Monday, December 1, 2014

This blog is a continuation raymond james of my old blog with the same title and will deal with dif

This blog is a continuation raymond james of my old blog with the same title and will deal with different subjects, such as psychology and neuroscience, but also of evolution as previously, a bit of philosophy from time to time, atheism and religion - and that includes demolish arguments Creationists (and enjoy with them).
At first glance, anyone raymond james with a personality disorder appears to be at a disadvantage, each in their own way. As an example, a patient with borderline raymond james disorder is very moody, very strongly feel the emotions (more than expected according to the situation), has anger management problems, irritability and impulse, need stimulation raymond james - similar to what happens psychopathology in patients with secondary (as neurotic) (1), for example. The borderline woman is the typical angry goat with psychopathic attacks (despite raymond james the emotional empathy level vary and may lie down or not - and often not "used" on a daily basis due to the emotional turmoil of their own - in relates to feelings of compassion raymond james and pity - yes, pity is related to empathic reaction, raymond james but it is the less demanding level due to the distance - and can achieve higher levels of emotional distress against the suffering of others for waste individuals to control (2)), sometimes raymond james with feelings of omnipotence, depressive or manic, the jump of a loving relationship in loving relationship, sometimes just sex in sex (3, 4). What does this have advantageously / adaptive? At first glance, nothing. It is true that not started by one of the best disorders in this respect (at least in my opinion). But it should be noted that even in these patients, raymond james quite a few cases the worst parts do not take the best - become successful, and those suffering from borderline disorder "built" several adaptive defenses that make it more resistant to adversity - for example, narcissistic defenses and devaluation of people for which there is an ambiguity of feelings (4) - and thus more likely than if they let "go down" completely self-esteem and anxiety problems raymond james (compared to people with disorder depressive personality, for example), they reach adulthood (playback) and live longer. Yes, certain personality disorders bring advantage to individuals compared with other personality disorders, and some even beyond raymond james the "normal" or neurotypicals. The example jumping else in sight is the primary raymond james psychopath (although the level of adaptive value is also extended to the narcissistic antisocial *): not feel remorse, do not establish emotional ties, or relate only to a superficial level, often feel little or no empathy for others (do not feel bad as them, or for them, or compassion), have emotional deficit. It is also promiscuous, narcissistic, self-centered, impulsive, manipulative, pathological liar, deceives others with their superficial charm, have difficulty raymond james learning raymond james from mistakes, can be characterized as "amoral" raymond james and suffer from boredom, requiring raymond james stimulation. Barely tolerate frustration, getting angry and is vindictive. There is a test (professional) of psychopathy and antisocial raymond james personality disorder (which psychopathy raymond james is considered a subtype) in which these characteristics are classified by the patient (accompanied by a professional) with the numbers 0 (not applicable) 2 (applies) and 1 (applies less for other characteristics) (5). If to this we associate an intelligence at least a little above average, we have someone who has ease of taking controversial decisions (especially morally controversial), has easily (especially moral, too) in deceiving others to achieve their goals, self-esteem which probably value the image and social position (which depends greatly upon the profession), and having raymond james enough intelligence turn out to be at least reasonably achieved. When the general public (lay) think of psychopathy, have most likely view a murderer, usually in series, or at least a criminal hopeless, that ends up dead or in prison for a long time due to its representation on television, in the movies and to the literature. But, depending on the intellectual abilities of each, psychopaths can be doctors, lawyers, bankers, economists, businessmen, or have a job that at least sustain them. In evolutionary terms, a psychopath (mainly male psychopath) raymond james has a good chance to reproduce (is promiscuous, but little emotional, can use its superficial charm, easy to lie, deceive and manipulate to get partner) and has more likely to give up to participate in the education of their children, leaving them with the partner and therefore less cost to himself. Can often get to the top (ex .: a company), cajoling,

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