Drsteči the toothcarps are small colorful fish, spread across all continents except Australia. Mainly living public finance in tropical and sub-tropical zones, exceptionally, public finance are also found in temperate, if you allow temperature. For a long time drsteče the toothcarps or as aquarists like to call, "hernias fish" deal with poor relation. Has been expanded is believed that these species are very sensitive and have a short life span, but the findings of the last twenty public finance years thoroughly rebutted. These fish are not really suitable for a common aquarium, but they are very nicely public finance colored and very interesting is their propagation; in some genera and species even unique in the fish world.
It is best that each species grown in specific smaller aquariums (10 to 20 liters) or slightly larger aquariums few related species together. If we decide for these fish, complied with the live food (various larvae of mosquitoes and flies, tubifeksi, worms and water fleas) is a prerequisite for success, because if fed only dry food, it would not be developed. Most require a soft, slightly acidic water, many species live and be successful razmnožuielo in medium hard water. Also, in terms of temperature is not 'too demanding and almost all kinds of feel well at temperatures from 20 to 24 C; excessively high temperatures shorten their life span. Depending on how proliferate, they can be divided into two groups. Fish of the first group deposited their eggs on aquatic plants, which, depending on the type of fish develop public finance Venema to three weeks. For spawning they can be placed overcooked fibrous peat or a small tuft on the one hand tied synthetic fibers. Šop can swim, if you fixate on a piece of cork. The eggs can finger pick of synthetic fibers, as they are already after one day very hard, put them in a special jar or aquarium, where they are bred. Most day-old fish has been such that they can be the very first day fed brine shrimp public finance (Artemia salina). Only representatives of the genus Aplocheilichthys few days need finer plankton food.
Fish from the second public finance group is referred to by seasonal fish, their eggs are deposited in the soft mud (in the aquarium to this end, put boiled crushed peat). public finance There are two ways of depositing eggs on the bottom. In the first case, a pair of floating public finance next to the bottom; female hatched time microcontroller applications by the male immediately fertilizes and the impact of the tail fin get into the soft bottom (peat). This spawns all representatives of the genus talnikov (Nothobranchius) and some of the Genus Aphyosemion and some representatives of the genus Roloffia. In the second case, a pair of completely pulled into the soft bottom (peat), so that we can not see more, and then suspend the eggs. After a few seconds partner again appear on the surface, eggs safely rest deep in the bottom. So they spawn all representatives of the genus pahljačarjev (Cynolebias), many drsteči the toothcarps from South America and all the generation public finance Pterolebias. For the second group is a way spawning in the soft bottom of vital importance, since all these fish inhabitant of stagnant waters of Africa and South America, in the drought gets completely dry up. Fish die in them, deep in a slightly damp mud while waiting for the eggs to the next rainy season, when for a few months trough hollows and depressions again filled with water. Then from the eggs after a few hours hatch tiny fry. These seasonal fish grow very quickly and need a lot of food, because after six to eight weeks to reach sexual maturity and ensure that no extinction of their species. In nature await the age of six to eight months in the aquarium but rarely more than one year. In the aquarium peat take eggs from the tank, by a dense mesh squeezed (ožmemo) that wrung the water (do not worry be pressed, because the eggs are very hard and resistant), then a slightly damp (not wet) stored in a suitable container with a lid or in a polyethylene bag. From time to time, the peat is controlled public finance and slightly refresh if necessary. Our artificial drought period should last three to six months. For fish that spawns in penetrating into the bottom, the layer of peat depth of at least 6 to 8 cm in species that otherwise disposed of eggs in the bottom, but it does not adhere as 2 to 3 cm. Following the artificial public finance drought gets put peat eggs in a small spawning aquarium and pour the warmed soft water. The first days of the height of only 1 to 5 cm, and later you can increase. Most drstečih the toothed carp eggs deposited public finance continuously with small spaces, so the females do not spawn at a time. Seasonal toothcarps, the spawn of sexual maturity until natural death, when dry water. How flexible are these fish, evidenced public finance by the fact that some representatives of the same species, but in a different natural environment, or spawn in the bottom or on aquatic plants. This depends on whether the water is constant, or only in the rainy season.
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