Wednesday, January 1, 2014

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Personal financial advisor is not a luxury but a necessity lichniyat finansov konsultant ne e luks, a neobhodimost ~ Tips suveti
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Occasion to write the following lines became my meeting with a 72 year old woman came asking for help. Her problem is its minimum pension credit and indebtedness 500%. This is just one small example of this - how hard to set realistic goals, plan properly costs, a comparison to "shop" in the best conditions.
When you buy a car, usually seek advice from autos. When you buy a property seeking the services of real estate agents and notaries. When someone trample our rights, we make a long selection of attorney looking for the best. Even when we go around the market stalls for hours to choose the best product.
What happens though, when we sign a contract for a loan or make "Life" insurance for a long period of 20 years, for example? Do not think about the consequences, problems cost us then? Watch the ads or go to the nearest office. Seek advice from those who sell and whose commission depends on the make a sale, ie not take what is appropriate for us and what they have convinced us that we need. It is very important here to distinguish between sales and advice. You also can not give the example of a client who has made "Life" but not declared an old disease "advice" of an insurance salesman. The client died before the maturity of the policy, and the insurer refuses to pay compensation to the heirs. Turn around in a vicious circle of unequal rules, procedures and contracts. We try, in most cases too late to get out of the spiral of indebtedness.
This necessitated in recent years in our country to be born and more to promote the profession of Chartered 10833 Financial Consultant. What distinguishes it from the sellers of financial services is that it works for you and protect your interests. It is your financial lawyer.
Operate in Bulgaria dozens banks, insurers, pension insurance and investment companies 10833 and all offer a wide range of financial products. But who really is suitable for you? From what exactly you need? Where are the pitfalls and traps in the terms? You can find out in advance if you hire an independent and ethical financial 10833 advisor. His job is just to help you determine your personal goals - short and long term, and you create a plan how and with what instruments to achieve them.
All you need is money - where to get them and under what conditions? Do you need insurance "Life"? What is the size? Where to insure your car and home? How to learn to save? When to retire and how to increase your pension? Is it possible to legally reduce your taxes? Have you had to take hasty and emotional decision to purchase a property, a car, even an expensive item. At this point you can fully rely on its financial advisor because it has special qualifications to predict and minimize the risk in making a major decision. In this case, I will give more examples of unmeasured risk and unexpected - a woman pulls a mortgage without life insurance. The woman died and 10 debtor remains its annual child. Man will make repairing your home. In his bank offers loans for current needs and interest protset 11.75%, and he can actually pull target credit repair interest rate 7.50%.
In Bulgaria Certified Financial 10833 Consultants are too few in number compared with the U.S. and Europe, but are available when you need timely advice. They can protect you from extra costs and save you time and money. And yet - "Everyone is your saved lev lev won."
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