Nearly half of the more than 50-year-old Finnish feels to be a victim of circumstances grant of probate in his own life survives Redera Ltd's taking Allowed 50 years of research. The study also shows that raising the retirement age and feel reluctant towards the children and children's children used the money more than self. Few people are concerned about the behavior of alcohol or would like more money. In addition, the investigation revealed that local and organic grant of probate food, functional food and fair trade products, as well as the consumption of pampering will be increased. Also, we need more services.
S-50 is a nationwide study, which examined the 50 and 75-year-old Finnish attitudes and behavior. Attitudes with regard to the results of analysis showed that less than ten per cent of the world will experience mostly positive. The world perceived as being too busy, selfish, greedy ("money talks"), unfair, uncertain, insecure and oppressive. A closer grant of probate look at the results of the respondents from the three groups emerged. Depending on the respondents' attitudes towards work and lives of the respondents were grouped into "the sun would," "victims" and "cat days" eaters.
By far the largest group were dissatisfied with their lives, "victims", which was 45%. "Sunny," or life satisfaction and positive attitude toward was 25%. "Cat Days", or a leisurely inclined to adapt to the passive was 30%, most of which, 80% are pensioners. Background variables such as place of residence, educational level, occupation, or being retired, differentiated grant of probate the groups only very little.
- "Man does not really change at all different behaviors, expectations, and as a consumer at the age of 50 years and at the age of 70 years. Instead of an attitude to life in general separates the target group very much and characterized by their experiences of life and work. The attitude of the stronger with age and attitude differences between people entering retirement age are significant, "says the study carried out Redera Managing Director Isa Merikallio.
The different groups varied approach to the world of work clearly. "Victims," 62% did not experience their work as rewarding and ice, and had therefore been preferred before retirement. "Victims" of 32% also thought grant of probate that being left or had retired for health reasons. "Sunshine" the group responded positively to the world of work, and 71% were going to stay or had been rather later, in retirement, because they felt that their work rewarding. Only 11% of "sunny" wants to or wanted to retire because of the experience of pregnant women in working grant of probate life. "Victims" 35% want or wanted to retire, because they felt that they valued their peers at work. 'Sunny' only 9% felt the same.
- "Great attitude differences are explained by differences in intergenerational education and psychology grant of probate through the life cycle. Man has a tendency to over the years and the life of the turning points either to open a new or typified by the familiar groove deeper and deeper. At worst, a person becomes older, caricature character in his own personality traits - and often negative traits, "explains grant of probate Merikallio.
'Sunny "85% felt they were very or quite happy when the" victims "responsible for 54 percent of the victims needed a lot more appreciation from other people, safety and security, better relationships, and a lot of vitality. Sunny were quite satisfied, and the yearning for significant changes in their lives.
- "Great attitude grant of probate differences provide significant challenges. For example, a significant part of the working grant of probate life of more than 50-year-old needs more appreciation, experience of work with child and will epämotivoivaksi and 'health' reasons, out of work early. It is, however, more attitude than external factors. Needed rather Esa Saarinen and psychologists as the existing grant of probate legislative sanctions, financial inducements and an anti-depressant, "commented Merikallio.
"It should be noted that the hierarchy does not include almost half of the sun - both employees and management must look in the mirror. Today's world is a tough one for all, we need to develop the right attitude to things for the better, "continues Merikallio.
There are currently 1 780 000 for more than 50 years of age a third of Finnish are over 50 years old. In 2030, a second Finnish is going to be over 50 years old. The growth in the second focus, sunny active than the victims
With over 50 years of age behavior of the study showed that a quarter of respondents use with children and grandchildren more than 2000 per year, 53% more than in 1000 and EUR 29 per cent from 300 to 1000 euros. 37% of respondents use the self-compulsory expenditure after a maximum of 1200 per year, 43% use the 1200-1800 euros and 21% over 1800 euros.
"Victims" and "sunshine" a group stood out among the respondents, not just attitudes, but the behavior of general favor. "Sunny" prove "victims" more active, of whom 28% were on a weekly grant of probate basis for a coffee, when the "victims", the figure was 19%. 'Sunny' 28%
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