A day in plant 390 liter aquarium. I made a video showing a few segments of the life of my home bred celestial pearl zebrafish. More than a hundred they enjoy the lush vegetation. Interestingly, in three and a half years since I have them in the aquarium failed to survive even one of their offspring despite the fact that they are relatively easy to reproduce, and it regularly spawn.
These require the zebrafish as a fry very fine food, so a special diet. Here's how it says to them: Reproduction: can not reproduce at high mass as related zebrafish, but lay eggs individually as a species of the genus Trigonostigma selection and drobink genus Sawbwa from Inle Lake. The first type are imported and distributed, ebis known to aquarists in Bolton Museum Aquarium, ebis Pete Liptrot & Paul Dixon in soft water at "Java moss" Taxiphyllum Barbieri. The female is dropped on the session up to 30 eggs, which were developed at a temperature of 24 C within 3 days, in a further 4 days, the fry swim freely and began to eat a standard micro-organisms. You can spawn with a large order of the aquarium, where a lot of moss; every once in awhile mah transferred to a smaller aquarium without fish, snails, etc., where the eggs in peace razvijajajo. Size spawning aquarium from 12-60 l; should only have an internal filter ebis on the sponge. Males begin with a typical spawning dance already in the morning. The females ebis deposited eggs gradually every 2-4 days. Size of eggs: 1.2 to 1.3 mm. The larvae are very dark in color; hatch from the eggs after 50-72 hours. Like most carp larvae stick with adhesive glands on their heads on the basis of (for plants or glass). After 4 days, recorded an air bubble in vzdušni bladder. After 7 days float: first food for fry the first week of different infuzoriji: Euglena, paramecia, ebis kotačniki (golidice) ebis mikročrvički; second week (after 14 to 16 days) until navpliji Artemia and small grindal worms; after one month you can fry the finely ebis already take artificial diets. Some aquarists have reported that they take Artem right after the 4th - 5th day of hydroplaning (depending on the type and size of Artemia)? After 5-6 weeks you can fry move into the aquarium, where his parents. After 10 weeks already reach 1.5 cm and begin orange paint; coloration of adults get 12 weeks. By the way, nice grass you have. Is to get a little something from you? bojkoker@gmail.com Reply Delete
2011 (3) August (1) April (1) Stellar pearl zebrafish (Danio ebis margaritatus) February (1) 2010 (11) November (1) September (2) August (2) July ( 2) June (1) maj (1) February (2) 2009 (3) September (1) March (2)
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