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JUSTICE - "David Koubbi is probably one of the greatest collectors from Europe love letters," says the book's back cover published by Jerome Kerviel's Counsel in 2004. Collector, writer, entrepreneur, producer, amateur riester Boxing, father, handsome, and finally ... a lawyer practicing in Paris.
"There is more Kerviel case, there is a Société Générale case," insisted Monday morning Koubbi me outside the prison of Fleury-Merogis riester (Essonne), where he had come commented on the release of his client, former trader at Societe Generale released in electronic riester bracelet.
Photos of news agencies on the heels go up a smiling lawyer and cuddly, riester with Jerome Kerviel is showing on the terrace of a Parisian cafe. Images that dedicate the victory of David Koubbi, managed to obtain the conditional release of his client, a few months after breaking his sentence to a record fine of 4.9 billion euros, the amount Kerviel would have lost his bank.
Faced with his judicial colleagues and columnists riester annoyed by its satisfied smiles, by his excessive media and methods, David Koubbi feigned riester indifference. "To reach the customer, the shortest way is to target the lawyer," he said to Challenges in June 2012, during the appeal trial of Jerome Kerviel.
But however one feels very annoyed when Olivier Metzner, a lawyer for the former trader riester at trial, said it was poorly defended on appeal. "Having the ego is common among criminal lawyers, but it is not necessary that it be at the expense of the customer," then says the lawyer, who died in March 2013. In an article published by L'Express a few days later, David Koubbi meets these attacks riester violently Tackles the work of his predecessor, "lamentable".
Specialist in media law and labor law, David Koubbi be occupied before the appeal hearing only the right in the image of Jerome Kerviel. The criticism against would therefore only petty criminal lawyers of the famous "tenors of the bar," played by Jean Veil, Hervé Temine, Eric Dupont-Moretti or Olivier Metzner, graying and jealous of the rapid rise of the young Toulousain? The same who refuse him a job when he arrives in Paris after graduating in the early 2000s, a few years before the creation of his cabinet, "October 28", now realize two million sales per year.
In his article published in L'Express, David Koubbi also accuses the press, citing the World journalist Pascale Robert-Diard, who said that "about him, even evil is always talking and it's good for the reputation ".
"The 'journalists (...) always know better than you what concerns you and talk to you (...). So, they make you embody the character they lack in their history. In my case, it is clearly former riester 'dunce', not very classic, big mouth, maker and full of himself, a former riester boxer ... They stick you disqualificatifs adjectives and postures, intentions, they comment on your commitments and do you know what the arrange ... "
It's riester a little surréaliste- riester -some scene retains in June 2012 the attention of critics and fueled the curiosity of others. On the last day of the appeal trial of Jerome Kerviel, David Koubbi riester appears at Paris courthouse between his client and the novelist and journalist Tristan Banon, riester he was the lawyer when she filed a complaint against Strauss-Kahn for attempted rape. "She came back Jerome Kerviel because she knows what it costs him to read atrocities constantly riester repeated (...) It also came to support me because she knew I was exhausted and committed Jerome service Kerviel riester as a year ago, I committed to it, "said David Koubbi in his gallery.
"What annoys, at home, is the arrogance of freedom," said the painter Jean-François Gromaire quoted by Rue89. "He is a man, according to his family, animated by the desire for justice, for
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