Sunday, March 29, 2015

Females are very fertile - postpone somewhere between 400 and 500 eggs. For this reason, fertilizat

Have a high body and hips pressed, the dark srebrnozelena, the fins are black. The caudal fin is translucent at the back halfway investors edge down the side of a two dark stripes that extend to the abdomen. Cultivation is easy, as it can easily be adapted. They like to stay in the middle of the aquarium, so they need a medium-sized aquarium, which should be quite thick planted with aquatic plants.
Water does not have to prepare, can be used as one tap, which previously boiled. The aquarium put some plants with delicate leaves, which may not extend to the surface investors edge - placed by 5 to 6 cm lower.
Females are very fertile - postpone somewhere between 400 and 500 eggs. For this reason, fertilization somewhat superficial, male fails to father all the eggs. Non-fertilized eggs become white after a few hours, in the next few days, you can settle mold, which may extend to a fertilized egg. Mold growth can be prevented by use of the disinfectant, which is added to the tank where the removed pair.
The eggs are sensitive to light, so the aquarium cover with dark paper. From the fertilized eggs after 24 hours developing larvae after three days of free swimming fry and begin feeding on plankton. Since a large fry, fed at least three times a day.
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