Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Fight bankwo our wzgldy in s largest part takes place today in a floodplain advertising, and not in

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Blog Maciej Samcika, dugoletniego economic journalist of Gazeta beneficiaries Wyborcza. The finance beneficiaries maych and large. Mnstwo interesting facts about pienidzy. Important messages for the home budget. Financial Tips and Reviews commercials financial institutions.
I do not know whether zauwaylicie, but recently beneficiaries on television advertising a quick loan gotwkowe wycznie. There is almost kredytw mortgage advertising, mao is the zachcajcych to zaoenia account pienidzy few banks seem to advertise investments (because why promote something beneficiaries that is still None of the customer due to a microscopic percentage zauwayz '). Banks tries to revitalize already sold kredytw gotwkowych only the most profitable beneficiaries product and, in the intention of pozostaych postanowiy only giveth in the church on trays ;-). When looking at the dynamics of the market condition loans gotwkowych can be reached to the conclusion that the advertising offensive beneficiaries bankww fast gotwce resembles beneficiaries prby resuscitation beneficiaries ciko ill patient or corpse beneficiaries oywiania ;-).
After the recent growth in sales of consumer kredytw (in the above charts you have not yet seen), you can at least believe that the patient is cold and started giveth signs of life. In the second quarter of this year, the rump of households on account of consumer kredytw beneficiaries poszowgr about 2.4 billion z IN THIS same period a year ago spadaooponad 800 million z But this revival troupe takes place from the point of view of the huge expense bankw. From market statistics, KTRE sharing the Raiffeisen Polbank I show that in over the last three years spending on advertising bankw kredytw gotwkowych wzrosy almost double! In 2010, stood at 273 million, which constituted the 25% of all wydatkw to advertise produktw, and now it's almost 550 million per year, which accounts for nearly one half of all wydatkw bankw advertising! (Spjrzcie at the chart below). While the number of campaigns carried out by the banks kredytw gotwkowych is more or less the same, it is from January to March 2012, spending on advertising rate card in kredytw gotwkowych on television stood at 107.4 million with, in the first quarter of 2013, byo is already nearly 150 million.
Fight bankwo our wzgldy in s largest part takes place today in a floodplain advertising, and not in the fight for getting lower interest rates. Banks have more and more expensive loans and believe that the only way to sell is ... Loading more and larger pienidzy in advertising. And it gwnie a TV, because lately there zwikszyy the bank spending on "Fast gotwk" beyond TV. A glass pane banks show us gwnie celebrytw, May ktrzy odcign Tumu comments on the nature of the product, which is of interest, but instead "sold emotions". The BZ WBK NG-row because, beneficiaries until recently, Chuck Norris, PKO BP has Szymon Majewski and commercials Eurobank Piotr Adamczyk wygupia up. I wonder beneficiaries how long it will take this marketing all-out war. How banks will be able to have increases in advertising nakady fast loans? As far as the advertising market kredytw byway dead periods, such as summer, now's banks, KTRE spend cash on advertising non-stop. The large will takes flauta beneficiaries in mortgages and low interest rates will biyw mare bankw, the greater may be desperation bankowcw beneficiaries to chasing up the high amounts beneficiaries pumped into advertising. Zwaszcza that of other banks shake your poyczkowe, KTRE cation in advertising beneficiaries pumping pienidzy greatest number, take away bankers want to work part of the customers. A bit of a niepokojce, because we can walk to the state borrowing will ktrym fast as washing powder - the market share of individual sprzedawcwbdzie Zalea g greatly per budetw advertising. Where as sales, low interest rates, "bezhaczykowo"?
And yet at the end of the selected data Expert Monitor about how the several banks and larger pienidze spent on advertising loans for sale przekadaj the same loans. Lights, although Residual, s to pouczajce. This example Alior Bank at nakadach almost twice lower than ING achieve a similar sales (but it should be remembered that these advertising ING account oszczdnociowe). Porwnanie Alior of BZ WBK and Bank Millennium is out for the benefit of the former (although the Millennium last campaigns granted referred these accounts oszczdnociowych).
Szukajc pozytywww the uncool position located three. In the battle for advertising outside the building in recipients of positive emotions wok rent the pienidzy, a number of arguments "merit": guarantee the lowest monthly payment (at the same time proposing such that at least two banks - Alior and Bank Millennium), postponement of the first installment Zapata (seen a in a number of banks, with PKO BP on the head) and bezkantowo and transparency of the product. beneficiaries Here is aimed zwaszcza Raiffeisen Polbank, who alone has on offer zero percent credit beneficiaries without any puapek. You just need to Zapata zgry 9% commission. The other thing is that this credit

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