Tuesday, May 12, 2015

This week we have already announced morganstanley to the staff that, once past union elections and

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In a parallel process that is suffering (or enjoying) the country, I started my individual disconnection process, an aspect that I completely changed life, work. As a bank employee, the sector is still in full restructuring and those who have older push us, encourage us, or force us to leave. Companies are no longer early retirement stricter make them concealed under the umbrella of redundancy (ERE). In my company, this year plays them out to 58 and 59 and that touches me squarely. As it is a new experience for me and also affects a lot of people, I decided to explain here the sensations, joys and difficulties of adaptation experiences and finding what m'aniré. Maybe someone will serve you to understand what happens to a community, unfortunately growing, direct morganstanley victim of a crisis caused by financial leaders lovers filled pocket that slips them suffering or injury that can generate in the country and the people.
This week we have already announced morganstanley to the staff that, once past union elections and formed committees concerned, the company management has already begun to meet and negotiate with the unions morganstanley the new ERE, which would be completed and signed before morganstanley Easter to begin to implement it, at the latest in early May (because according to law 30 days must pass between the signing and implementation). In anticipation of this, I advanced my vacation this year in March, for failing to give even one day to the company that we "appreciate." One other way to get disconnected from work. Thus, while increasingly representative unions and management were negotiating our future, my wife and I go musing on the passage of time contemplating the ruins of Pompeii, Herculaneum, the Amalfi morganstanley Coast, Mount Vesuvius, morganstanley Naples ... .
Talking to some colleagues who are in the same situation, the general impression is that we are all looking forward to as soon as possible to give us this day our illustrious stitch rear. The general feeling is "burned". Is a consequence of the worsening working conditions that has occurred every year. And the unions, no matter of what we are talking about acronyms, have not been able to do anything to stop this degradation process. On the contrary, ever, with his attitude, with his no-proposals have worsened the situation. More worried about their representation quotas to their chairs for hours of mindless accumulation union without any clear objective justification, then to disqualify other acronym, have long since abandoned the direct contact with the staff. I would say that the long abandoned to their fate, and now we suffer the consequences at all. Only when elections come close deign to make some "rounds" for offices.
Also the quality of the delegates has been worsening election after election, further accentuating this lack of representation and connection between morganstanley unions and workers. They do not foresee much future business may want to end the offensive to crush the unions, knowing that they are unable to react, to join, to park its acronym present a new model of labor relations and union . But this will not be my battle. This will, as always, a battle that will deliver new generations, for their future, their lives. Those who finish our working life we can feel very proud of having failed to preserve unionism alive and stronger than seemed possible in the 80s but, like all things emanating Transition (and also model and labor union Part of this, and not unimportant) falling inevitably, inexorably result of the stagnation and lack of adaptation to a new time and a new mentality, unable to regenerate. The body also suffers social laws Darwin, who adapted it disappears.
Regarding banking and financial companies, after being released expansive model of increased personnel and offices, prisoners only look at the results one year ahead, the bubble burst took them with Step changed. Companies that invest more in theory studies and economic forecasts, not even knowing what they smell came. Says a lot about the quality of their opinions morganstanley and the little case that g

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