Friday, May 9, 2014

2012 Green Party - ZO Praha fifth All rights reserved. Published 401k plan works may be protected

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Residents are Jinonice recently re-addressed leaflets advocating the installation of the mesa Vidoule unique natural park Kosire-Motol. In January we reported on our website first wave of promotional and PR materials, which were issued 401k plan on behalf of companies +3 B Real - see mayor-Prague-5-rika-Vidoule-is-for-sale /. This company represents several major private owners of the fields in the western Vidoule. The goal of these owners is of course 401k plan the best return on their property, but that means transforming them owned fields on building sites. They are, however, aware of opposition from local residents and os and tries to disguise its primary 401k plan objective, namely the installation of this unique location - proposed third area as a sports hall and a variety of tracks and third houses, and for a third park, the park and sports facilities would be financed from the sale of houses. And that area is the main goal and dangers which would open a Pandora's box and salami method would be irrevocably destroyed Vidouli a natural park Kosire-Motol. For his plan does not hesitate to company B Real +3 use the services of PR agencies, including Mr. John Piskáček that example also represents former Transport Minister Ales Řebíček (more on Janu Piskáček to find the ct24/exkluzivne-na -ct24/29508--long-ago-known minister-Rebick-winning vintage-managing-the-key-transport-institution /). The situation is augmented by a permanent effort influential representatives of Prague 401k plan 5, JUDr. Tomas Homola, allow installation 401k plan Vidoule, all hidden behind the beautiful words of cultivation understand the deepest buildings in the park Kosire-Motol. JUDr. Homola would be a good lawyer and lobbyist development companies because Vidoule not the only place in Prague 5, which promotes the enabling development. Let's hope that in the end Mr. JUDr. Homola, this close associate of former Mayor coughing, 401k plan does not appear on the ballot in ACD Praha 5 to ZHMP or political movement, yes. After ODS, SNK-ED, VV and UNP would have been a shining example of Czech political 401k plan tourism. Luke Buda, chairman of the Green Party in Prague 5 with the situation said: "The Green Party will continue to hold its position that any change in the land use plan to allow construction of a natural park Kosire-Motol, including 401k plan the mesa Vidoule is completely unacceptable. Certainly these efforts, plans and propaganda leaflets not only refuse, but we are against them actively stand and fight. It is necessary to prevent the destruction of Vidoule as breakout and green for the public, which would make the implementation plan of B Real +3 ultimately enabled. At the same time I also know that cleaning and cultivation of certain parts of the site are necessary, but it certainly will not help change the land use plan and subsequent construction. Our goal is Vidoule green, park and forest park that would be open to the public, which would entail and purchase of land by the municipality from private owners. Such expenditure would, however, was the Prague 5 the best investment and protect the interests of speculators Vidouli before. "Leaflets themselves are concerned local residents, who even direct appeal, they ask company B +3 Real on their background, interests and goals. As an example, email Mr. Michael Marini. 401k plan
2012 Green Party - ZO Praha fifth All rights reserved. Published 401k plan works may be protected by various copyright laws. Powered using WordPress and WPSHOWER. Design with restricted Creative Commons license Green Party.

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