Sunday, July 20, 2014

2014 (151) July (15) June (22) May (20) April (25) March (22) February (22) January

"Well, are you coming?" Said Karlsson. Little Brother wondered once more after. scpi "But if you were going to drop off the top of my flight?" He asked hesitantly. Karlsson did not seem to bother it. "Well," he remarked, "there are so many children. One in the front or the back, it's no big deal. "(P. 25) The first book acts as an introduction to the topic, Karlsson, only the second scpi book will Majasokuga serious action shot (and it is no longer a tedious koeramangumist!). I wonder how today's Karlsson takes a tad esmatutvumisse a TV (p. 73-75); It nupuke, which was longer or wider faces turn, was probably one of the really cute nupuke. Karlsson's daily routines would like to know more. And read some Freudian analysis of these characters. "Dear Mom," scpi he wrote. "It looks like this family now akkaks lõpplikult die Bossel and Bettanil is scarlet fever and aiglas and I'm isoleritut. It does not hurt but I suppose I can also sarlakkid and father in London, where he lives vel But in May, he is kuulnd ett Aige would be cold but it is also a ku all other smears. I miss you Kudas mudu do you know whether you're a very Aige? I just wanted to give you something to talk about doing it Karlsonist But in May, after the ETT do you worry about the Akkad and the faithful are needed rest and peace ütlep Majasok its no smears or Karlson also does not agakül they will soon remain. Ead time Kalis mother, rest in peace! "(Pp. 84-85), the third book is sad to read juuniõhtute nice descriptions (eg, p 38-39), the current weather in the autumn background. That the sun and the heat and light and breeze. The third book is almost naljakamgi than the previous ones (because the first book is niiehknaa Satan). Mummy-nan is mellow. "" Ööööhh, "Karlsson snoring. 'At last we are in the right place," said Fille plane. "In this way, the child does not snore alone, it has to be him. Behold, there is a kind of thick mütakas, perhaps it is the same."' Night, ooohh , "let Karlsson angrily utter. He did not like being called fat mütakaks, it was snoring to hear." (p. 113) "Pretty normal boy, however, did not seem like it should be recognized. he told a confused story, and answered scpi our questions curiously, He did not even want to mention the name of his parents. "Mom, I have a mummy and dad are asleep, Matti," he finally said, more out of him, we did not succeed to attract. Matti soomepäraselt sounds, perhaps the boy's father, Finn, in any case, he seems to have belonged to a flier if we understand correctly the boy got chitchat. interest in the airline's son apparently inherited. scpi "(p. 146)
2014 (151) July (15) June (22) May (20) April (25) March (22) February (22) January (25) 2013 (376) December scpi (27) November (29) October (27) September (27) August (27) July (24) June (30) May (34) April (39) March (40) February (34) January scpi (38) 2012 (343) December (35) November (28) October (30) September (30) August (25) July (29) June (25) May (29) April (24) March (28) February (32) January (28) 2011 (332) December (28) November (29) October (30) September (27) August (31) July (34) June (22) May (25) April (23) March (33) February (25) January (25) 2010 (339) December (31) November (34) October (31) September (29) Lit Mart - Politically scpi Correct Red Riding Hood (... by Michel Foucault - Madness and senselessness. madness ... Marcin Świetlicki - Thirteen (2010) Bruce Maccabee scpi - UFO and the FBI salasidemed (2002) Dagmar Lamp - Nights in the yellow car (2010) by Peter Stamm - Agnes (2010), Herta Müller - Animal Heart (2010) Wind Bird - The day begins at night (2010) scpi Erich von Däniken - Alien Traces (2000), Andres Black Mari ... - Golden Cup. World Cup through ae ... Philippa Wingate - Alien harm's way (1998) by M. John Harrison - Pastellvärvide City (2004) by Sofi Oksanen - Cleaning (2009) Colette - Vagabund (2010), An Island scpi - texts of smooth space (2009), Raivo Recession - swivel Stories (2000) by Alan Bennett scpi - Her Majesty Reader scpi (2010) Fil - My dreams are 2 (2010) by Barbara W. Tuchman - Distant Mirror (2009) by Astrid Lindgren - Karlsson flies sneaks up on the roof ... Paul Heiney - Do cats have belly button ? (2009) Urmo Kitter

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