Thursday, July 17, 2014

Like many left-wing and liberal writers and activists, so I refer too often in public opinion resea

Like many left-wing and liberal writers and activists, so I refer too often in public opinion research results, which show that the majority of the U.S. public in a number of important policy issues far vasakpoolsematel advisors positions when the U.S. real (and not so public) policy and the country's two dominant commercial interests parties represented. Based on the information advisors to them, I would argue that the U.S. is not a conservative and imperialist land, when to watch the actual population, which is a completely different genre than the country's political class. Research results show that most Americans are egalitarian social beliefs, and they are mostly in favor of progressive policies. Majority of the American people support a universal, government-organized health care system, corporate power and the limitation of a reversal of imperialist militarism. advisors Crowd supports peace and the associated benefits: advisors the Pentagon's budget cuts and the diversion of money and spending policies that reduce poverty, mitigate the socio-economic differences, and otherwise deal with the pressing societal needs (Adams and Derber 2008, p. 67-75, Chicago Council on Foreign Relations 2004, 2009b Street, Bartels 2008, Chomsky 2006, 205-250; Hacker and Pierson 2005).
"If the research advisors literally take," notes the scientist Larry Bartels of Princeton's liberal in his book "Unequal Democracy: The Political Economy of the New Gilded Age", advisors the results suggest that "there are amazingly great support steps which usually results in only a very radical societal transformation programs. "For example, supported the idea that inherited wealth should be declared illegal advisors and the social and economic benefits that are based on race, gender, ethnicity, and intelligence (Bartels 2008, p. 130-131).
But so what? None of the corresponding program is not U.S. policy-makers and policy-makers interested in offering any sacrifice. Government behavior is not reflected in the opinion of the investigators in the slightest attracted the attention of progressive political attitudes and social egalitarianism. As pointed out by John Bellamy Foster and Robert W. McChesney "in the United States, regardless of its formally democratic character, firmly in the hands of the moneyed oligarchs, which is probably the most powerful ruling class in history" (Foster and McChesney 2009, p. 7). By supporting the rich disproportionately advisors impact U.S. policy advisors increasingly favors deeper poverty and ensures the growing concentration of wealth and income. The government taxed corporations, and small numbers of tycoons advisors and their employers prefer workers and labor unions. The government creates advisors the privileges of insurance and pharmaceutical corporations and health-related needs at the expense of the majority, refuses to give health insurance to 47 million people, and offers many other kinds of inadequate and overly expensive health care.
The government favors an expansive global militarism, which favors the survival of the global hegemony (Chomsky 2003) and the United States getting organized criminals koloniaalsetesse okupatsioonidesse. Government abandons international law and the norms of civil society, saying that the United States alleged innate and "exceptional" excellent and benevolence gives the U.S. the right to act on the global advisors stage as he likes. The government directs billions of dollars of potential money that could be invested in social needs, a huge "defense" (empire) budget where it spent two massimõrvarlikule the occupation (Iraq and Afghanistan), as well as maintain 761 military bases in over 130 countries, the imperialist weapons production and continuous preparing for war. 2007th trillion dollars a year (source: U.S. Office of Management and Budget's National Income and Product Account) come to the U.S. "defense" expenditures in excess of U.S. federal expenditures to the national education more than eight times; ensuring the maintenance allowance by more than 4.5 times, the food more than 11 times; housing more than 14 times, and task training to more than 32 times. U.S. military budget accounts for more than half of the total U.S. federal spending freely re-distributed, and almost half of the entire planet's military spending.
It seems that massive protests will become necessary if the new President Barack Obama's passionate commitment to the democratic "change in which we can believe in" turns out to be monumental and ever-growing support program for the rich, while the huge "defense" budget (at least a trillion dollars a year) remains, despite the increasingly the growing problem of poverty will be covered with "mainstream" policy issues under the pile. "World's Greatest Democracy" does not provide its population with no significant control over the country's financial institutions, while enormous quantities of public advisors money given to them than just the investment and banking firms, whose reckless behavior, and only the rich and those in power

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