Sunday, July 27, 2014

Currently the most perfect mix of theory and empiricism, which is available on the market. The fund

Ultramasivna synthesis koevolutivne dynamics etera of environmental cooperation, cultural learning and changing environments. Cooperation, trust, etera commitment, signaling, standards and free-riding in the evolutionary perspective, written by philosophers of biology. Construction niches and phenotypic plasticity as sources of folk psychology. I took away her half-point because it has only 200 pages, and it should have at least 600 and another half-point because it lacks a bit of systematics, etera as the editor failed. In any case, the issue is first-class science.
A book for all those who do not believe that culture is important. In what way is culture important as separate evolutionary forces; how he is able to change the genes, and how the coevolution of genes and culture has shaped human behavior. What is the micro dynamics of culture, and how and under what conditions its micro mechanisms that can generate maladaptive outcomes. In short, the cultural etera evolution of the Darwinian manner.
Currently the most perfect mix of theory and empiricism, which is available on the market. The fundamentals of the theory of strong reciprocity, and plenty of great experiments that prove it. What are the sources of moral feeling and human cooperation, etera altruistic punishment to evolve, and what are the implications of human prodruštvenosti by public etera policies of states and small communities.
Are people by nature are fair? Why we often tend to believe the people that we see for the first time in my life? This is a superbly written (for the laity) are an introduction to behavioral experiments (from 1980 to the present), which proves etera that people are selfish. And shows that the economic implications of human inclination to justice. The author is fully seated king!
Social science as it's supposed to look: stripped to the koske. What are the neurological foundations of human morality and what it looks like molecular biology of morality. The question that remains is what after this with Kant in textbooks?
Boulsa and Gintis two perhaps most qualified alive wordsmith. Why people are altruistic and that the evolutionary path of human altruism. How is this conflict midwife altruism? How koevoluiraju institutions and human behavior, which is an evolutionary sense internalization of norms and why it is important to understand the impor emotions to social behavior. Warning that the book has a mathematical formalization.
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