Tuesday, March 31, 2015

During money matters drstjo need peace; male was placed in an aquarium during the day, but only fem

In its order the Cyprinidae large group; These include most of our native fish as well as worldwide known species. This extensive family originates from southern Asia, from where it expanded its representatives in Africa, money matters Europe and North America. Its original representatives were tropical species. money matters From the tropics, where he still lives most of the carp family, they slowly moved in subtropical and temperate zones, but never live in cold regions. Their characteristic of the pharyngeal money matters teeth - larger or smaller lop protruding into the esophagus; money matters in the jaws rule, have no real teeth.
Cyprinids are generally peaceful fish that like to hang out in flocks. They are ideal aquarium money matters fish for beginners. Most carp are fast swimmers, so we need to edit the largest aquarium, which should not be too overgrown that you can plavaio. Because they are fast swimmers, consume more oxygen, so we have an aquarium money matters well ventilated. Each month, money matters one-third of the water replace with fresh.
Reproduction of carp is quite simple - very little is demanding representatives. Most are satisfied with the water of medium hardness and temperature of 24 to 26 C, but it should be an aquarium in a bright room. Cyprinids deposited eggs in the early hours of the morning; spawning is very vigorous. Parents money matters are real cannibals and the aquarium if not properly equipped, during drstjo eat most of their offspring. It is therefore placed on the bottom of the aquarium keeper or robust round sand, in which stuck tufts of aquatic plants.
During money matters drstjo need peace; male was placed in an aquarium during the day, but only female in the evening, before switching off the light above the aquarium. The male is the more active and keep mating money matters ritual; Whereas before money matters the female money matters get used to the room, it immediately starts the morning to invite spawns. Such spawning will be successful. Many times it is necessary to give the female two males, but this depends on the specific situation and species. Since most of the carp eats the eggs, we drstjo between a pair of carefully observed. From the aquarium we take when we see that they are not prosecuted over the greenery and is separated from the male and female both breathe heavily and are not interested in more for each other. The eggs are seen at the bottom of the aquarium and between plants - are the transparent brownish yellow color. Non-fertilized eggs will soon become white; but because money matters there is no need to despair, because the non-fertilized eggs fertilized seen before. These are usually still so much that we have enough fry to be hatched money matters after two to three days. Because they have enough food fry in a nutrient follicle, money matters a further two to three days remain motionless, attached to the glass of the aquarium or plants, then float. The fry are kept like tetras, only that this family is much less sensitive to food and not fussy. Cyprinidae
2014 (11) April (6) March (1) January (4) 2013 (29) May (19) Family Pantodontidae - metuljarice Family Gasteropelecidae - golšarice Family Hemiodontidae - drobnoustke Family Gyrinocheilidae - praskači Family Callichthydae - Armored Catfish Family Atherinidae - silverside Family Toxotidae - shooters Pantodon Buchholz - metuljarica Family Hemirhamphidae - beaked ščukice Trichogaster money matters trichopterus sumatranus - blue thread ... Family Anabantidae - labyrinth family Tetraodontidae - puffer family Cichlidae - cichlids family Poecilidae - viviparous toothcarps family Cyprinodontidae - drsteči the toothed carp ... family Cobitidae - loach Rod Brachydanio - zebrafish family Cyprinidae - Cyprinidae Brindle drobnoustka - Nannostomus Beckford January (10) 2012 (43) December (7) November (15) October (21)

Monday, March 30, 2015

The zebrafish icmarc is not picky and eat each food, so live as well as dry. Water quality icmarc i

The difference between the sexes: male is much slimmer than the female. The zebrafish is one of the most popular fish, so in addition to the most common guppies in aquariums beginners. Resulting from the current line of eastern India, in Europe have led in 1905, when he attracted a lot of attention and is still so popular. The zebrafish can grow up to 4 to 5 cm. The back is brown olive green colored belly is yellowish white, hand, shiny blue. On the four sides of the gold is shiny longitudinal lines, icmarc ranging from gill cover to the caudal fin. Even the anal fin is blue striped gold. In the female, which is slightly stronger than the male, golden crosses in more silver.
The zebrafish icmarc is not picky and eat each food, so live as well as dry. Water quality icmarc is not difficult; can be grown even in quite hard water by more than 20 dH. Most it correspond to temperatures ranging from 22 to 25 C, but may also be lowered icmarc to 18 C (lower may not be).
It is best to settle the long low aquariums because they are marked fish that live in flocks and most also come to the fore. Look at the flock of golden blue fish that swim in a lively icmarc aquarium is very attractive. Often also spawn in the aquarium, but adults regularly eat fish eggs. Zebrafish are very peaceful fish that are ideal for common aquarium. However, we must realize that they are sometimes very lively and mostly occupy the upper layers akvariia. so may interfere icmarc with some peaceful fish. It is best to find them in the aquarium together with related species, for example. pearl zebrafish, leopad zebrafish, dotted zebrafish or with the membrane. They can be found in smaller aquariums, but never in such a way playful and lively as in the large.
Reproductive can use smaller aquariums, but must be modified so that the parents can not eat eggs. In the middle of the aquarium give a bunch of drobnolistnatih plants as a basis but coarse sand that the eggs fall into the holes between the sand and are thus protected from the parents. Fresh water promotes the deposition of eggs. In the evening icmarc a couple move into now ready aquarium, usually spawn the next morning, underline icmarc indicates icmarc that these species need sunlight, which is why we have to spawning icmarc aquarium so choose the location where the morning sun will shine. The male surrounding the female in different icmarc ways: suddenly pressed to each other and begin to spawn. A tiny eggs that are released to the female, then fertilized by the male. The eggs fall to the bottom. Sometimes the male suddenly icmarc pushes female; This immediately suspend the eggs and have separate. Thus, the overall process is barely noticeable. Within hours of the spawning is complete. If we want a lot of litter, we have a couple removed immediately.
Many breeders believe would be placed in the spawning aquarium two to three males and one female. However, research has shown that female constantly spawns with only one male. However, if you dedicate to reproduce the whole flock of these fish in the aquarium and put more shrubs vegetation can be observed that males will strive to each of your hunt and well defended. Females that are ripe for spawning, males lure in your hunt. In such circumstances, it is difficult to keep my hunt, so males changed. This proves icmarc that each drstu present one male and the other is just wrong. icmarc
After 24 to 48 hours from the eggs hatch the young larvae. As long as they do not disappear yolk sack hanging on the glass and plants. When the fry are free swimming, immediately icmarc begin to look for food, and not only live food retailers, icmarc but as soon as the retail dry. If fed live food, grow faster, but do not forget to frequently changing the water. Fish are very fertile and can already after three to four weeks spawn again. To emphasize icmarc that this fish is still fascinated even old experienced aquarists, especially because icmarc of its exuberance. As with other fish, even when these can not always be satisfied with the quality offered by the stores. The severity of colors is far from corresponding to the original, and sometimes are only pale, poorly icmarc colored specimens.
Growers are therefore icmarc to be aware of the need to keep this type such as was. This would be breeding these fish especially try to remain as they are in nature, and retained that position in the aquarium, they already have.
2014 (11) April (6) March (1) January (4) 2013 (29) maj (19) January (10) 2012 (43) December (7) November (15) Pearl Gourami - Trichogaster Leer Diskus - Symphysodon discus Nigerian Prelesnik - Aphyosemion Gardner zebrafish - Brachydanio rerio Marble golšarica - Carnegiella strigata family icmarc Cyprinodontidae - drsteči the toothed carp ... Black membranes - Epalzeorhynchus bicolor (

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Females are very fertile - postpone somewhere between 400 and 500 eggs. For this reason, fertilizat

