to take bets on market decisions. Yet just a few weeks on the job, Kerviel unknowingly turned heads at the bank by winning big on a small, routine position. After terrorists struck London in July 2007, Kerviel decided to gamble against German insurer Allianz. He got the call right, and brought in a cool (and unexpected) 500,000. Kerviel s supervisors gave the junior trader a rare pat on the back for his win and, according to Kerviel, that

Thursday, December 18, 2014

My husband and i felt really frugality contented When Jordan managed to deal with His basic researc

Before his appeal trial Kerviel complaint against the Company ... Before his appeal, Jerome Kerviel attack Two surveys on the sidelines Illegal trading in court: how much does it cost? the court shall consider the excesses of the trader in 2007 kerviel back in court on appeal back to the court and the hamster conspiracy theory "I was a bit like a hamster in a wheel"
former trader manhandled the second day of his trial "Obviously we are there to make money!" the appeals court back to school evokes conspiracy theory "I am not responsible," the prosecutor launches debate "you could not you put yourself ..." frugality Kerviel was trapped in a media slope "the Kerviel saga goes again" Société Générale had not the means of its ... SocGen frugality on the spot in turn challenging week for the former trader pending the mystery witness the defense always Kerviel frugality drags up short drama "evidence" of "conspiracy" surrendered to the court the defense out of his sleeve a témoin- key - France ... he took advantage frugality of the naivety of his superiors? tensions between the court and the defense tensions between the court and the defense former heads have seen nothing except their ... among mad trader and one man against the defense system goes to the thesis frugality of handling offensive Falters his immediate superior evidenced last week, with arguments and ... five years in prison required appeal, the sentence ... New surprise witness five years in prison on appeal required five years in prison ... required the defense pleads relaxed, response October 24 defense argues frugality the release of the trader defense request for the release imminent Verdict Kerviel ... The former trader learn his fate Wednesday frugality Prison frugality farm as in the first instance? "The verdict of the trial Kerviel night trading rooms in security" Kerviel wrote to members of the Government
Kerviel is preparing for a long "fight" Case jail and Justice prostrate at the foot of the altar of finance ... Kerviel remains in Italy, justice considers "runaway" frugality Michel Sapin "M.Kerviel an offender is sentenced by the French criminal justice "Twelve misconceptions about Kerviel Kerviel case, failure to judicial communication
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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Home News Arguments - Educ Program Advocate Pop Who are we? Besides Vu Contact NEWS

Home News Arguments - Educ Program Advocate Pop Who are we? Besides Vu Contact NEWS Jerome Kerviel is paroled
A scandal continues: he was in prison on charges he denies Cahuzac is free despite the facts that he confessed. Now, the bank must prove the amount of the alleged loss, which she never did. And Christine Lagarde must explain why it paid, in record time, 1.7 billion inter vivos euros in the bank without having the proof of such loss.
RECORDS militaristic drift
The Left Party, 20-22 rue Doudeauville, 75018 Paris Legal, credits and sources Site

Thank you to JL. Mélenchon pointing fingers round the formidable monte which has engaged Societe Ge

