Grammy Awards 2014 - Best tabs! [VIDEO]
The great Polish composer Witold Lutosawski what not everyone knows, has to his credit as songs written for najmodszych - including also known songs for all children nys retirement rows Tuwim. nys retirement
The celebration of the two creators zaowocoway meeting one of the most interesting Polish jazz vocalists and niezwykego quartet formed by two pianists and two percussionists, known for creative developed traditional music, classical and fine contemporary music interpretation.
Dorothy Mikiewicz and Kwadrofonik nys retirement wzili a workshop Lutosawskiego songs written texts Tuwima and propose their colorful, modern, but realized caoci on acoustic instruments to develop.
Presented at the concert songs, Majka often forms funny, rhyming tales, plays and learn najmodszych, s for them to travel to the magical sounds extracted from several dozen instruments (including al. marimba, xylophone, nys retirement cajonu, nys retirement cymbaów, udu, kalimbas, gongs).
Dorosym concert audience while giving the possibility nys retirement to know the typical Lutosawskiego, modern izoonej harmony, is a throwback to a time when unlimited imagination bya up, and fairy tales always co czyy up well.
The concert program: "Spóniony Sowik", "Dance", "The Game Goes the know", "Small River", "Bird Rumors", "O nys retirement you Tralaliskim", "vegetable", "Hard Cash "," Year and poverty "," kitten ".
Performers: Dorothy Mikiewicz - singing Emilia Sitarz - Bartomiej Wsik piano - piano Magdalena Kordylasiska - percussion Miosz Pkala - percussion Berry Chalciska (Jago VJ) - visuals
Miley Cyrus coveruje Arctic Monkeys! [VIDEO]
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