Have a high body and hips pressed, the dark srebrnozelena, the fins are black. The caudal fin is translucent at the back halfway investors edge down the side of a two dark stripes that extend to the abdomen. Cultivation is easy, as it can easily be adapted. They like to stay in the middle of the aquarium, so they need a medium-sized aquarium, which should be quite thick planted with aquatic plants.
Water does not have to prepare, can be used as one tap, which previously boiled. The aquarium put some plants with delicate leaves, which may not extend to the surface investors edge - placed by 5 to 6 cm lower.
Females are very fertile - postpone somewhere between 400 and 500 eggs. For this reason, fertilization somewhat superficial, male fails to father all the eggs. Non-fertilized eggs become white after a few hours, in the next few days, you can settle mold, which may extend to a fertilized egg. Mold growth can be prevented by use of the disinfectant, which is added to the tank where the removed pair.
The eggs are sensitive to light, so the aquarium cover with dark paper. From the fertilized eggs after 24 hours developing larvae after three days of free swimming fry and begin feeding on plankton. Since a large fry, fed at least three times a day.
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Saturday, March 28, 2015

Soca grayling, ceviche red beets and raspberries, coriander, green pistachio oil, buttermilk aspara

Soca grayling, ceviche red beets and raspberries, coriander, green pistachio oil, buttermilk asparagus marinated in citrus fruit, cottage cheese and fermented trout roe wild dandelion and its root, beurre noisette, cream of celery and nuts, balsamic apple cider vinegar pension service delicate pasta filled pension service with nettles, dashija soup and black garlic shrimp and bone marrow Easter goat, black root and black truffle, Polish pension service vriščki milk, honey, pension service black walnut and sage
House Franko is a member of Jeunes Restaurateurs d'Europe Authors page

In the inventory of fish from our part of the river (RD Vrhnika) has discovered another, an additio

What is the reason for the poor state of fish populations in the Ljubljanica (post 2012) | MVM FISHING
Every one of you who has recently chased on the Ljubljanica, he noticed that within a few years dramatically worsened the stock and thereby also catch all the fish species in the river Ljubljanica. This situation is most acute in Vrhnika work. Fishing Families with multiple inputs are trying to improve this situation by a something when there is no effective and visible results. This is cause for concern probably more reasons why not fish in the Ljubljanica as well? Let me mention only the most pressing, some of you are known to others less well-known causes army reenlistment of this situation.
The main problem of our water pollution with organic and inorganic sewers. We have to be aware of the fact that the character of the river Ljubljanica thoroughly degraded in recent decades, rapid industrialization, and perhaps to human nature. The effluent emitted by our river already on the Croatian side and were the result of poisoning drinking water in the Loka Valley, where Ljubljanica army reenlistment running more than a creek Obrh are just a small indication of the delicate problem. Of course Ljubljanica on its way to us, further polluting the village Cerknica, army reenlistment Pivka, UNECE, Logatec and over sinks, probably even any other place that the karst sinkholes and buried Poisons from various sources, not to mention. One can only speculate what lies karst underground from factories such as Fenolit, army reenlistment Liko, IUD, poisons from the warehouse of the former Yugoslav People's Army, but it does not enumerate ...... Let me explain. The main problem of such a sight unseen contamination army reenlistment (usually when pollution is visible, we see a dead fish) is dying eggs after spawning. The fish spawn in the polluted bottom, after some time covered by a thin layer of mucus, due to particle contamination by water bears and because eggs are a living organism, can not breathe, and so die. The same problem is high and muddy water, and the constant interference in smaller watercourses due to regulations. When the eggs are covered in mud and sand deposition, they also die. Of course this is destroyed to a large extent the natural spawning of fish.
In the inventory of fish from our part of the river (RD Vrhnika) has discovered another, an additional problem, namely army reenlistment fish due to contamination with hormonal disruptors changing sex. Male specimens sex change due to high concentration of female hormones per liter of water in our rivers. How to get there these unwanted disruptors? From all kinds of drains, sewers. Perpetrators we ourselves taking the pill from which urine excreted via the so-called endocrine disrupting chemicals in our waters. Of course, this phenomenon further reduces the chances of fertilization of eggs has been deposited at the bottom of the Ljubljanica.
The next big problem of our work Ljubljanica is constant fluctuation in water levels due to locks on Ambrožev market army reenlistment and broken lock on the Grubar canal. The remaining trenches, where he previously army reenlistment held the main spawning, both prey (pike) as cyprinids are dry. Fish at the high water is compressed into these channels, spawn, water, drain and eggs or fry remain in a dry and miserable death.
The third cause of this situation is related to the organic pollutant bottom, which leads to excessive overgrown aquatic vegetation. We need to realize that this is the day produces large amounts of oxygen at night, this same oxygen takes money away fish. The most clearly visible, this obliteration about fishing at home and downstream all the way to the depths of the Zone 31. This is also one of the main reasons why there is no white fish with us. At night they lack oxygen and prefer to move into more bearable area where there is no such a drastic fluctuations.
The fourth reason that we would like to introduce and be aware of the poor, the poor genetic diversity of our fish. What does this mean? Because of locks and dams so high in Fužine as the paper mill in VEVČE is no longer normal exchange of genes, ie fresh blood, which they brought schools of fish from the lower part of the Ljubljanica, Save, or even the Danube, on their way to spawning and in our original parts of the river. These routes are interrupted impounded and now our fish spawn only in a vicious circle of the same specimens from this part of the river; If? All you do is clear that this decrease army reenlistment in resistance of fish and begin to unfold various diseases and mutations.
Although our Ljubljanica under the protection of Natura 2000 and the Regional Park Ljubljana Moor is also nothing going on očuvanju fish in the river, probably because most of them sokrajanov not be noticed in the water, but if they have, it is usually comment to the poor state : You've all hunted by fishermen!
Well, and this is the last of the big problems to which you would like to draw attention. They are hunted down, but I do not fishermen, but fish-eating birds, which also protects the sore legislation and DOPS. Flocks of cormorants have been for many years a well-kept in our districts until just did not have nothing to eat. Now we see that they are very little occurs throughout the course of the river; according to their number in previous years; Therefore, we get an enormous amount of other feathered predators, namely white

Thursday, March 26, 2015

A day in plant 390 liter aquarium. I made a video showing a few segments of the life of my home bre

A day in plant 390 liter aquarium. I made a video showing a few segments of the life of my home bred celestial pearl zebrafish. More than a hundred they enjoy the lush vegetation. Interestingly, in three and a half years since I have them in the aquarium failed to survive even one of their offspring despite the fact that they are relatively easy to reproduce, and it regularly spawn.
These require the zebrafish as a fry very fine food, so a special diet. Here's how it says to them: Reproduction: can not reproduce at high mass as related zebrafish, but lay eggs individually as a species of the genus Trigonostigma selection and drobink genus Sawbwa from Inle Lake. The first type are imported and distributed, ebis known to aquarists in Bolton Museum Aquarium, ebis Pete Liptrot & Paul Dixon in soft water at "Java moss" Taxiphyllum Barbieri. The female is dropped on the session up to 30 eggs, which were developed at a temperature of 24 C within 3 days, in a further 4 days, the fry swim freely and began to eat a standard micro-organisms. You can spawn with a large order of the aquarium, where a lot of moss; every once in awhile mah transferred to a smaller aquarium without fish, snails, etc., where the eggs in peace razvijajajo. Size spawning aquarium from 12-60 l; should only have an internal filter ebis on the sponge. Males begin with a typical spawning dance already in the morning. The females ebis deposited eggs gradually every 2-4 days. Size of eggs: 1.2 to 1.3 mm. The larvae are very dark in color; hatch from the eggs after 50-72 hours. Like most carp larvae stick with adhesive glands on their heads on the basis of (for plants or glass). After 4 days, recorded an air bubble in vzdušni bladder. After 7 days float: first food for fry the first week of different infuzoriji: Euglena, paramecia, ebis kotačniki (golidice) ebis mikročrvički; second week (after 14 to 16 days) until navpliji Artemia and small grindal worms; after one month you can fry the finely ebis already take artificial diets. Some aquarists have reported that they take Artem right after the 4th - 5th day of hydroplaning (depending on the type and size of Artemia)? After 5-6 weeks you can fry move into the aquarium, where his parents. After 10 weeks already reach 1.5 cm and begin orange paint; coloration of adults get 12 weeks. By the way, nice grass you have. Is to get a little something from you? bojkoker@gmail.com Reply Delete
2011 (3) August (1) April (1) Stellar pearl zebrafish (Danio ebis margaritatus) February (1) 2010 (11) November (1) September (2) August (2) July ( 2) June (1) maj (1) February (2) 2009 (3) September (1) March (2)

