Saturday, May 10, 2014

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State Bank, a system of shared work, inheritance tax or strengthening of CzechInvest. The proposals put forward by the Social Democrats Movement YES, and by which the Czech Republic wants to restore economic growth and to ensure the efficient collection of taxes.
Experts YES CSSD received from two materials, which the editors Rights available: one is called "CSSD proposals for measures to restore economic growth and employment," the other "CSSD proposals to create a National Plan to combat the informal economy and undeclared work." YES if the two texts had over the weekend to assess.
Soc.dem. For example, to strengthen the system of small and medium-sized businesses through state-owned banks. "The funds will be the development of the Czech-Moravian Guarantee and Development Bank, which is a 100% state-owned institutions become strong universal commercial bank and finance in particular small and medium-sized enterprises and infrastructure development," reads the text.
Unemployed CSSD wants to offer retraining programs in cooperation with entrepreneurs and those at risk of redundancy, system shared work (called Kurzarbeit). Shared work works, for example in Germany. As I preached before the election, soc.dem. also plans to increase the minimum wage, although some economic experts have warned before that. Simplify sef mg tax returns
Soc.dem. also plans to restore the system of investment incentives and the role of CzechInvest. In order to prevent evasion of social democrats want to shine a light on the stalls, the terms of which want to tighten up significantly. On the other hand, to simplify, according to them had tax returns, which in the past promised before the election and the right-wing government.
CSSD also wants to restore the inheritance tax. "Today has been the de facto absence of inheritance tax opens the door to" wash "illegally acquired property and funds in this way (see the case of Serb). The actual repeal of the estate tax in the Czech Republic has no parallel in any of the EU Member States and most likely not the world, "the draft says.
Reference is made to Karla Serbs, former Secretary General of the Foreign Ministry, whom police accused of bribery, embezzlement and conspiracy to murder. Found him at home several million crowns in a shoebox, Serb then claimed that the money he inherited from his father. Some proposals sef mg already agreed by both Parties: to include the law on proof of origin of the property. CSSD specifies it in the text. Evidence lawfully acquired possessions citizens should purchase the property at over 15 million, cars over two million, securities, etc. over five million. Bělobrádek has clear
KDU-CSL chairman Pavel Bělobrádek sef mg Pravo said that if his party in the governing coalition, wants the post of Vice-President of the House. "If we are in a coalition, we must strive for it," said Bělobrádek. But did not rule out the possibility that eventually the KDU-CSL in the government was not.
"Possible are still three variants: that we in the coalition that we will support a minority government, but also that we are in opposition. The negotiations have not progressed too far. CSSD and yes, today many will not, "said Chairman of the KDU-CSL, who earlier said that his party would místopředsednické chair did not have a contented with the positions of the committees. sef mg
"It was at the very beginning of the negotiations," said his earlier words. Bohuslav Sobotka earlier in an interview just said that the other option than a coalition of the Social Democrats, YES and KDU-CSL are just an early election.
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