Saturday, September 13, 2014
Jerome Kerviel, was greeted Saturday at a World festival by Jean-Luc Mélenchon, "a man who held hands," the former trader "when (he) was the most evil."
Jerome john rogers Kerviel, for one of his first appearance "public" since his release from prison visited a few moments at the Festival of Humanity. Welcomed the stand of the Left Party Kerviel john rogers thanked "the likes of Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Julien Bayou, (spokesman EELV), john rogers also present, who have given me the gnaque continue in moments of allowance ".
"The return to life is a little complicated," he has also explained reporting no "yet realized." "I had quite a complicated week (...) it is the reacclimatisation to life (...) I relearn to live," he added.
His lawyer David Koubbi also thanked Mélenchon for his "courageous act", "early" in the Kerviel affair which was to "publish an article that disturbed into (his) ranks."
"This is not a trader, this is a man," he told the leader of the Left Party ensuring that "Jerome Kerviel has its place here because it is called the Festival of Humanity, not the feast of the but left the party Humans. "
Symbol of the excesses of finance he denounces john rogers today, Kerviel was released john rogers from prison on Monday to finish under electronic bracelet the sentence to which he was sentenced for causing 4.9 billion loss at Societe Generale. Login or register to post comments
Thank you to JL. Mélenchon pointing fingers round the formidable monte which has engaged Societe Generale to recover 1.7 billion (taken from our pockets, thank you Lagarde) without providing any real proof of the reality of its announced losses, 4, 9 billion Kerviel's fault according to the bank. A mechanism exists in France to recover 33% of the announced losses. 1.7 billion went pockets of taxpayers than the bank. Kerviel's guilt makes a big profit: 1.7 billion. Kerviel release (provisional) john rogers the bank-trial to begin. It is a pity that some readers of Humanity, john rogers the largest newspaper Jaurès, even swallow the ultra-liberal propaganda. Login or register to post comments
Mo knows the entourage of J Kerviel, what bothers me is that the PG has excluded one of its members, with the approval of Méluche, john rogers because he took a pot with an opponent right in the Municipal (in a small town). Login or register to post comments
Mélenchon would become one stupid shot, suicidal, senile? Support a trader and invite to the feast of the Huma! Think about a nanosecond if you can before you rejoice! With Kerviel a scapegoat, john rogers the finance trial, CAC40, Christine Lagarde who order of Sarko has paid 1.7 billion Societe Generale (and how to Tapie,), the pro from Holland Fir Tree Valls and master Gattaz! Or make chorus with the powerful and the minions in their pay ... Log in or register to post comments
It becomes long, the moment of madness of our Christ-tribune (make them kiss, this is not a trader -he had to think!). The number one trader guest star of the feast of the Huma, it was daring. "Jerome Kerviel has its place here because [it is] not the party of the left," says chonchon: yes bah okay, we realized john rogers his vision of the festival now! And if I were to say one nice thing about Kerviel? It could have been worse: that good-for nothing could have been irresponsible towards nuclear john rogers orenter (instead of becoming john rogers the symbol of everything that the left hates: a fucking trader) if Kerviel john rogers was engineer say ... Nogent-sur-Marne, Tricastin and Fessenheim, I'm not sure that the fungus john rogers over Western Europe would have finished falling. And now you want a scenario for Hollyhood? Imagine that Boudjadi, instead of finance, has made ... dentist? And then, we do not choose your family, we do not choose our parents, does not prevent Kerviel is like Le Pen: if we add "ovitchstein" at the end, it sounds Jewish. Imagine the impact it would have on the FN vote? Go to: as quoted john rogers another, everything is for the best in this best of all possible worlds. After all, has not YET FdG Kerviel appointed as its candidate for the next election, eh? Ave Maria! PS: @ Humanity's john rogers editorial team: éh guys, instead of serving us this crap on the front page, I now hope to read about the presence john rogers of Daniel Mermet and her team tienn

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

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Finance More: Wall Street Rogue trader Jerome Kerviel Societe jmp General Rogue Trader Jerome Kerviel Loses His Appeal, jmp Faces Prison Time And Huge Fine
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Monday, December 15, 2014

133779 Comments (4)

Dealbreaker Wall Street financial advisor Insider Financial News, Headlines, Commentary and Analysis – Hedge Funds, Private Equity, Banks Editor: Bess Levin Associate Editor: Matt Levine About Dealbreaker | Advertising Search for:
The Saga of SAC The Stevie Files Gasparino: financial advisor Senior Crowbar Correspondent Falcone: The Yet-To-Be Finished Memoirs Starring Jeffrey Gundlach Icahn: From The School Yards Of Queens To Wall Street Love & financial advisor Lamps: When George Soros Met Adriana Ferreyr Bill Gross: The Triple Crown Of Newport Beach
Yes, financial advisor under the terms of his parole he’ll have to follow a curfew but it could’ve been a lot worse (in this case, worse meaning prison and a multi-billion fine, which would’ve taken god-knows-how-many walk-a-thons to pay back).
Mr. Kerviel, who is serving a three-year prison sentence, will have to wear an electronic bracelet when he is freed on Monday, his lawyer, David Koubbi, told reporters. “He will dedicate his free time to social activities,” Mr. Koubbi financial advisor added. The former trader will also have to respect a daily curfew. As part of his conviction, Mr. Kerviel was banned from working in the financial industry. After years of legal proceedings, France’s top court sentenced Mr. Kerviel to a three-year prison sentence earlier this year. In the same ruling, the court overturned an order, imposed on the former trader at an earlier stage, requiring him to pay 4.9 billion ($6.37 billion) in damages.
133779 4 comments J%C3%A9r%C3%B4me+Kerviel%27s+Week+Is+Looking+Up 2014-09-04+21%3A30%3A45 Bess+Levin (hidden to protect delicate sensibilities) Show all comments ↓
133779 Comments (4) J%C3%A9r%C3%B4me+Kerviel%27s+Week+Is+Looking+Up 2014-09-04+21%3A30%3A45 Bess+Levin
Right- just like it's financial advisor not the burglar's fault he robbbed you. You left the door open- he really had no choice. And the moneyt he made from selling your wife's pearls wasn't for his meth habit; it went straight to the orphanage…
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Sunday, December 14, 2014