It is best that each species grown in specific smaller aquariums (10 to 20 liters) or slightly larg

Drsteči the toothcarps are small colorful fish, spread across all continents except Australia. Mainly living public finance in tropical and sub-tropical zones, exceptionally, public finance are also found in temperate, if you allow temperature. For a long time drsteče the toothcarps or as aquarists like to call, "hernias fish" deal with poor relation. Has been expanded is believed that these species are very sensitive and have a short life span, but the findings of the last twenty public finance years thoroughly rebutted. These fish are not really suitable for a common aquarium, but they are very nicely public finance colored and very interesting is their propagation; in some genera and species even unique in the fish world.
It is best that each species grown in specific smaller aquariums (10 to 20 liters) or slightly larger aquariums few related species together. If we decide for these fish, complied with the live food (various larvae of mosquitoes and flies, tubifeksi, worms and water fleas) is a prerequisite for success, because if fed only dry food, it would not be developed. Most require a soft, slightly acidic water, many species live and be successful razmnožuielo in medium hard water. Also, in terms of temperature is not 'too demanding and almost all kinds of feel well at temperatures from 20 to 24 C; excessively high temperatures shorten their life span. Depending on how proliferate, they can be divided into two groups. Fish of the first group deposited their eggs on aquatic plants, which, depending on the type of fish develop public finance Venema to three weeks. For spawning they can be placed overcooked fibrous peat or a small tuft on the one hand tied synthetic fibers. Šop can swim, if you fixate on a piece of cork. The eggs can finger pick of synthetic fibers, as they are already after one day very hard, put them in a special jar or aquarium, where they are bred. Most day-old fish has been such that they can be the very first day fed brine shrimp public finance (Artemia salina). Only representatives of the genus Aplocheilichthys few days need finer plankton food.
Fish from the second public finance group is referred to by seasonal fish, their eggs are deposited in the soft mud (in the aquarium to this end, put boiled crushed peat). public finance There are two ways of depositing eggs on the bottom. In the first case, a pair of floating public finance next to the bottom; female hatched time microcontroller applications by the male immediately fertilizes and the impact of the tail fin get into the soft bottom (peat). This spawns all representatives of the genus talnikov (Nothobranchius) and some of the Genus Aphyosemion and some representatives of the genus Roloffia. In the second case, a pair of completely pulled into the soft bottom (peat), so that we can not see more, and then suspend the eggs. After a few seconds partner again appear on the surface, eggs safely rest deep in the bottom. So they spawn all representatives of the genus pahljačarjev (Cynolebias), many drsteči the toothcarps from South America and all the generation public finance Pterolebias. For the second group is a way spawning in the soft bottom of vital importance, since all these fish inhabitant of stagnant waters of Africa and South America, in the drought gets completely dry up. Fish die in them, deep in a slightly damp mud while waiting for the eggs to the next rainy season, when for a few months trough hollows and depressions again filled with water. Then from the eggs after a few hours hatch tiny fry. These seasonal fish grow very quickly and need a lot of food, because after six to eight weeks to reach sexual maturity and ensure that no extinction of their species. In nature await the age of six to eight months in the aquarium but rarely more than one year. In the aquarium peat take eggs from the tank, by a dense mesh squeezed (ožmemo) that wrung the water (do not worry be pressed, because the eggs are very hard and resistant), then a slightly damp (not wet) stored in a suitable container with a lid or in a polyethylene bag. From time to time, the peat is controlled public finance and slightly refresh if necessary. Our artificial drought period should last three to six months. For fish that spawns in penetrating into the bottom, the layer of peat depth of at least 6 to 8 cm in species that otherwise disposed of eggs in the bottom, but it does not adhere as 2 to 3 cm. Following the artificial public finance drought gets put peat eggs in a small spawning aquarium and pour the warmed soft water. The first days of the height of only 1 to 5 cm, and later you can increase. Most drstečih the toothed carp eggs deposited public finance continuously with small spaces, so the females do not spawn at a time. Seasonal toothcarps, the spawn of sexual maturity until natural death, when dry water. How flexible are these fish, evidenced public finance by the fact that some representatives of the same species, but in a different natural environment, or spawn in the bottom or on aquatic plants. This depends on whether the water is constant, or only in the rainy season.
2014 (11) April (6) March (1) January (4) 2013 (29)

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations:-). I will add in

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations:-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible Gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Toner, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://toner-brasil.blogspot.com. A hug. 03. April 2008 15:16
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2012 (11) June (1) maj (10) 2010 (1) January (1) 2009 (1) December (1) 2008 (13) July (1) maj (2) April (1) February (2) The first eggs of my angelfish Working days January (7) 2007 (45) December (2) September (4) August (20) July (15) June (4 )

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

There are many grouper, that can be found together with other aquarium fish. However, we must also

Family ostrižnikov inhabits freshwater in Central and South America, Africa and India. Many representatives of this family are found in African lakes, where it is known more than 350 species. Most ostrižnikov, which are represented in the European aquariums, but derives from South America. South American cichlids 30 is much more flexible and suitable for aquariums. Even among American riksarkivet cichlids some which are difficult to cultivate even more difficult to reproduce riksarkivet (discus). They are known species that are peaceful riksarkivet and shy, but mostly aggressive, riksarkivet antisocial, so they can be found only in larger riksarkivet aquariums row. Very unpleasant habit of most ostrižnikov that rijejo and mined at the bottom of the aquarium, pulijo riksarkivet plants germinate riksarkivet and water if the aquarium is not adapted to them. From the right perch also differ in that they have on each side of the head only one nostril, through which the water enters the nasal cavity and are excreted therefrom. Most ostrižnikov has a high and laterally strongly flattened body. Very rare are the types of spiral and an extended body, almost always have a big head. Especially in males of some species seems head even higher, because the front part of the accumulated fat. Most species riksarkivet have thick lips and the fold nose. In his homeland cichlids inhabit stagnant and slow moving riksarkivet water with many hiding places. Many species are Revirski fish that remain throughout life in a given area. All described ostrižnikov is about 600 species. Early youth spent in the flock, later, when sexually mature, they are solitary. The sexual maturity, and even more so during the mating season, males find their districts. If what fish closer to the limits riksarkivet of space, which is occupied by the male is considered to be a rival, to be odgnati. His indisposition and readiness is best reflected by the male, who defends her territory, typically with specific body movements and posture fins. The challenge to fight or even defensive behavior are inherited and characterized for each species.
species that deposited eggs in a free and species deposited eggs in hiding, and these can be divided into those that deposited eggs in cavities, and such that eggs and fry to hide in the mouth. Species deposited eggs into the open, have mostly small, the transparent eggs, which can adhere to the various objects (such as stones, roots, glass, etc.). Deposited eggs is extremely high. Male and female are not significantly altered. For this group ostrižnikov characterized in that to create the right steam at the time of mating, and thereafter both protect the litter. A place where the female deposited eggs and the male fertilizes them, clean them and prepare them both. Typical is also a long spawning, which lasts several hours and is conducted so that on the cleaned object (plant, stone root) female hatches the eggs, the male while floating just above them and carefully inseminated. Typically also, the pair of fins is supplied fresh water, rich in oxygen. Samec removes non-fertilized eggs and dirt. As soon as eggs and gametes develop a soft spot for the leaves or stones by parents in the mouth transferred to the wells and hiding places that are previously riksarkivet excavated. This breed and care for their young angelfish, discus, riksarkivet yellow, pearl and red grouper. Discussion is characterized by some specific features which will be described separately.
Species that deposited eggs in hiding, they differ from previously described mainly by the fact that males are usually larger and more intense color than females. At the time of spawning males get marked riksarkivet "wedding garment." Time is short breeding riksarkivet season, taking care of the brood while leading the female.
Species hide eggs and fry in the mouth, called ustonoše. They typically tend to have highly colored eggs are free or have greatly reduced the egg suckers, of these, very few. During courtship, males get the distinct wedding colors, females generally do not change color. Mating takes place so that the female lays eggs in a prepared hole, where they are fertilized by the male. In some species the female takes the eggs deposited into the mouth and absorbed by the water in which the males sperm. Thus, the eggs are fertilized in samičinih mouth. The development of eggs in the mouth samičinem take different lengths of time. Then the female exceptional lose weight, because almost nothing is. When the fry sufficiently developed initially by the female for a short time leaves from snout to find food. As soon as they are in danger or at dusk, opens the muzzle and all gilts hour swim in it. Such samičina concern takes approximately three to four weeks, the development of ova in the mouth takes place differently depending on the type of ustonoš, from 10 to 18 days. As a rule, grouper grown in larger aquariums with lots of hiding places where you each species can regulate their districts.
There are many grouper, that can be found together with other aquarium fish. However, we must also be alert to such when they Mating change their behavior and will begin to pick plants or dig a pit at the bottom

