Friday, May 9, 2014

A contented old age by my counselor helped that for 22 years when planning retirement, I will have

Needs analysis is excellent and precise. This is undoubtedly the best financial plan of the previous tests. Development of the two variants is superior. The company would be afraid to recommend to their friends ... Thus, the jury assesses the output of a financial advisor for benefits. He, too, but some of the "black dots" won. Let's see what exactly he designed and how his plan passed in front of a professional jury.
The course of the two meetings we have described in previous work. Now let's see what specifically prepared adviser. The consultant presented two plans, one with a variant of the rent of existing dwelling and the other allowing for its sale. Each of them numbered fourteen A4 pages plus two pages of the payment schedule. Entering sep a destination financial plan
The three-member family with a daughter of five, with an average net income of about 26 000 CZK with her husband and 18 000 CZK with his wife. Family property consists of a cooperative apartment 2 +1, passenger cars Škoda Fabia acquired on lease with monthly sep installments of CZK 6500 (the end of the repayment for 1.5 years). Rent + fees amount to about CZK 4,500 per month living expenses and other roughly 7,000 CZK. The family is able to save per month about 10,000 CZK. The Bank has one six-month term revolvingovaný sep deposit sep in the amount of CZK 300,000, signed two construction savings target amount sep of CZK 300,000 and CZK 170,000, to be insured sum insured CZK 500,000 in annual premiums 2,500 CZK and liability insurance with citizens premium 300 CZK per year. The goal of the financial plan is the acquisition of a larger apartment, car and equipment in the nursery term of three years, which is also calculated with a second child.
So we can take a planned larger apartment worth about 2 000 000 - 2 200 000 CZK, I was at the end of the revolving term deposit these funds choose a CZK 110,000 to invest in open-end mutual fund money market investment company IKS, 180 000 CZK in bonds Pioneer (profile views) and CZK 10,000 in equity fund of the same institution. Thus defensively these funds were distributed because I went out in the investment profile as a conservative investor. sep Planned assessment by the consultant should sep be in money market funds and bonds of about 2.4% and the equity fund approximately 10%. As another road leading to the new housing, the increase in savings deposits wife from CZK 510 to CZK 1,500 per month. Two and a half I had a role to end their building society, which would have 141 052 CZK. At the same time the savings ended and wife, which should save at 72,000 CZK. I would also like to choose their means of investments in mutual funds, which I won 115,646 CZK 196 667 CZK and 12,311 CZK. At the same time I had to close a mortgage at Czech Savings Bank (profile views) with a maturity of 20 years the amount of CZK 1,662,205 at an interest rate of 4.99%. Monthly installment was published by us on 10 960 CZK. In this way, for three years we achieved our targets and new apartment.
Nursery equipment in the amount of 25,000 sep CZK consultant planned so that after a period of two and a half years would put their 760 CZK per month in the bond fund IKS (profile views). Even in this fund adviser sep assumed appreciation of 2.4%.
The new car at the price of CZK 550,000 investment would come to 14 100 CZK Bond Fund Pioneer. sep For two and a half years I planned investment with appreciation of 2.4% chose and I had a 386,602 CZK. When you add and 163,398 CZK sold existing car, you can get a new, larger.
A contented old age by my counselor helped that for 22 years when planning retirement, I will have a little over 1,522,210 CZK. To ensure this, I have since mid-2011 per month to invest in 2151 CZK IKS Balanced Fund (profile views) sep the expected investment return of 6% per annum during the same period contract the pension schemes in the Pension Fund of the Czech Savings sep Bank (profile views) Where should I save monthly 1500 CZK. Here advisor deposits expected appreciation of 3.1% per year. In 2028, this saving will end and I will have saved 368 429 CZK. When I select also invested funds from the balanced mutual fund in the amount sep of CZK 751,436 sep and add to them and CZK 402,344 from investment life insurance co-operatives (profile views), which I also secured my income, I'll be happy pensioner - a millionaire.
Wife's pension will be ensured by investing CZK 1,228 per month from mid-2011 to the balanced mutual fund IKS with the expected appreciation of 6% a year, and in mid-2011 closure of pension schemes in the Pension Fund of the Czech Savings Bank with monthly deposits 1,500 CZK. To her, along with a completed investment life insurance from Kooperativa at the end of 2030 and selecting the amount of 471 380 CZK ensure funding for a total amount of 1,427,815 CZK.
Financial provision for the planned second child by consultant can currently only partially addressed. Therefore proposed to invest CZK 5,000 per month in bond mutual fund company Pioneer with an expected annual appreciation sep of 2.4%. In compliance with toh

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