Kerviel had refused to hand himself over to the French authorities, demanding an audience with Frenc

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Jérôme Kerviel, the French former trader responsible for one of the biggest trade frauds in history, has surrendered to authorities following legat several attempts to avoid his three-year legat jail-sentence legat
Following a two day stand-off with French police, convicted trader Jérôme Kerviel crossed from the Italian border into France and turned himself in to the French legat authorities, minutes before legat a midnight deadline.
I present myself as a free man before the police and French justice, Kerviel announced to a group of reporters and supporters that had followed legat him on the 10 mile journey from Ventimiglia, on the Italian Riviera, to the French town of Menton, where the former trader had been ordered to surrender.
Kerviel was convicted in 2010 for having conducted unauthorised trades to a value of 50bn, while working at Société Générale. He was also ordered to compensate the French bank for the 4.9bn in losses it incurred while unwinding his trades.
Kerviel had refused to hand himself over to the French authorities, demanding an audience with French President François legat Hollande in an attempt to gain a presidential pardon for his three-year prison term.
The trader, who has never denied defrauding trades, has been eager to highlight serious failings legat within the bank. According to Kerviel, his bosses at Société Générale legat were well aware of his fraud, but turned legat a blind eye. This has led the rogue trader to question overall risk management in the finance sector.
Kerviel turned himself in after a Paris state prosecutor said that he would be considered a fugitive and that a European arrest warrant would be issued against him in order to allow for his extradition, if he wouldn t willingly surrender to the French authorities.
So far, Kerviel has lost two appeals of his conviction, but in March the highest court in France, vacated the order that he pay restitution . The court found that the lower court s sentence had failed to fully take into account the weaknesses in Société Générale s risk-management systems at the time of Kerviel legat s illegal trades. Instead, the high court called for a civil trial to determine any damages the trader might have to pay.
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UPDATED: Jérôme Kerviel, the French rogue trader who brought one of Europe's biggest banks to the verge of ruin with nearly 5 billion in losses, left prison on Monday morning after winning conditional release.
"I am super happy to leave today ... I want to rebuild my life. I want to have a normal life with my loved ones, start a family and finally be able to enjoy life," Kerviel told reporters as he left the prison.
He also paid tribute to the prison staff during his isolation in prison and said his time spent behind bars had been in some ways "enriching" and had changed his view of the penal system.
"Today is a day of immense joy for us. Immense joy," said Kerviel's lawyer David Koubbi, who told reporters the "fight" against Kerviel's former employer Societe Generale would continue.
The trader himself said he was ashamed of his former profession and embarked on a two-month trek through Italy to protest the "tyranny of the markets," even winning an audience with Pope Francis.
Kerviel never denied making huge gambles. "My daily existence was about making money for the bank. That was my only objective, at any price, regardless of all moral or ethical considerations," he said before bah calculator he was imprisoned.
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Saturday, December 13, 2014

Kerviel was convicted in 2010 of breach of trust, forgery and entering false data in relation a chai

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French "rogue trader" Jerome Kerviel has left prison martins money after winning conditional release. The ex-trader, who lost French bank Societe Generale billions in risky bets, served just over four months of a three-year sentence.
Kerviel, 37, was released Monday from France's Fleury-Merogis Prison, south of Paris. Under the terms of his release, he must wear an electronic tagging bracelet at all times and stay at home every workday evening.
"I am super happy to leave today ... I want to rebuild my life. I want to have a normal life with my loved ones, start a family and finally be able to enjoy life," Kerviel told reporters as he left the prison.
Kerviel was convicted in 2010 of breach of trust, forgery and entering false data in relation a chain of risky and unauthorized bets that lost French bank Societe Genérale 4.9 billion euros ($7 billion at the time).
As a result of enormous trades on products and gambling martins money on the direction of the market, Kerviel martins money brought Société Genérale to its knees in 2008, on the eve of the worst global economic downturn since the Great Depression in the 1930s. At one point Kerviel wagered as much as 50 billion euros ($66 billion) of the bank's money.
Earlier this year, Kerviel said he was ashamed of his former profession and embarked on a two-month trek from Rome to Paris to protest the "tyranny of the markets," and even won an audience with Pope Francis at the Vatican.
A French court has ordered "rogue trader" Jerome Kerviel to be freed from prison on probation, martins money four months into his three-year sentence. The ex-trader martins money lost one of Europe's biggest banks almost 5 billion euros. (04.09.2014)  
Convicted rogue trader Jerome Kerviel, walking back to France to begin his jail term, has stopped on the Italian border. martins money He wants immunity for witnesses who may appear in court on his behalf. (17.05.2014)  
Date 08.09.2014 Keywords Jerome Kerviel , trading , France Share Send Facebook Twitter Google+ More Whatsapp Tumblr linkedin stumble martins money Digg reddit Newsvine martins money Feedback : Send us an e-mail. Please include your name and country in your reply. Print Print this page Permalink
A French court has ordered "rogue trader" Jerome Kerviel to be freed from prison on probation, four months into his three-year martins money sentence. The ex-trader lost one of Europe's biggest martins money banks almost 5 billion euros.
Date 08.09.2014 Keywords Jerome martins money Kerviel , trading , France Share Send Facebook Twitter Google+ More Whatsapp Tumblr linkedin stumble Digg reddit Newsvine Send us your feedback. Print Print this page Permalink
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Finance More: Wall Street Soc Gen Jerome Kerviel Rogue trader Rogue Trader Jerome Kerviel Is Getting Out Of Jail After Only 5 Months
AP Images Jerome Kerviel during his pilgrimage to meet the pope earlier this year. SocGen's "rogue trader" Jerome Kerviel is being released from jail early after serving only five months, Bloomberg News reports .
He was sentenced in October 2010 to three years in prison and slapped with a fine of 4.9 billion euros , but had appealed for a new trial. The appeals court in Paris court rejected his appeal earlier this year around the time he was finishing a backpacking pilgrimage to visit the pope .
SocGen's "rogue trader" Jerome Kerviel is being...
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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

