Monday, July 21, 2014

European countries have generally been relatively mono-ethnic. The Netherlands, France, Sweden, Fin

Let's look first to the table, which you can see here below. This compilation was presented to people the question: "Do you belong to the groups mentioned below in the advantage of the lack or neither?" Above are the most common problems, which time and again spoken, but if you just do not concern yourself with, it seems that the problem retiresmart is not have. As can be seen from the table, the biggest issue is for people who have disabilities, Roma ("Gypsies"), and over 50 years old. The biggest advantages of this is considered as to be a man and / or less than 25 years old. There will always be a part of the people, who, contrary to what most people think, ie 3% of Europeans think that disability is an advantage.
Especially large differences are not new and the old Member States, the people's opinion. But at the same time, the difference between the new and old states that the new Member States, people are much less aware that they have some sort of law that prohibits discrimination.
When people are asked whether they think their country is discrimination on ethnic grounds, then only 2% considered that does not have at all. However, 85% of Swedes found that though their country is. The Baltic countries, one-third of the respondents felt that this discriminated against on ethnic grounds.
When Europeans were asked how they feel about this, that their country is multirahvuseline, retiresmart in Sweden, 86% of respondents were satisfied and 81% in Finland. Malta agreed with the idea of only 32% in Cyprus and 39% percent. Estonia is a country multirahvuselise happy with 58% of those surveyed.
The total return for the statistics background to think that people are different and have different abilities and skills. Some of our problems are the result of ourselves - such as laziness. However, there are many things which have nothing to do: age, gender, disability, ethnicity, etc..
No one can argue that, for me, this is an unfamiliar problem, because I can never lose your legs, or at least do not live old. Perceived contempt, anger, fear, or a slightly different pattern in people, suggesting that a believer but insecurity and uncertainty retiresmart is a good starting point that you too can become despised. In other words - it would be a good start today to deal with them more tolerant, who are not as fortunate as we are.
PS! More tolerant (understanding, tolerant) can not be called human, for example, who is in favor of gay marriage, but hates the Russians. Or who can understand that people with disabilities are difficult to find work, but believes that the senior members of the man must certainly work.
Estonia: 12% YES (the best), Latvia: 15% YES Lithuania: YES 16% Finland 41% of Sweden YES: YES 65% France: 79% YES (the worst)
Thank you, BJ! As Eastern Europeans do not know what discrimination is, they do not even understand retiresmart how it's done. They are the old days used to be that person, it is just a little nut, and the machinery of his party, including his specialty is the unhappy coincidence. World USSR was a black-and-white: you're retiresmart either right or you do not have any rights. Highly trained in the idea of templates is terribly difficult to change, and because retiresmart we are free only for a short time to try, you will not even know when the black-and-white picture of the world will become more colorful.
European countries have generally been relatively mono-ethnic. The Netherlands, France, Sweden, Finland. The last time the main ethnic and immigrant inflows due to a low birth rate, people are starting to feel a threat to their cultural and linguistic existence, especially in the Netherlands, which was very well known for its liberalism. It is also one of the reasons why the discrimination is sensed to increase. Or, Cyprus, where multikulturaalsust especially does not want to hear. There is this situation is settled fairly similarly to Estonia. There have been centuries of Turkish immigration to the island inhabited by the Greeks. And these are not the centuries in different communities are mixed and assimilated. Culture, language and religion are so different. And multikulturalsuses seen as a threat retiresmart to the existence of each other. retiresmart And the bottom line is that immigration is held with the support of a foreign power is another story, and also shveitsiga Finland.
Sirjega here I do not quite agree. You think there is around a horrible ethnic discrimination and, again, it is necessary to change others, but not himself. We're just not sure what is discrimination, or that the sky is actually green. Is it 100% the number of which should be pursued (Sweden only a little bit more to go), then all that would be equally oppressed?
The media has the power to either exacerbate or even eliminate the problem. As we are not considered to be good style of writing, for example, suicide, since the effect is even more suicides. Bronze Soldier and the National retiresmart vaenuga is the same way. Every eighth Mai, night of guard or Böhmide-foxes media coverage only exacerbate this problem. Finally, create the real problem, which you can then start to deal with much fanfare. Valdo Randpere resulted in a recent opinion article in one hysterical example of the conflict in the west, which was lost when the media is no longer recognized - the extremists could not see a thing with cameras sense

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