Monday, March 23, 2015

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Aquaculture Goričar Ltd. is a family company dedicated to raising and processing of fish. With us you can buy freshly cleaned fish and fillets, smoked military pay trout and occasionally fresh skewers. In our fish market awaits a rich selection of frozen program. We are located in the village of Slivje, on the way between Kostanjevica on the Krka and Podbočje. Opening hours: Monday to Saturday: 7:00 to 17:00 Sunday and holidays: 8 am to 11:00 COME AND HAVE FUN.
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Mojca Bregar Goričar View my complete profile

2014 (20) maj (1) April (4) March (7) February (2) January (6) From eggs to fish 3 :) r

Aquaculture Goričar Ltd. is a family company dedicated to raising and processing of fish. With us you can buy freshly cleaned atb financial fish and fillets, smoked trout and occasionally fresh skewers. In our fish market awaits atb financial a rich selection of frozen program. We are located in the village of Slivje, on the way between Kostanjevica on the Krka and Podbočje. Opening hours: Monday to Saturday: 7:00 to 17:00 Sunday and holidays: 8 am to 11:00 COME AND HAVE FUN.
Author Mojca Bregar Goričar at 04:38
2014 (20) maj (1) April (4) March (7) February (2) January (6) From eggs to fish 3 :) recognition of our efforts from eggs to fish 2 Adi Smolar - Goldfish From eggs to fish 1 17 Smoked trout with pear and swiss chard 2013 (12) December (1) September (3) March (3) February (3) January (2) 2012 (28) December (3) November (1) October (1) August (4) July (4) June (7) maj (3) April (5)

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Autumn, soup and good bread. I do not have anything more to add. This time I cooked the soup vichys

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Autumn, soup and good bread. I do not have anything more to add. This time I cooked the soup vichyssoise. Even the name sounds sophisticated and gentle as her taste and texture. This is a soup of leeks and potatoes. Normally, this also remains, and I added her eggs and a little more pofinila.
On teaspoonfuls tablespoons butter or very gently popražiš. zadušiš cut into slices white parts of the leeks. Suppose two to three 10 cm long pieces. Careful to really stay completely white. ahv After 5 minutes, add sliced to pieces yet one more potatoes and pražiš have about two minutes. Then priliješ about half a liter of soup base. Normally, this is cooked with chicken base, but since I told her I added the eggs, I used a vegetable base. Cook a few minutes to become fully cooked potatoes and then soup zmiksaš. Return it back into the pot, doliješ about 2 ounces of cream and a little ahv dogreješ. Solis, Strew and add nutmeg. Soup to cool a little, because there is flavor more pronounced when it is not too hot.
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Saturday, March 21, 2015

After about 1 week of starting fish hatched. Once hatched, they have another three weeks of their f

Aquaculture Goričar Ltd. is a family company dedicated teachers pension to raising and processing of fish. With us you can buy freshly cleaned fish and fillets, smoked trout and occasionally fresh skewers. In our fish market awaits a rich selection of frozen program. We are located in the village of Slivje, on the way between Kostanjevica on the Krka and Podbočje. Opening hours: Monday to Saturday: 7:00 to 17:00 Sunday and holidays: 8 am to 11:00 COME AND HAVE FUN.
After about 1 week of starting fish hatched. Once hatched, they have another three weeks of their food, which is in the follicle. At this time, the follicle is diminishing, forming the internal organs. When all the food consumed fish from the follicle sac and reduce the time to fish floats to the surface and capture the air, it pushes the air bubble and thus allow for swimming.
On the video you can watch the movement of the fish, which are very lively. Swim only at the bottom. Some time will have to pass in order to be able to penetrate the surface of the water and breathe, they need to swim.
2014 (20) maj (1) April (4) March (7) February (2) January (6) From eggs to fish 3 :) recognition of our efforts from eggs to fish 2 Adi Smolar - Goldfish From eggs to fish 1 17 Smoked trout with pear and swiss chard 2013 (12) December (1) September (3) March (3) February (3) January (2) 2012 (28) December (3) November (1) October (1) August (4) July (4) June (7) maj (3) April (5)

We got a new shipment of eggs. Fish roe place once a year, at a time when the shortest day. This ma

Aquaculture Goričar Ltd. is a family company dedicated to raising and processing of fish. With us you can buy freshly cleaned fish and fillets, smoked trout and occasionally fresh skewers. In our fish market awaits crpc a rich selection of frozen program. We are located in the village of Slivje, on the way between Kostanjevica on the Krka and Podbočje. Opening crpc hours: Monday to Saturday: 7:00 to 17:00 Sunday and holidays: 8 am to 11:00 COME AND HAVE FUN.
We got a new shipment of eggs. Fish roe place once a year, at a time when the shortest day. This makes it difficult crpc on your own to ensure continuous production of eggs. The eggs we buy in aquaculture Goričar coming from Denmark, Great Britain, America and Slovenia. The eggs can be transported without water, only ice in a short period of time is not yet begin to lay in the egg takes place are well visible to the eye. We have 100 hours to eggs arrive from the manufacturer to us. The eggs are hatched at a special hatchery, where we have small pools. In the first image hatchery in full. On the second and third picture you can see the eggs. The fourth crpc picture is part of the hatcheries, the basis of 8 small pools in which to lay eggs.
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2014 (20) maj (1) April (4) March (7) February (2) January (6) From eggs to fish 3 :) recognition of our efforts from eggs to fish 2 Adi Smolar - Goldfish crpc From eggs to fish 1 17 Smoked trout with pear and swiss chard 2013 (12) December (1) September (3) March (3) February (3) January (2) 2012 (28) December (3) November (1) October (1) August (4) July (4) June (7) maj (3) April (5)

Friday, March 20, 2015

A beautiful text. I never tire of reading it. The longing of parents and children is a feeling that

