In its order the Cyprinidae large group; These include most of our native fish as well as worldwide known species. This extensive family originates from southern Asia, from where it expanded its representatives in Africa, money matters Europe and North America. Its original representatives were tropical species. money matters From the tropics, where he still lives most of the carp family, they slowly moved in subtropical and temperate zones, but never live in cold regions. Their characteristic of the pharyngeal money matters teeth - larger or smaller lop protruding into the esophagus; money matters in the jaws rule, have no real teeth.
Cyprinids are generally peaceful fish that like to hang out in flocks. They are ideal aquarium money matters fish for beginners. Most carp are fast swimmers, so we need to edit the largest aquarium, which should not be too overgrown that you can plavaio. Because they are fast swimmers, consume more oxygen, so we have an aquarium money matters well ventilated. Each month, money matters one-third of the water replace with fresh.
Reproduction of carp is quite simple - very little is demanding representatives. Most are satisfied with the water of medium hardness and temperature of 24 to 26 C, but it should be an aquarium in a bright room. Cyprinids deposited eggs in the early hours of the morning; spawning is very vigorous. Parents money matters are real cannibals and the aquarium if not properly equipped, during drstjo eat most of their offspring. It is therefore placed on the bottom of the aquarium keeper or robust round sand, in which stuck tufts of aquatic plants.
During money matters drstjo need peace; male was placed in an aquarium during the day, but only female in the evening, before switching off the light above the aquarium. The male is the more active and keep mating money matters ritual; Whereas before money matters the female money matters get used to the room, it immediately starts the morning to invite spawns. Such spawning will be successful. Many times it is necessary to give the female two males, but this depends on the specific situation and species. Since most of the carp eats the eggs, we drstjo between a pair of carefully observed. From the aquarium we take when we see that they are not prosecuted over the greenery and is separated from the male and female both breathe heavily and are not interested in more for each other. The eggs are seen at the bottom of the aquarium and between plants - are the transparent brownish yellow color. Non-fertilized eggs will soon become white; but because money matters there is no need to despair, because the non-fertilized eggs fertilized seen before. These are usually still so much that we have enough fry to be hatched money matters after two to three days. Because they have enough food fry in a nutrient follicle, money matters a further two to three days remain motionless, attached to the glass of the aquarium or plants, then float. The fry are kept like tetras, only that this family is much less sensitive to food and not fussy. Cyprinidae
2014 (11) April (6) March (1) January (4) 2013 (29) May (19) Family Pantodontidae - metuljarice Family Gasteropelecidae - golšarice Family Hemiodontidae - drobnoustke Family Gyrinocheilidae - praskači Family Callichthydae - Armored Catfish Family Atherinidae - silverside Family Toxotidae - shooters Pantodon Buchholz - metuljarica Family Hemirhamphidae - beaked ščukice Trichogaster money matters trichopterus sumatranus - blue thread ... Family Anabantidae - labyrinth family Tetraodontidae - puffer family Cichlidae - cichlids family Poecilidae - viviparous toothcarps family Cyprinodontidae - drsteči the toothed carp ... family Cobitidae - loach Rod Brachydanio - zebrafish family Cyprinidae - Cyprinidae Brindle drobnoustka - Nannostomus Beckford January (10) 2012 (43) December (7) November (15) October (21)