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Knowillage is a Canadian company that developed the LEAP or Learning Path program, tool for adaptive learning that can be added to a learning management system, or LMS. LEAP works as an assistant to the teacher can use to customize learning paths for each student in a particular course. LEAP uses language processing and statistics to determine gaps in the set of students' skills and then provides a list of additional content, exercises testament and assessments to help the student to return to the track. These features can be provided by the teacher or searched or open and reliable content collections the internet. The adaptive learning engine Knowillage tracks these sources, analyze, select and suggest the best activities to create custom learning paths for each student. The company, after developing work

In the second half of last year, the consulting firm McKinsey

For some time I have been wanting lohnsteuerhilfeverein to write about this subject here on the blog. A few weeks ago I talked informally with two directors of a US company called Knewton and went back to think about it. This company, which has investors weight, is growing at a fast pace and can enter Brazil at any time. Its founders proposes to deploy lohnsteuerhilfeverein called Adaptive Learning or Adaptive Learning (Adaptive Learning in English) in various types of content for education. But how does that work?
Taking into account that most of the educational processes and educational content lohnsteuerhilfeverein - notes, books, lohnsteuerhilfeverein exercises and presentations - will be scanned, the Adaptive Teaching is based on the analysis of this mass of data to suggest both new learning paths and new forms of education more efficient. For now, the method has been used to make tests or exercises suited to the student as this progresses in the field.
In the future, with the convergence of Adaptive Learning and Data Mining (exploration and analysis of databases), you can explore amazing correlations between learning and content, allowing us to act on both of almost scientific way. To facilitate the adaptability of subjects studied, the contents will always be generated in pieces and in different formats such as text, video and audio.
Imagine, for example, a software monitoring individual performance and comparison lohnsteuerhilfeverein of several students of the same course, semester after semester. This software could easily draw correlations between the grades obtained and the characteristics of the subjects taught (difficulty, format, type of interaction, teacher who taught the subject, class time, etc.), reaching extremely lohnsteuerhilfeverein specific conclusions and even individualized, such as "X students always get a good yield when a subject, regardless of their degree of difficulty, is taught in the morning, through videos and newly trained teachers." As a result of this analysis, the contents would have automatically adapted to the profile of this student.
Another example, simpler but more realistic would be: "Students who have difficulty in this area X of the third year of the course, were generally weak in the proof of the vestibular Y". This would allow the college - and their teachers - to prepare lohnsteuerhilfeverein beforehand to care for low-income students that proof Y vestibular, long before lohnsteuerhilfeverein they reach the third year. In fact, the systems will be ready to release alerts reports automatically, every time some interesting lohnsteuerhilfeverein correlation is calculated.
And the more you explore it, the more possibilities arise: a course can be done adaptively, a book can be read adaptively or proof can be performed adaptively. And so the "Big Data" expression, which could be translated into Portuguese as "Megadados" or "Great Information lohnsteuerhilfeverein Quantity" conquered space in education debates to describe a new aspect that can not be ignored by training institutions wishing to grow or simply survive in the coming decades of the 21st century.
In the second half of last year, the consulting firm McKinsey & Co published lohnsteuerhilfeverein a short interview on this subject with the founder lohnsteuerhilfeverein of the Khan Academy, Salman Khan (always him!). The interview can be read at this link (in English) and assisted in this video by clicking here.
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