Wednesday, July 2, 2014

02/07/2014 13:10

More than a quarter Finnish suspects he can not work until retirement age, it turns out Health and Welfare, through the regional health and well-being of the study. However, as many will experience degraded their ability to work.
This will identify the population's living conditions, welfare, health, lifestyle and experiences of the service system. Research has been a nationwide from 2013, with the participation of two years, more than 150 000 people in Finland. Uusimaa feel better
Socio-economic undue influence differences are reflected in income, the less studied feel poor more frequently than the better educated. Less studied at one in four feels poor.
Quality of life and happiness is the experience of some regional, but especially sosiekonomisia differences. Less studied at less than half feel their quality of life in favor of the more highly educated estimates undue influence as almost two-thirds.
The most significant regional difference was in South Ostrobothnia and Ostrobothnia between. South Ostrobothnia assess quality of life in favor of 53 per cent of the population, 45 per cent of Ostrobothnia. Quality of life of the most satisfied living in the Uusimaa region.
In lifestyle between the regions was up to two-fold differences. Type of Donegal 41 percent use niukanlaisesti vegetables in their diet, for example, in Uusimaa, the figure is 23 per cent.
02/07/2014 13:10
The smallest parliamentary party to the boil. Sari Essayhin more than 60 000 votes in the European elections started a rebel movement, the result of which led to ten years the Christian Minister of the Interior Päivi Räsänen will probably have to leave the place in the middle of the season. Voluntarily Räsänen, at least not yet starting, but Essayah popularity and parliamentary elections are approaching too hard on the combination against him.
The world suffering from a kind of vagabond fever, which becomes undue influence immediately panic if you stay threatens to increase. World events, the mill has to be crushed oats news 25 hours a day, so that the general public, readers, viewers and listeners an unquenchable undue influence fury of output, speed and a constant craving for pakenemishalu will receive its fulfillment. Continuous change and uutisskuuppeilusta has become a ubiquitous way to the property. Silence and stagnation undue influence are worse than death threats, even in the middle nojatuolifilosofointi impossible.
Domestic | 02.07.2014 13.26 The Working Group conceal holdings in the stock market - the use of administrative registers
Domestic | 01/07/2014 14:31 Barona terminates 84 Lappeenranta to Kuusamo and (BTI)
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