How an After-Lunch Snooze Almost Cost Her Thousands of Dollars Advantia | Assessors Andorra
Filed under: Retirement , Insurance , Family Money , 401K , 403B , Planning Alamy As I sat through new-employee orientation at my first bona fide, grown-up job, I was certain death by boredom was imminent. I stared at the basket of snacks in the middle of the conference room table, wondering whether anyone would notice if I nabbed another cookie alliancebernstein -- or 10. But when I looked around, I saw my more responsible new colleagues putting pens to papers and signing things. alliancebernstein I looked down at my mini-mountain of documents. Did I want retirement benefits? Umm... No. This brand new college grad wasn't about to sacrifice a single cent of her paycheck, especially not to some suspect " retirement fund " that locked the money away until 2050. When the lady from HR came to collect my papers, I blurted, " I don't want this retirement stuff ," or something equally eloquent. "It's free," she replied, and so I reluctantly signed. Then came the speech about our health insurance options. After straining for a few minutes to interpret foreign words like "premium" and "deductible," my brain shut down. I was covered under my husband's health insurance, so whatever the presenter alliancebernstein had to say didn't matter to me. I stared at my seat-neighbor's laptop screensaver as my eyes began to droop. Her puppy sure is cute. Or maybe that photo came with the computer. Either way, it's a cute puppy. The next thing I knew, the room was emptying, and I gave myself a mental pat on the back for surviving one of the dullest days of my life.
Fast-forward four years to a more responsible, more financially literate me. Those retirement benefits I scoffed at? Thankfully, my husband, Johnny, was wise enough to ask about all those financial information packets that were flooding our mailbox. Now 3 percent of my pretax income automatically goes into a 403(b) -- the equivalent of a 401(k) for people alliancebernstein in public education and nonprofits -- a contribution which is matched by my employer. Add that to the additional 3 percent they contribute alliancebernstein just for kicks, and we're talking thousands of dollars in free money! alliancebernstein And those medical insurance options I so didn't need? Well, I've reversed my initial feelings on those as well. Johnny and I are now on my employer's plan: Not only is the monthly premium alliancebernstein less, but my deductible beats his, too. Once again, thousands saved. Cha-ching! With open enrollment alliancebernstein season in full swing, I welcome the opportunity to ensure I'm making the most of my benefits. alliancebernstein Should I enroll in an FSA ? Is it time to up my 403(b) contributions? How do I designate our new daughter as my secondary alliancebernstein life insurance beneficiary instead of my little sister? (Sorry, Jill -- you can quit plotting our demise.) So the next time you're tempted to yawn your way through a benefits meeting, down another cup of coffee and look alive. The last thing you want to do is leave a bunch of cash on the table next to your puddle of drool. Joanna and Johnny are the writing duo behind , a personal finance blog documenting the joys, pains and realities of living on a budget. Here are a few popular posts from their blog: Our Debt Story He Says/She Says: IKEA Furniture Wait, Are We Poor?
Categoria: 403B , Actualitat , Family Money , Planning Amb l'etiqueta: 401k , advantia , advantia asesor , advantia assessors , advantia alliancebernstein comptabilitat , advantia alliancebernstein contabilidad , andorra , asesor , asesor contable , assessor alliancebernstein , assessor comptable , comptabilitat , comptabilitat andorra , comptable alliancebernstein , consultor , contabilidad , contabilidad Andorra , contable , creacio societats , economia , employee benefits , employer matching funds , first job , fiscal , fiscalidad , fiscalidad andorra , fiscalitat , fiscalitat andorra , flexible alliancebernstein spending accounts , impost de la renda de no residents , impost societats alliancebernstein , impostos andorra , impuesto de la renta de no residentes andorra , impuesto de sociedades andorra , impuestos Andorra , insurance , iva andorra , ley 20/2007 , ley 30/2007 , open enrollment alliancebernstein , retirement , retirement planning , societats anonimes , societats limitades
Repsol alliancebernstein aún cree que YPF vale 5 mil millones de dólares Destacados Hay razones confesables para tener dinero en paraísos fiscales? BME ganó 143,1 millones en 2013, un 5,7% más BBVA compra la startup Simple por 117 millones de dólares 18,68 % de los pisos en venta en Madrid cuestan menos de 100.000 euros After Market: Stocks Rally, S&P 500 Closes alliancebernstein In on Record High
advantia advantia alliancebernstein asesor advantia assessors advantia alliancebernstein comptabilitat advantia contabilidad andorra asesor alliancebernstein asesor contable assessor assessor comptable Bolsa comptabilitat comptabilitat andorra comptable consultor contabilidad contabilidad Andorra contable creacio societats economia Economí a Federal alliancebernstein Reserve Finance alliancebernstein fiscal fiscalidad fiscalidad andorra fiscalitat fiscalitat andorra impost alliancebernstein de la renda de no residents impostos andorra impost societats
Filed under: Retirement , Insurance , Family Money , 401K , 403B , Planning Alamy As I sat through new-employee orientation at my first bona fide, grown-up job, I was certain death by boredom was imminent. I stared at the basket of snacks in the middle of the conference room table, wondering whether anyone would notice if I nabbed another cookie alliancebernstein -- or 10. But when I looked around, I saw my more responsible new colleagues putting pens to papers and signing things. alliancebernstein I looked down at my mini-mountain of documents. Did I want retirement benefits? Umm... No. This brand new college grad wasn't about to sacrifice a single cent of her paycheck, especially not to some suspect " retirement fund " that locked the money away until 2050. When the lady from HR came to collect my papers, I blurted, " I don't want this retirement stuff ," or something equally eloquent. "It's free," she replied, and so I reluctantly signed. Then came the speech about our health insurance options. After straining for a few minutes to interpret foreign words like "premium" and "deductible," my brain shut down. I was covered under my husband's health insurance, so whatever the presenter alliancebernstein had to say didn't matter to me. I stared at my seat-neighbor's laptop screensaver as my eyes began to droop. Her puppy sure is cute. Or maybe that photo came with the computer. Either way, it's a cute puppy. The next thing I knew, the room was emptying, and I gave myself a mental pat on the back for surviving one of the dullest days of my life.
