Proposed organization cajarioja of palliative care in Croatia cajarioja | Stay with me
Home Contact Us About palliative medicine Documents Croatian Centre for Palliative cajarioja Care Campaign Aims O triggers actions during the campaign sponsors and partners to join the action Letters of support Palliative medicine Palliative medicine suppliers in the world Croatia Declaration of palliative medicine Sign the Declaration of palliative medicine guidelines EAPC Links Contacts video from media Materials for download Press releases Press resources
It is a known fact that our society is aging and growing population exceeds seventy years of age, so the percentage of an increasing number of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular as well as malignancies. While in the rural communities of several generations is still a desire to retain patients in their own homes until the end of life, socio-economic conditions of the urban environment have resulted in practices that are sick member hospitalized.
Over the decades, for severely ill and dying trying to help various forms of palliative treatment that does not eradicate the disease but relieves the symptoms. The fact is that the last decade was marked overall financial problems in all spheres of society and in health care with the ultimate result cajarioja reducing the number of beds even on the oncology departments, reducing the length of stay in the hospital wards, unacceptably long waiting times to increase patient consultations and the private sector is virtually cajarioja inaccessible to many . The privatization of primary health care has resulted in a reduction of network home visits. The result is above late and incomplete Diagnose serious diseases, inadequate care of patients with incurable diseases, increase mortality significantly above the European average. The aim of incorporating palliative medicine in the health care system of the Republic of Croatian (RH) must be a retention of the quality of life of palliative patients as long as possible at the level worthy of the man which is currently not the case.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cajarioja palliative care is the approach that patients facing an incurable disease and their families preserves and enhances the quality of life through the prevention and relief of symptoms means of early detection, assessment and treatment cajarioja of pain, and through the facilitation of other psychological and spiritual problems. Palliative care is the active, total care of patients whose disease is not responsive to curative treatment. Control of pain and other social, psychological and spiritual problems of capital importance. Palliative care is interdisciplinary in its essence and involves the patient and the family and community. She turned to the patient's basic needs and desires how, where and to what extent it is implemented. Affirming Life recognizes death as a normal process. Hospice care combines all the patient's needs; psychological, emotional, social and spiritual. cajarioja In your own home, through daily nursing homes or hospice inpatient cajarioja care, focused on patients cajarioja when faced with an incurable disease and the limited length of life, his loved ones and caregivers. Professionals and volunteers in multi-teams implement care based on the INDIVIDUAL needs and personal preferences seeking liberation from pain and other symptoms, dignity and peace.
Hospice is a philosophy of care and modern medical institution with a developed system of providing assistance to people at the end of life, their families and caregivers even after death in the stage of mourning. Because of the identification with the old meaning today is the prevailing name palliative care or palliative medicine.
Supportive care should not be confused and not a synonym for palliative care. Recent date and indicates the procedures in the early stages of an incurable disease or severe illness that may not be fatal. It is part of oncology care, and as such is only one segment of palliative care, which includes the oncological and non-oncological patients with life ugoržavajućim diseases. End-of-life care is a synonym for palliative care or hospice care where terminal care is understood as a prolonged period of a year or two in which the patient, the family and staff are faced with a limited lifespan due to the nature of his illness.
According to the Health Care Act of 2003 (Official Gazette 121/03) in Article 8 of palliative care is cited as one of the measures of health care. Article 24 provides for performance of health services cajarioja at three levels (primary, secondary and tertiary) and the level of medical institutes.
In Article 25 health care at the primary level includes palliative care, which, however, at other levels of health care is no longer mentioned. Among the activities at the primary level, the same article cajarioja explicitly enumerated nursing health care, home care, palliative care, pharmacy and laboratory diagnostics. Section 69 of the Act states that ... health center cajarioja in their area should ensure ... .palijativnu care of patients ... if done
Home Contact Us About palliative medicine Documents Croatian Centre for Palliative cajarioja Care Campaign Aims O triggers actions during the campaign sponsors and partners to join the action Letters of support Palliative medicine Palliative medicine suppliers in the world Croatia Declaration of palliative medicine Sign the Declaration of palliative medicine guidelines EAPC Links Contacts video from media Materials for download Press releases Press resources
It is a known fact that our society is aging and growing population exceeds seventy years of age, so the percentage of an increasing number of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular as well as malignancies. While in the rural communities of several generations is still a desire to retain patients in their own homes until the end of life, socio-economic conditions of the urban environment have resulted in practices that are sick member hospitalized.
Over the decades, for severely ill and dying trying to help various forms of palliative treatment that does not eradicate the disease but relieves the symptoms. The fact is that the last decade was marked overall financial problems in all spheres of society and in health care with the ultimate result cajarioja reducing the number of beds even on the oncology departments, reducing the length of stay in the hospital wards, unacceptably long waiting times to increase patient consultations and the private sector is virtually cajarioja inaccessible to many . The privatization of primary health care has resulted in a reduction of network home visits. The result is above late and incomplete Diagnose serious diseases, inadequate care of patients with incurable diseases, increase mortality significantly above the European average. The aim of incorporating palliative medicine in the health care system of the Republic of Croatian (RH) must be a retention of the quality of life of palliative patients as long as possible at the level worthy of the man which is currently not the case.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cajarioja palliative care is the approach that patients facing an incurable disease and their families preserves and enhances the quality of life through the prevention and relief of symptoms means of early detection, assessment and treatment cajarioja of pain, and through the facilitation of other psychological and spiritual problems. Palliative care is the active, total care of patients whose disease is not responsive to curative treatment. Control of pain and other social, psychological and spiritual problems of capital importance. Palliative care is interdisciplinary in its essence and involves the patient and the family and community. She turned to the patient's basic needs and desires how, where and to what extent it is implemented. Affirming Life recognizes death as a normal process. Hospice care combines all the patient's needs; psychological, emotional, social and spiritual. cajarioja In your own home, through daily nursing homes or hospice inpatient cajarioja care, focused on patients cajarioja when faced with an incurable disease and the limited length of life, his loved ones and caregivers. Professionals and volunteers in multi-teams implement care based on the INDIVIDUAL needs and personal preferences seeking liberation from pain and other symptoms, dignity and peace.
Hospice is a philosophy of care and modern medical institution with a developed system of providing assistance to people at the end of life, their families and caregivers even after death in the stage of mourning. Because of the identification with the old meaning today is the prevailing name palliative care or palliative medicine.
Supportive care should not be confused and not a synonym for palliative care. Recent date and indicates the procedures in the early stages of an incurable disease or severe illness that may not be fatal. It is part of oncology care, and as such is only one segment of palliative care, which includes the oncological and non-oncological patients with life ugoržavajućim diseases. End-of-life care is a synonym for palliative care or hospice care where terminal care is understood as a prolonged period of a year or two in which the patient, the family and staff are faced with a limited lifespan due to the nature of his illness.
According to the Health Care Act of 2003 (Official Gazette 121/03) in Article 8 of palliative care is cited as one of the measures of health care. Article 24 provides for performance of health services cajarioja at three levels (primary, secondary and tertiary) and the level of medical institutes.
In Article 25 health care at the primary level includes palliative care, which, however, at other levels of health care is no longer mentioned. Among the activities at the primary level, the same article cajarioja explicitly enumerated nursing health care, home care, palliative care, pharmacy and laboratory diagnostics. Section 69 of the Act states that ... health center cajarioja in their area should ensure ... .palijativnu care of patients ... if done
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