Maite Salord Blog Archive corem Enyor
The cat sleeps on the windowsill. Occasionally, opens one eye and look at the white moon, almost corem round, crossing corem the dark. Fillet a longing that never sleeps in the window corem sill, but who likes to look at the moon and asked me questions, often strange, I do not know that answer. Sure, where it is also due to see the moon and perhaps also asks if I see. Why do I owe her brothers and father. And the cat.
I also wonder if the parents should see the moon as I see it. But I do not know. No one knows. And the longing. I fall asleep on the window sill if I knew that, so had to go back to, if only for a moment. I would make inquiries, questions strange, surely I would know answer. And I would ask her to sing a tango to numb me and him, a ranchera to wake me. I would be happy, happy cat that looks like the white moon in the window sill. My side.
It is seen that the hangover from the previous entry has left everyone speechless! Particularly, I liked it. A few days ago, another blog, there had hung a picture of a cat Cortázar between corem the arms, and a cat Retxa eyed that I have discovered, is a lot like my puss, also look for window.
# Maria Posted August 7, 2009 at 12:16
A beautiful text. I never tire of reading it. The longing of parents and children is a feeling that lasts throughout our existence. That longing is memory and memory life. Good night. corem
Absence quiere decir Olvido, Tinieblas decir, decir verdad. The birds that nest Dejan Vuelven corem no more. . By the way, eleven days, which will go to the Leonard Cohen concert in Palma de Majorca ... Do not miss it ... I would go with a ticket that gave me in Bep Portella ... I will give you chronic ...
I differ with at Gazpacho, or Pablo Milanes, or whoever wrote the lyrics of this song. I do not believe that absence means forgetting. Sometimes it requires a constant presence than ever, a presence at desired times and sometimes imposed. Sometimes it is impossible to forget that there is but would like to be there, and you have not been you who have chosen to be there. The absence desired, however, corem is often forgotten.
I differ with at Gazpacho, or Pablo Milanes, or whoever wrote the lyrics of this song. I do not believe that absence means forgetting. Sometimes it requires a constant presence than ever, a presence at desired times and sometimes imposed. Sometimes it is impossible to forget that there is but I would be there, and you have not been you who have chosen to be there. The absence desired, however, is often forgotten.
Link, totally agree with you: there are absences for this fact are more memorable when they were present and present: too sobint corem we do not realize how important it is for us to someone who no longer and it is only us in the memory.
Precisely for this reason, not to stay with the desire to be told what to think and keep a record Hermos, we must seize the present moment and say to the person beside us who love him, told Our mother that soon there will be love, tell our friends that will soon be leaving the house and love, and tell us, from time to time, we love. So when we are ruling out or someone can not remember debts nice moments that we shared ... however it costs nothing to say now: I love you! CARPE DIEM said on ... There is not much difference with the picture look a debt of not having said all that thought and try another one having said what we thought. Memories, long distances, large absences ("Memories" says n'Streisand) may be the best or the worst; Now, in the present, while the moon is almost full even when we do our possible future memories are the best. Who has a photo watered with tears? ... That are of joy! health, future and optimism!
Gazpacho, I have been searching for the song den Milanese and does well:. Absence quiere decir Olvido, Tinieblas decir, decir ever, birds nest in puedo volver but the Souls who have Querido cuando not be Alejano Vuelven more. . No te lo dice the expiring light, shadow is the absence, desolation, if tantos fueron dreams lie fear having Complaints cuando me sigh as hondamente heart. corem . Needless to say it is a beautiful song. A song of that time as we like to say to realize its quality corem ...
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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Home bio CATALAN CASTELLANO strengths finder JAZZ + FAE Agustin Fernandez and Albert Cherry 3 reel

Home bio CATALAN CASTELLANO strengths finder JAZZ + FAE Agustin Fernandez and Albert Cherry 3 reel Albert Felix Sanz & Rossy Trio Albert Albert Sanz Villa Andreu Zaragoza Avantbrass Avishai Cohen (bass) Avishai strengths finder Cohen (trumpet) Bartolomeo Barenghi Beat'a'Boom Benjamin Herman Bernat Font Trio Trio + Bindu Bridges David Soler Bruut! Benavente Carlos Casares Brothers Trio Trio Celeste Celeste alias Jorge Rossy & Chano Domínguez Chiquilladas strengths finder picturesque Chris Cheek Christian Scott Quintet Bardagí Coleing Claudia Porter Hill-Miralta-Sambeat (CMS) Dani Molina Quartet David Mengual 9 Qtet David Mengual Free Spirits 700 mg Ensemble David Mengual Free Spirits Big Band Quartet Dr. David Mengual Slow Lonnie Smith Duot Durny Enrico Sweet Eva Eva Cortés Cortés & Paco Felix Perera Rossy Oliver & Henry Five in Orbit Free Art Ensemble gabacho Maroconection Abrié Gemma Gabriel Amargant Quintet "Amalgam" strengths finder Valle Giulia Gianni Gagliardi Libera Gonzalo del Val Trio Gorka Benitez Xirgu-Ben-David Gregory Porter & Fumero Monder Iaies Outraged Unusual Trio Jazz Band Ivan Kovacevic Five Spots Ivo Sans Invite Chamber strengths finder Jazz Ensemble Jazz Ensemble Workshop Musicians Joan Monné Trio John Vidal Sextet Joe Smith Melodic Workshop Jorge Rossy Sextet Jorge Pardo 3 D'Juan Juan Diego Trakas Julian Sanchez Pablo Balcázar Trio Quartet New Standards Kunveno Late Night feat. Marcellin Bayer & Lee Konitz Lee Konitz Quartet Dan Tepfer Leo Torres Lionel Loueke Standard strengths finder Book & Roberto Cecchetti Llibert Fortuny & Gergo tassels & Horacio Fumero Lucia Luciana Souza Trio Marc Miralta & Marco Marco Mezquida strengths finder Mezquida Marcel lí Bayer & Albert Bover & Marco Mezquida Rossy Felix Martin Leiton Marco Mezquida Trio Trio Trio Melissa Aldana Miguel Fernandez Miguel Zenón Nadia Basurto & Roger Mas Trio Natsuko Suga Nnenna Freelon Group Project Nelson & Chico Pinheiro Noah Preminger Nu Roots Perico Sambeat Quintet Project Pyrene Ramon Prats Raynald Colom Quartet René Marie Robert Nesta Songs Rocío Sánchez faks Sabina Witt Quartet UPS & Galiana Sant Andreu Jazz Band & Selnik Mezquida Sergi Sergi Sirvent Felipe Whisper Songs Octopussy Cats Sergi Sirvent Trio Session Robadors Sheiman-Terraza commodity Sindicato Ornette Sofia Ribeiro STN Tom Rainey Thomas Quartet Fosch Torijano Underpool Vicens Martin Dream Walk Tall Big Band Jam Session Whooookam WRY WTF Xavier Dotras Yuhan Su Trio Quartet Zhenya Strigalev FLAMENCO Alba Carmona & Marta Robles Ortega Archangel + Theodosii Spassov Ginesa Jorge Pardo Las Migas Le ça Marco Flores Mariola Membrives Polifonía Jonda Rocío Molina Flamenco tapas ROOT Ana Marcelo Rossi & Mercadante Andrés Beeuwsaert Angela Furquet Antonio Sánchez Barranco & The Drumming Society Bassekou Kouyaté & Ngoni Ba Carlos Denia Coetus whirling dervishes of Damascus Al-Kindi Ensemble & Magic Domain Eliseo Parra Fanfare Ciocarlia Guillermo Rizzotto & Aleix Tobias Kumbiamba Monti & Luna Juan Quintero Marcelo Mercadante and his Marta Gomez Quintet Porteño Martyrdom & Raul Rodriguez Mayra Andrade Susana Baca Drums Reason Son Toto la Tierra Momposina & Toumani strengths finder Diabaté Sidiki Violentango Youkalis + Sabina Witt LATIN catheter Crossing I bet the key Javier Colina & Jerry Pepe Rivero González José Luis Cortés, "El Tosco" Luis Salinas strengths finder José Luis Cortés Migdalia Hechevarría & Omara Portuondo & Roberto Fonseca Rita Indiana OTHER MUSIC Albert Albert Pla Pla & Pascal Comelade Always Drinking Marching Band Astrio Baciamolemani Big Eril Concha Buika Guillamino Javier Ruibal Kiko Veneno Kiko Veneno & Refree Koko & Jean The Tonics children Maria Maia Vidal Eat my shorts Rusó Nico Red Bone Room Sanjosex + Chicuelo Seward Silvia Pérez Cruz Silvia Pérez Cruz & Raul Fernandez Miro Tal Ben Ari "Tula" The Big Head Troubled Boy Blue and Green The New Raemon Za! Armandinho Brazilian Chico César Macedo Collective strengths finder Maloca Day Brazil Fabiana Cozza Jacques Morelembaum Jurandir Santana Maracatú Mandacarú Orchestra Voador Sara Pi, Luciana Mello & Jair Oliveira Cavalcanti Vaud CIRCUS, dance and theater Alba Sarraute Religion Animal Circus strengths finder Circus sharp Combined strengths finder Barcelona-Stockholm Circus School Rogelio Rivel Kirman Fakir Factory Circular Flying Pigs Gandini Juggling Golden Stars Iocandi Kimberley Hotel & Jillian Raluy the Tal & Leandre Les Luthiers strengths finder Licedei Los Excéntricos Night Circus 2014 Odoroff Oxymoron Pepa Plana and Toti Toronell Trapeze 2014 Último pawns Violet Queen Dido & Aeneas CLASSIC Reloaded
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A policeman, whose wife is pregnant, has a number of dangerous missions. They call for a very important financial advisor mission: to dismantle the mafia led "Mickey" financial advisor Cohen. Then the police financial advisor are looking for four good shots and go to a gambling den that has "Mickey" Cohen and start firing but are about policemen also start shooting and have to leave the den. Then put a device where this "Mickey" Cohen and listen to the actions that will do. One of the missions financial advisor they have to do as sending a truckload of heroin escorted by two cars. They start shooting at each other from cars to the truck overturns heroin financial advisor and handles make it burn. Also enter a gambling den, which much illegal money was removed, financial advisor and burn a lot of dollars. Thus, little by little, they will dismantle the mafia gambling dens "Mickey" Cohen.
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Monday, March 16, 2015

