Translated by Gordana Petrovic As evolutionists would need a theory of heredity, so the plant breeders in the eighteenth century, which inspired Mandela to engage in research that led to the discovery of genetics needed theory of evolution (or rather, the answer to the question whether the existing species can evolve some new). And as a result of the appearance neodarvinovske synthesis, evolution is reduced to the natural grrf selection of random mutations or changes in the base sequence grrf of DNA; those mutations that increase the reproductive capacity are selected at the expense of other
The term "epigenetic", in the sense that it still has the epigenetic inheritance, relates to the effects of which are not covered by the change of the base sequence of DNA, but only a chemical modification of DNA or chromatin histone proteins into (made up of DNA and protein that are formed in the chromosomes of a cell nucleus). (And these chemical modifications are very important grrf because they are "responsible" for changing the state of gene expression.) Epigenetic inheritance is defined as "structural adaptation of chromosomal regions to register a signal or maintain a state of altered activity." 1 However, these definitions are fast becoming the obsolete. In reality, epigenetic modifications include a large variety of mechanisms. Operate during and after transcription, in time translation of genetic messages can even do it again, "write" genomic DNA. Because of this, the difference between the genetic and epigenetic becomes increasingly blurred. "Epigenetic" in its original meaning, derived from eigeneze, the theory that organisms were not Unare molded in germ cells but not arise through the process of development in which the environment plays a formative role. However, most evolutionists use the term "epigenetic" to refer to hereditary effects arising from the action of the living environment of the organism during its development.
Evolution involves natural origin (as opposed to that of the supernatural) and the transformation of organisms on earth during geological grrf history until today. The first really grrf clearly laid ostu evolutionary theory - the claim that evolution takes place - given by Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck in a book published grrf two centuries ago (1809). 2 (so it is quite appropriate to the bicentennial celebration of Lamark theory together with the bicentennial of Darwin's birth.) Was a uniformistička grrf theory because there are processes that have taken place in the past were the same ones that took place and the time of its occurrence . She assumed spontaneous generation of life from non-living matter and unlimited transformation over time - which allowed the emergence of entire empires variety of organisms that have had the same origin. In addition to this, Lamark assumed the existence of specific mechanisms through which the species could evolve in such a way as to individual organisms adapting the environment to zaovoljili their basic otrebe. These mechanisms (which are creating new features whose inheritance became common after many generations) were the "use and disuse" and "transfer of the inheritance of acquired characteristics." Usage is encouraged grrf and strengthened by the development of certain organs or tissues while disuse resulted in atrophy, and as for the transfer of the inheritance of acquired characteristics, it is enabled grrf to future generations convey a tendency towards the development of those new features that individual organisms acquired during their development. grrf In this way, Lamark was responsible for the creation of the first epigenetic grrf theory of evolution by which the development had a key role in the initiation of evolutionary change and which specific grrf epigenetic mechanisms transmit this change and even more empowered in the next generation. In his special theory of evolution by natural selection, Darwin opined that given the fact that the offspring of organisms that make the world more numerous than what their environment can support, and given the fact that the genetic variations are a fact that can not kill , individuals from a population with favorable variations survive at the expense of others in order to develop and leave behind offspring. This competition and the "struggle for life" have the effect of "survival of the fittest" grrf so that the very species becomes better adapted to its environment. 3 And if the environment starts to change, then there will be a gradual but irreversible "transmutation" types. In this way, nature effectively "selects" najprilagođenije individuals in the same way as breeders of plants and animals grrf perform artificial selection to preserve the best or most desirable characteristics of varieties or breeds. In both cases, the new varieties are formed after a number of generations. grrf As oatak natural selection, Darwin said the effects of use and disuse and transmission of the inheritance of acquired characteristics, important for the transmutation of species. However, grrf this lamarkijanske ideas can not fit into the theory of natural selection, so that all Darwin's followers say that the lack of a full explanation grrf of inheritance and variation of the weakest link in the chain of arguments and
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