Friday, January 10, 2014

Controls complement touch screen and a small speaker. Start and Select disappear tlaidlá to replace

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20 At its February Sony Playstation Meeting 2013 Evente podaoakávaní announced a new PlayStation fourth Console that changes the philosophy of the specific hardware and Playstation consoles fully passed expat blog on PC hardware. Sony removes age as a barrier in tricky and development cost of games on previous consoles and umouje employ a full hardware performance cadet developer.
AMD osemjadrový expat blog x86 64-bit Jaguar (while no frequency indicated, should be 1.6 or 1.8 Ghz) Graphic expat blog IP: AMD next-gen engine with a power of 1.84 ip TFLOP (compared to GeForce GTX 660 has a 1.88 TFLOP)
Sony confirmed this configuration, which is longer whispering and even if it is not the most efficient to get into the Playstation expat blog 4 will dostaujúce in the next few years. And possibly to 6x Bluray drive that will re weakest article spúšania games. Although the drive is 3 times faster than the PS3 and 2x faster than DVD Xbox360 but the textures and objects now growing rapidly in quality and hence sizes and stay where we were. Installing the HDD to increase the speed is probably inevitable. At current 12x speed drives could also chosen higher speed drives.
For comparison, a similar configuration to the PC pribline now buy for $ 600, with the e to fall even become cheaper. 400 dollar price would Playstation 4 could end the U.S. real, but relating to the issue in Europe, while there naznaujú source edition and the spring of 2014, as Sony has a habit with us.
And as the console looks like? In a still pokáme, kee Sony Playstation 4 in the presentation showed. Shown, expat blog however, was controlled and Playstation Dualshock 4 4 Eye camera, which will Suase console.
Gamepad remains in design dualshock control, but will not massive expat blog and it will add new features. The back will light surface, which will be lit colors according toy, blinks or identify interventions toy, his poor health and at the same time it scans the PS Eye camera and identified expat blog as hráav space.
Controls complement touch screen and a small speaker. Start and Select disappear tlaidlá to replace and Share Options and Share invokes a menu that will let you shares pictures or videos of the game
Playstation 4 will also receive upgraded PS Eye camera, which gets two sensing camera 1280x800 at 60 fps camera angle 85 degrees. Nevertheless, do not e hbkové sensors should toy can separate from the environment and, for example, to identify him or his movement detectable.
Sony iastone expat blog as follows expat blog Kinect, but without dodatoných sensors but lack SVELA or contrast Speed Control reduces identification characters. Primarily, however, will mainly take pictures and watching the video chat light sensors in controlled.
The system expat blog itself has not presented the Sony console, but sometimes the presentation of images flickered revised menu, which now looks more the style of the PS Store selection as simple text XMB menu. His government will therefore images. Of the options mentioned as Sharovanie videos expat blog that the system automatically records and click HNE recorded on any of the social networks, as well as will let you make your gameplay watching your friends and commented on it. Of course it will need a good and fast internet sending data. Intimidated Gaikai will work through the system, which will form one of the cornerstones of the console and will:
- Stream your gameplay on the Internet - will let you play Okami Kadu game of PS4 offer as a demo - later planned return magnetic compatibility with PS3 streaming St & ya

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