The national david zuckerman gun ET Jaws Four hundred coups Mr. Arkadin North by Northwest Pat Garr

It is a movie with all the ingredients genre. The love triangle murder, femme fatale, Detective, the money, the error in executing david zuckerman the perfect crime, etc ... what happens to the characters david zuckerman are more stupid than what they usually are, and that is one of the characteristics david zuckerman of the films Cohen. david zuckerman Dominate all genres that dominate the cinematic language, david zuckerman can write with a camera and create delicious scenes. I liked it a lot. Good soundtrack. I also like the modification of the plot, and the fact that the couple found wrapped in it without seeking it, the stupid mistake and take them to a tragic fate and
The national david zuckerman gun ET Jaws Four hundred coups Mr. Arkadin North by Northwest Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid Psycho Rio Bravo Searchers of the lost arc Singing david zuckerman in the rain Stagecoach Star Wars The apartment The Birds The Godfather The Godfather II The Man Who Liverty shoot Valance The Quiet Man The Searchers Touch of Evil for Two the road Unforgiven Vertigo Wild Bunch
1280 1984 souls tales of destiny Bearn Hundred Years of Solitude Offices war Saturday long goodbye The Three Musketeers I, Claudius Treasure Island The unbearable lightness of being asleep the great march The Adventures of Huckelberry Finn Los santos To Kill a Mockingbird inocentes Memoirs of Hadrian broken mirror of Africa Hopscotch Retahílas Return to Brideshead Solaris The Turn of the Screw Brave New World
The Prague Cemetery (Umberto Eco) - 25/04/11 High Voltage (Harlan Coben) - 23/04/11 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Conan Doyle) - 13/04/11 Ragtime (EL Doctorow) -1/4 / 11 1Q84 (Haruki Murakami) - 02/25/11 Pale Criminal (Phillip Kerr) - 15/01/11 If what you are pensando (John Verdon) david zuckerman - 28/12/10 at Moti Bounty (John Boyne) - 21 / 11/10 After Dark (Haruki Murakami) - 17/11/10 disappeared (Harlan Coben) - 14/11/10 On D (Anthony Beevor) March Violets david zuckerman - Phillip Kerr The night the Crossroads (Georges Simenon) If the dead are not raised (Phillip Kerr) poet (Michael Connelly) -17/04/10 what I mean when I run (Haruki Murakami) - 03/11/10 The look of the Samurai (Carlos Giménez and others) Goodbye Shanghai (Angel Wagestein) - 03/01/10 Calle de la Estación, 120 (Léo Malet) - 02/24/10 La isla del tesoro (RL Stevenson) - 02/18/10 Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World (Haruki Murakami) - 08/02/10 Shutter Island (Dennis Lehane) - 02/02/10 david zuckerman The Knight of Sainte-Hermine (Alexandre Dumas) - 22/01/10 The Human Factor (John Carlin) - 01/12/10 The zero and the infinite (Arthur Koestler) - 12/14/09 The Lost Symbol (Dan Brown) - 01/12/09 Alexis Zorbas (Nikos Kazandzakis) - 11/08/09 Como if tuviera wings. Las Memorias perdidas (Chet Baker) - 05/11/09 Kafka on the Shore (Haruki Murakami) - 30/10/09 Queen at the Palace of drafts (Stieg Larson) 01/09/09 The girl who dreamed a match and gasoline bison (Stieg Larson) - 08/21/09 The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Stieg Larson) - 08/15/09 The big march (EL Doctorow) - 15/07/09 Winesburg, Ohio (Sherwood Anderson) - 27/04/09 The Master and Margarita (Bulgakov) - 04/24/09 Perros de paja (John Gray) - 04/16/09 david zuckerman

Sunday, March 15, 2015

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RTbtradetourbook: The FrenchForustheband Visitanos us in April. Attentive to its melodic HXC toda a tablet! http://t.co/zZK3OUHARC ht ... 5:08 PM - 12 Mar 2015 Now if if! Now is the day to start theAMFest_bcn. We discover all the bands, schedules and venues! http://t.co/AA5Vvp7sNN 9:29 AM - 11 Mar 2015
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Bon vespre plujós, Joan Josep. No tinc per costum ekosystem escort YouTubes, perquè not acabaria mai llegir els blogs. Yes certes músiques tinc them arxivades to memòria, perquè la nostra història amb l'anem Construint them melodies of the moment, which serien them Magdalenes of Proust but cançó. L'around abraçada, Olga Reply Delete
Have always liked their songs, the other day I heard and I also liked what he said, thought to have made an entry when he was given the Prince of Asturias, but ultimately remained on the shelf, rather good on the keyboard lol A hug and good Sunday Reply Delete
Ostres, Joan, machine remoguda emotional, escort aquesta cançó anys tants després of non fer-ho. Leonard Cohen will pose the soundtrack to alguns meva intense moments of life. L''ve trobada Bellissima. A abraçada i bon diumenge! Reply Remove
Joan, Leonard Cohen, has no desperdiciada.Son song so romantic, so sweet, say beyond mere words that rhyme ... This song as "Little Viennese Waltz" give peace even crying, but pleasantly. Besucos Gó Reply Delete
My també n'agrada molt Leonard Cohen, the veu, music i sobretot them lletres ... In a temps on who cançons of Cantants molts i sobretot ekosystem grups not provide positiu res i if molta Vulgarität, és agrair d'power cançons join escort to bring some missatge semper ens ... A abraçada i bona takes diumenge. M. Roser Reply Delete
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Saturday, March 14, 2015

As he was commissioned to remember, this was the fourth presentation dundee wealth of Avishai dunde

As he was commissioned to remember, this was the fourth presentation dundee wealth of Avishai dundee wealth Cohen Jazz Festival in Barcelona in the last six years. Therefore, viewers have seen the evolution of Barcelona and the various stages of the work of Israeli bassist. His latest venture is the septet Eastern Unit (originally a nonet, but eventually there were two casualties, Guiliani and Mark Rea Bar-Ness), which explores Cohen with his bass voice and various colors Israeli popular music, singing (among other languages) in Aramaic, Hebrew and Spanish (Ladino). It was the presentation of a disc currently only published in Israel, but that will soon international edition. For encores, a bulería by the trio Shai Maestro (piano), Eyal Heler (guitar) and Itamar donate (percussion); version bareback just bass and voice of Alfonsina and the Sea of Ariel Ramirez and Felix Luna and finale with Shalom Aleichem. Apotheosis, again, Avishai Cohen of the Barcelona Jazz Festival. dundee wealth
2015 (4) March (1) February (2) January (1) 2014 (40) November (10) October (11) September (4) July (1) June (2) March (10) February dundee wealth (1) January (1) 2013 (18) December (1) November (11) October (1) May (2) March (2) February (1) 2012 (64) December (1) November (25) October (26) September (1) August (1) June (1) May (4) April (1) March (1) February (1) January (2) 2011 (50) November (16) October (15) September (4) August (1) July (5) June (3) April (1) March (1) February (1) January (3) 2010 (105) December (5) November (26) October (10) September (15) August (10) July (5) June (6) May (5) April (5) March (6) February (7) January (5) 2009 (82) December (2) November (21) October (21) September (9) August (12) July (12) June (5) 2008 (44) December (5) November (24) Raynald Colom goodbye cycle ' Trumpets!' Lambchop, The Sense and susceptibility seductive trumpet Till Brönner Omar Sosa, prophet su tierra Chris Potter, Arturo Sandoval and uncompromising dundee wealth criticism dundee wealth Mariza, dundee wealth the Edith Piaf fado Korea & McLaughlin, Tom Harrell constellation of stars, pure Fresh Sound Poetry 25 years, only a fiesta of Avishai Cohen's new triumph in Barcelona Matthew Herbert Big Band, Dave Douglas nuevas sensations again Badalona Gary Giddins, Bird vive también en España Lizz Wright, dundee wealth Brad & Joshua dundee wealth barefoot diva, a duo very sophisticated Charlie Brown, the voice of the artist Adriana dundee wealth Calcanhotto a hada in the Palace of the phys ... And the river Goes ... The day I met Barack Obama (a true story) dundee wealth Patricia Barber, as the song Art Astor Piazzolla, an inexhaustible Philo ' Trumpets!' second chapter: the lyricism of Ingrid ... Marc Copland, a major October (15)
PHOTO: Avishai COHEN TRIO: Concert Photos of Jamboree (Barcelona).
1 year ago
David Hill: Hot House
2 years ago
Stereophile's Fred Kaplan

