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The Euro European Trade Union Confederation, supports the resolution on the retirement of all European police.
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The Euro European Trade Union Confederation, supports the resolution on the retirement of all European police. The European Trade Union Confederation Euro, which represents half a million police officers in 27 European countries celebrated its committee of spring, 3 and 4 DeMarco in Torremolinos (Málaga). The committee addresses the issues relating portfolio manager to defense labor and trade union rights of police personnel. Also it was the defense of health and safety at work, in which he demanded a safer working environment in the development portfolio manager of police activity. In this committee the Spanish portfolio manager delegation composed of representatives of UPOLI, NERD, SPC ELA and CCOO presented for debate and subsequent portfolio manager approval of a resolution for the recognition of the police service as a profession "safety critical" in order to achieve adequate retirement age for all police officers in Europe, according to the special difficulty in the service of these groups. The resolution was supported by all the delegates, who have valued very positive initiative, as currently there are some European countries that are lengthening the working life of police portfolio manager officers. Video CCOO
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