Saturday, May 31, 2014

Kern activists are organizing to keep a watch on the local sheriff, said Gonzalo Santos, of the Coa

The Trust Act or "Trust Act", a law that took effect last January in California to limit the delivery of foreign detainees to immigration agencies only people with serious crimes, begins to show it's working, but still faces resistance in some counties.
Jennie Pasquarella, attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Southern California, explains that four months after this law went into effect is still being implemented unevenly in different counties.
"We do not have the exact number yet, but we believe that roughly half (counties) are well delineated to implement local policies and the other half not," said the lawyer.
Essentially, the Trust Act limits the cooperation of law enforcement agencies in California with the federal government in the enforcement of immigration laws, and specifically with the Secure Communities program, which uses fingerprints sent to sign a detainee to identify trust definition potential "deportable" .
Once that happens, ICE sends a request for local authorities to retain the person beyond their obligations to the criminal law. That's the request that agencies trust definition have the right to ignore, thanks to Trust. There are as Kern counties where local authorities are resisting implement TRUST, Pasquarella said.
"We have met with local authorities and shown us that politics deployment drafted, but we are concerned that essentially states that are deciding themselves which will be exceptions that will apply," said the lawyer. trust definition "The text of the law says and what".
An analysis of the numbers of arrests in 15 counties during the first two months of this year conducted by the Associated Press, revealed a 44% decrease in the number of people arrested by local agencies who are being handed over to ICE (Agency Immigration and Customs Enforcement).
In Los Angeles ICE deliveries fell by 28%. In San Diego, at 58%. In counties with and similar to current policies TRUST for months before it was passed, as San Francisco and Alameda, the decline has been even more remarkable: in San Francisco has been reduced 98% and in Alameda, 70% .
Activists say this indicates that most of the previously delivered to ICE were people with minor offenses or no offenses. Trust also protects victims of crime.
Kern activists are organizing to keep a watch on the local sheriff, said Gonzalo Santos, of the Coalition for Kern Citizenship and professor at Cal State University Bakersfield. trust definition
Pasquarella trust definition said have been reported in a number of cases of possible violations of the Trust Act, because in many cases the sheriffs do not even know what the law is.
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