Friday, March 13, 2015

Avishai Cohen: bass and vocals / Nita Hershkovits: piano / Nehemya offers: drums / Cordelia Hagmann

Home bio CATALAN CASTELLANO JAZZ + FAE Agustin Fernandez and Albert Cherry 3 reel Albert Felix Sanz & Rossy Trio Albert Albert Sanz Villa Andreu Zaragoza Avantbrass Avishai Cohen (bass) Avishai Cohen (trumpet) Bartolomeo Barenghi legato Beat'a'Boom Benjamin Herman Bernat Font Trio Trio + Bindu Bridges David Soler Bruut! Benavente Carlos Casares Brothers Trio Trio Celeste Celeste alias Jorge Rossy & Chano Domínguez Chiquilladas picturesque Chris Cheek Christian Scott Quintet Bardagí Coleing Claudia Porter Hill-Miralta-Sambeat (CMS) Dani Molina Quartet David Mengual legato 9 Qtet David Mengual Free Spirits 700 mg Ensemble David Mengual Free Spirits Big Band David Mengual Slow Sweet Quartet Duot Durny Enrico legato Eva Eva Cortés Cortés & Paco Felix Perera Rossy Oliver & Henry Five in Orbit Free Art Ensemble gabacho Maroconection Abrié Gemma Gabriel Amargant Quintet "Amalgam" Valle Giulia Gianni Gagliardi Libera Gonzalo del Val Trio Gorka Benitez -David legato Ben Monder Xirgu-Iaies Gregory Porter & Fumero Outraged Unusual Trio Jazz Band Ivan Kovacevic Five Spots Ivo Sans Invite legato Jazz Ensemble Jazz Ensemble Chamber of Taller Joan Vidal Sextet Joe Smith Melodic Workshop Jorge Rossy Sextet Jorge Pardo 3 D'Juan Diego Trakas legato Juan Pablo Balcázar Julián Sánchez Trio Quartet New Standards legato Kunveno Late Night feat. Marcellin Bayer & Lee Konitz Lee Konitz Quartet Dan Tepfer Leo Torres Lionel Loueke Standard Book & Roberto legato Cecchetti Llibert Fortuny legato & Gergo tassels & Horacio legato Fumero Lucia Luciana Souza Trio Marc Miralta & Marco Marco Mezquida Mezquida Marcel lí Bayer Quartet & Albert Bover Marco Mezquida Rossy & Felix Martin Leiton Marco Mezquida Trio Trio Trio Melissa Aldana Miguel Fernandez Miguel Zenón Nadia Basurto & Roger Mas Trio Natsuko Suga Nnenna Freelon Group Project legato Nelson & Chico Pinheiro Noah Preminger Nu Roots Perico Sambeat legato Quintet Project Pyrene Ramon Prats Raynald Colom Quartet René Marie Robert Nesta Songs faks Rocío Sánchez Sabina Witt Quartet legato UPS & Galiana Sant Andreu Jazz Band Selnik Mezquida & Sergi Sirvent Felipe legato Whisper Songs Sergi Sergi Sirvent Octopussy Cats Trio Session Robadors Sheiman-Terraza commodity Sindicato Ornette Sofia Ribeiro STN Thomas legato Quartet Fosch Torijano Underpool Vicens Martin Dream Big Walk Tall Band Jam Session Whooookam WRY WTF Xavier Dotras Yuhan Su Trio Quartet Zhenya Strigalev FLAMENCO Alba Carmona & Marta Robles Ortega Archangel + Theodosii Spassov Ginesa Jorge Pardo Las Migas Le ça Marco Flores Flamenco tapas Mariola Membrives Polifonía Jonda ROOT Ana Rossi & Andrés Marcelo Mercadante Beeuwsaert Angela Furquet Antonio Sánchez Barranco & The Drumming Society Bassekou Kouyaté & Ngoni Ba Carlos legato Denia Coetus legato whirling dervishes of Damascus Al-Kindi Ensemble & Magic Domain Eliseo Parra Fanfare Ciocarlia Guillermo Rizzotto & Aleix Tobias Kumbiamba Monti & Luna Juan Quintero Marcelo Mercadante and his Quintet Porteño Marta Martyrdom Raúl Rodríguez Gómez & Mayra Andrade Susana Baca Drums Reason Son Toto la Tierra Momposina & Toumani Diabaté Sidiki Violentango Youkalis + Sabina Witt LATIN catheter Crossing I bet the key Javier Colina & Jerry Pepe Rivero González José Luis Cortés, "El Tosco "Luis Salinas José Luis Cortés Migdalia Hechevarría & Omara Portuondo & Roberto Fonseca Rita Indiana OTHER MUSIC Albert legato Albert Pla Pla & Pascal Comelade Always Drinking Marching Band Astrio Baciamolemani Big Eril Concha Buika Guillamino Javier Ruibal Kiko Veneno Kiko Veneno Refree Koko & The Jean & The Tonics As children Maia Vidal Maria Nico Roig Os my shorts Rusó Room Sanjosex + Chicuelo Seward Silvia Pérez Cruz Silvia Pérez Cruz & Raul Fernandez Miro Tal Ben Ari "Tula" The Big Head Troubled Boy Blue and Green The New Raemon Za! Armandinho Brazilian Chico César Macedo Collective Maloca Day Brazil Fabiana Cozza Jacques Morelembaum Jurandir Santana Maracatú Mandacarú Orchestra Voador Sara Pi, Luciana Mello & Jair Oliveira Cavalcanti Vaud CIRCUS, dance and theater Alba Sarraute Religion Animal Circus Circus sharp Combined Circular Fakir Factory Stockholm-Barcelona Kirman Flying Pigs Gandini Juggling Golden Stars Iocandi Kimberley Hotel & Jillian Raluy the Tal & Leandre Les Luthiers Licedei Los Excéntricos Night Circus 2014 Odoroff Oxymoron Pepa Plana and Toti Toronell Trapeze 2014 Último pawns Violet Queen Dido & Aeneas CLASSIC Reloaded
Avishai Cohen: bass and vocals / Nita Hershkovits: piano / Nehemya offers: drums / Cordelia Hagmann: violin / L Amit

Thursday, March 12, 2015

truth have always loved movies mum but see the third not make me want to see more ... .. I miss you