Fast-forward four years to a more responsible, more financially literate me. Those retirement benefits I scoffed at? Thankfully, my husband, Johnny, was wise enough to ask about all those financial information packets that were flooding our mailbox. Now 3 percent of my pretax income automatically goes into a 403(b) -- the equivalent of a 401(k) for people alliancebernstein in public education and nonprofits -- a contribution which is matched by my employer. Add that to the additional 3 percent they contribute alliancebernstein just for kicks, and we're talking thousands of dollars in free money! alliancebernstein And those medical insurance options I so didn't need? Well, I've reversed my initial feelings on those as well. Johnny and I are now on my employer's plan: Not only is the monthly premium alliancebernstein less, but my deductible beats his, too. Once again, thousands saved. Cha-ching! With open enrollment alliancebernstein season in full swing, I welcome the opportunity to ensure I'm making the most of my benefits. alliancebernstein Should I enroll in an FSA ? Is it time to up my 403(b) contributions? How do I designate our new daughter as my secondary alliancebernstein life insurance beneficiary instead of my little sister? (Sorry, Jill -- you can quit plotting our demise.) So the next time you're tempted to yawn your way through a benefits meeting, down another cup of coffee and look alive. The last thing you want to do is leave a bunch of cash on the table next to your puddle of drool. Joanna and Johnny are the writing duo behind , a personal finance blog documenting the joys, pains and realities of living on a budget. Here are a few popular posts from their blog: Our Debt Story He Says/She Says: IKEA Furniture Wait, Are We Poor?
Categoria: 403B , Actualitat , Family Money , Planning Amb l'etiqueta: 401k , advantia , advantia asesor , advantia assessors , advantia alliancebernstein comptabilitat , advantia alliancebernstein contabilidad , andorra , asesor , asesor contable , assessor alliancebernstein , assessor comptable , comptabilitat , comptabilitat andorra , comptable alliancebernstein , consultor , contabilidad , contabilidad Andorra , contable , creacio societats , economia , employee benefits , employer matching funds , first job , fiscal , fiscalidad , fiscalidad andorra , fiscalitat , fiscalitat andorra , flexible alliancebernstein spending accounts , impost de la renda de no residents , impost societats alliancebernstein , impostos andorra , impuesto de la renta de no residentes andorra , impuesto de sociedades andorra , impuestos Andorra , insurance , iva andorra , ley 20/2007 , ley 30/2007 , open enrollment alliancebernstein , retirement , retirement planning , societats anonimes , societats limitades
Repsol alliancebernstein aún cree que YPF vale 5 mil millones de dólares Destacados Hay razones confesables para tener dinero en paraísos fiscales? BME ganó 143,1 millones en 2013, un 5,7% más BBVA compra la startup Simple por 117 millones de dólares 18,68 % de los pisos en venta en Madrid cuestan menos de 100.000 euros After Market: Stocks Rally, S&P 500 Closes alliancebernstein In on Record High
advantia advantia alliancebernstein asesor advantia assessors advantia alliancebernstein comptabilitat advantia contabilidad andorra asesor alliancebernstein asesor contable assessor assessor comptable Bolsa comptabilitat comptabilitat andorra comptable consultor contabilidad contabilidad Andorra contable creacio societats economia Economí a Federal alliancebernstein Reserve Finance alliancebernstein fiscal fiscalidad fiscalidad andorra fiscalitat fiscalitat andorra impost alliancebernstein de la renda de no residents impostos andorra impost societats
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