The blog of Rob Cohen, director of "The kyc mummy: tomb of the dragon emperor" | Cahiers du Cinéma - blog
Today, as is the world of internet and how easy it is to create a page or blog, many professionals in the world of cinema and television are encouraged to bring their own projects in the network, providing information exclusive about their work and the progress of projects they have at the moment at hand.
One of the latest discoveries is headed by Rob Cohen, director of things like Rat Pack, Panic in the tunnel or XXX, and currently is responsible for the direction of the third part of The Mummy. kyc On its website, Cohen shows through images and texts in what state is the process of production of the film, showing almost a preview of the first images of what will be the return of Brendan Fraser as an adventurer in this saga adventures.
In addition to photographs and text, there are also some interesting videos that show us how the equipment works (even with the wind and rain against), how more action scenes are prepared, the acting work ...
According to IMDB, the premiere in Spain is scheduled for August 2008, so we still have to wait. But for now we can keep Cohen page to gossip about the production of the film and some more secrets.
"Woody Allen not filmed in Spain his next two projects Adrien Tomine and drawings Film Actions Comments RSS Trackback Information Date: December 2, 2007 Categories: General 4 responses February 12, 2007
Tot i do not m'agraden cap de les dues pellicules The mummy existents fins ara, és interessant to know about Procediment of realització d'una pel lícula (real, not a telemovie XD) per part of mateix seu Director . Great idea i dedicació Cohen's great!
Doncs dues to my Mummy movies are m'agradan i força, kyc seu dins estil clar ... It's pure hard diversio i, i cap them dugues DECEP in Aspecte aquest month no podem demanar els hi ... There are Indiana Jones uns per exemple but carai, jo m'ho passo pipe amb elles! Ara, VEIEM curriculum bon d'este home aquesta em fa one third part molta mica poor:-)
mia (2:02:41):
truth have always loved movies mum but see the third not make me want to see more ... .. I miss you more excitement to the fights ... more dramatic if it took much Rachel I think if they would have put more emphasis on fights would have been much better
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Recent comments in Todd Solondz Themista: in suburban theater yk_pakito Beyond [REC] lorena gomez wolves in Beyond [REC] Auguxto in [REC]: :) Daliia kyc experiencing fear in Beyond [REC]
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The Ministry of Education has not proceeded legally in the implementation of Decree TIL and has con

I ............................................. as a parent of a student enrolled ................................................... .. ............ ........................... island of Ibiza, with ID and the address .................................... .. C / .............................. Number of .............................. ..................... brasilprev .. ...................
The Ministry of Education has not proceeded legally in the implementation of Decree TIL and has consulted the educational community as self evident where TSJIB issued by the proposed precautionary suspension of the Decree.
That recover the human and financial resources brasilprev allocated to education before the cuts of recent years: school brasilprev dinners and school transport, educational reinforcement, etc. In addition to respect the decision of TSJIB regarding the application of TIL.
President Dan Cohen Vicepresidente --- --- --- Dulcinea Martinez Treasurer Ines Rodriguez Bonet Carolina Secretary --- --- Jesus Zorrilla Vocal Vocal Vocal Red Lali --- --- --- Vocal Carolina Raquel Castro Rodriguez Vocal- --Mieke Coupe

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

5150 RUE DES Hormes d

The Finnish "Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale" has emerged as the undisputed winner of the 43rd Sitges Film Festival, taking three major awards: Best Picture, Best Director (Jalmari Helander) and Best Cinematography (Mika Orasmaa). It is an unconventional Christmas fable, peppered with shots and explosions, which demystifies the image of goodness and tenderness you have Santa Claus to discover the inhabitants of a Sami village that endearing character is not at all like he had always believed . The triumph of the film was a surprise to most festival goers, but the reality is that Helander has developed q super a high-quality q super work with a very good address that has been deservedly rewarded.
However great failure of national cinema. The furor that caused "Kidnapped" failed to end a successful response in any sense, and palmares not reflect any national, except dye in a short film award.
However, the winners seemed fair to its fullest extent, q super there was a split between public, critics and jury. Also deservedly awarded the screenplay for "Stage 7", on which we had already commented on originality and freshness.
Josie Ho was named best actress winner for his great role in "Dream home" which also won the award for Best Makeup. Honestly, interpretation of Ho, was one of the most harrowing of the festival, and its award was undoubtedly deserved. The best actor was Patrick Fabian, for "The Last Exorcism" to what we should be a bit more critical, not because undertake a misunderstanding, but because the bar that put players in other films maybe it was too high for Fabian.
The "We are the night", another favorite, vampire rose at the end with the special jury prize and the best FX, took them "Monsters", on which we will make a small annotation. Synopsis of the film aforesaid promised a new "District 9", a film by alien action with social criticism and many encounters between humans and aliens full of FX. However, the film was a sad cartoon q super of "love", contextualized in a world with aliens, who have no other function to be it, simple q super context that adorns the idyll of the two main characters. We should remind Gareth q super Edwards, a fantastic plot, as it should be assumed in this festival, is not placing a backdrop of beings from another planet, and then create a romantic story without regard to any other aspect of the story, which had a principle, with infinite artistic possibilities to combine both proposals, without sacrificing any. The straw that broke the camel was that, after an hour and a half waiting for some action, the "final battle" became a new demonstration of "pastelerismo" when the aliens arrive unexpectedly and get to hug each other. By God! Even the aliens were romantic, and give up the award for best FX, we assume that the jury did not pay much attention to this section as having Miike films on the grill. Someone should give a touch to Gareth Edwards, please.
On the contrary, it was comforting to see a film of Kitano immersed as before in the world of the Yakuza. Any awards, but the feeling is I do not wear during the film, for fans of Japanese director q super is highly recommended, we all wanted a return to the theme in style and in our opinion it was. For those new film by the director, suffice to say that an Eastern Scorsese has made a new film.
Millor Pel lícula / Best Picture / Best Motion Picture
SOUND OF NOISE d'Ola Simonsson & Johannes Nilsson Stjarne per la seva only barreja q super d'història, visuals i so / because of its unique history, visual and sound mixing / for STIs unique blending of story, visuals and sound.
5150 RUE DES Hormes d'Éric Tessier per la seva innovative cinematography rare combination of fantastic revelant clàssica i nous dilemes morals / for its innovative combination of classic q super and fantastic cinematography revealing new moral / groundbreaking blend of classical cinematography and fantasy dilemmas opening up new moral issues.
Jaime Serrano per CANVAS, presentat pel Centre d'Estudis Cinematogràfics de Catalunya (CECC)
Critics Prize Jose Luis Guarner / Critics q super Award Jose Luis Guarner / Jose Luis Guarner Critic Award
By the way, yesterday Cortés picked up his award for "Buried" and raised q super his critical voice against the organization. Since a film like yours "should have been released in Sitges", which apparently q super was not possible for the director despite his attempts. With two long par innovative behind, q super Cortés still going strong wherever he

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Now if there is something you do not always like the music that is bodycombat put. The truth is I d

Today I literally crippled. Occurred to me to do a seminar of sports that practice, bodycombat. For those who do not know what it is, I will say that it is a high intensity cardio inspired by martial arts with elements of karate, boxing, taekwondo, tai chi, muay thai (Thai fight that basically uses elbows and knees ) and, more recently, capoeira. To put it in a sloppy punches and kicks to the beat of the music. This sport has been created by Rachael Cohen (pictured left) and her husband Dan Cohen.
The seminar lasted four hours straight, yes sir, with two balls to work the body more than the players in any game. Four hours included a section on technique (to practice different types of strokes) and a master session to implement everything.
I do not make me cool, but seven years ago that the practice bodycombat and I think I have a pretty good technique. So maybe he did not need to go to seminary, but always retiring learn new things, no? I have also been lucky enough to meet the Audry, a friend who came before my gym but then switch to another closer to home. So, say silly, I do practice technique with her.
Now if there is something you do not always like the music that is bodycombat put. The truth is I do not have hobbies, from Queen Nirvana (Kurt Cobain if come back !!), always remixed versions, so when you put things retiring straight Makino.
The Les Mills website, the Australian company that created the bodycombat and other training systems, there is even a page where people can suggest songs. I propose some Public Enemy, but slipped. Furthermore, suppose that also depend on copyright, and things like that. Even if they managed to transform Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana in a disco hit almost not surprise me anything ...
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Michael bottle barcelona, Catalonia "ten years old I Heard the whistle of a north bound train," Jesse Dayton sings one of his compositions. 10 years I did not hear a train, or what is the same, I never got what I wanted to be very clear: neither firefighter or lawyer or doctor. yes, I love the movie and when it came time to go to college, I decided journalism because, at that time (I speak of the last century) was the only race where rubbing a subject related retiring the seventh art. Furthermore, given the ease with my writing seemed retiring logical that ended in this faculty. While not everyone fall, but those looking for a person retiring who is not uncommon fit into the social conventions. Rock Museum is an exhibition of articles on music, but also on any other issue that worries me. The starting point is a review of my experiences in music journalism, to show that there is much more than that of "sex, drugs and rock & roll," retiring and the reality is harder than it looks. In this virtual museum I want to share with all my ideas and my knowledge, something that is priceless. You enjoy it. View my complete profile
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