Vsir - Wants a retirement verihkkaur
It is unreasonable to expect that people will retire when it becomes 67 years old. This says MP who intends to make a proposal for changes to the system. nationwide retirement solutions To be dealt with, the taxpayers should drop and the elderly will increase. Liabilities on pension charge is widely growing in the world, nationwide retirement solutions with more elderly and long term. Such obligations include nationwide retirement solutions considered one of the reasons for the economic nationwide retirement solutions crisis in Greece, where the system seems very generous and people can begin early retirement. Peter Blöndal MP Sjálfstæðsflokksins considers important for Iceland to confront this problem soon. "People need to be very careful with the rail workers have a pension, because it is so easy to promise pension that he paid no earlier than any time in the future," says Peter Blöndal MP Independence. Peter says is unnatural to assume that the People nationwide retirement solutions get old men of 67 years, which was the age of Otto von Bismarck may lari Germany aiming at when he decided to pay the old military pension in the early 19th century, when the life expectancy of people was much shorter. "It is my opinion too low age, People are so much of free kara but it was like thirty and forty years ago and ever is always extended so I would a normal job age should of course also be extended, except that the work is a certain quality of life and to deprive people the quality can be really bad. " He has proposed that the 67-year limit pensions will be abolished. nationwide retirement solutions More opportunity for people to choose when it is receiving a pension after that age. Those who so wish can begin early retirement which would then result in a reduced nationwide retirement solutions pension, but others nationwide retirement solutions might take a pension out later and get higher payments. Generation of so-called deal, is that parents think of their children as thoughtful nationwide retirement solutions of his parents in old age. This agreement is still in force but has traditionally shifted more to the social security and pension funds.
Observation. All comments are their suppressor r publications. Vsir encourages readers to a stick vi mlefnalega umru. Also understand Vsir Srrta to a fjarlgja rumeiandi ea SMIL When comments.
Jeff KSmundsson, president of the Althing, stkk bjlluna nationwide retirement solutions pointing orsteini a VRI him a ra the wrong ml. More
"After Sasta bjrinn that gfkk mrfr me a dizzy," says JNA Gubjrg Gumundsdttir that fstudag was saving the world from qualified person as tk after a v HN was not elilegum sta ... More
"We bum lgregluna a go t the lgreglukonan was definitely lesba and sndi my wife sign a." More
National 12:45 03 nvember 2014
"PLAN seems to be a stasetja us lgra salaries than teachers ara"
LFI | 18:30 Stevie Wonder hopes rburum
Suspected eblusmit Keflavkurflugvelli nationwide retirement solutions Maura turned out to be a coming fr Suur-Afrku and has been a rod he was not m ...
Hlspyrna Henry found son Ian Wright New York Red Bulls are wild animals mlum rslit competition Austurdeildar band ...
Met McConaughey London "to a Daulangai say alright, alright, alright" Kvikmyndafringurinn Wins Ptursdttir nationwide retirement solutions tk vitl vi stjrnurnar film Inte ...
Return to Top News in custody Enska Frttir Domestic Foreign viral Blar Failures Ebla Frttaskringar Myndasfn Brarbunga and hollow lava News in the commercial Enska Domestic Foreign Promotions acid can Lur Mark Suppl Ingar Blar Klink Sport Ball Icelandic English football Ftbo
It is unreasonable to expect that people will retire when it becomes 67 years old. This says MP who intends to make a proposal for changes to the system. nationwide retirement solutions To be dealt with, the taxpayers should drop and the elderly will increase. Liabilities on pension charge is widely growing in the world, nationwide retirement solutions with more elderly and long term. Such obligations include nationwide retirement solutions considered one of the reasons for the economic nationwide retirement solutions crisis in Greece, where the system seems very generous and people can begin early retirement. Peter Blöndal MP Sjálfstæðsflokksins considers important for Iceland to confront this problem soon. "People need to be very careful with the rail workers have a pension, because it is so easy to promise pension that he paid no earlier than any time in the future," says Peter Blöndal MP Independence. Peter says is unnatural to assume that the People nationwide retirement solutions get old men of 67 years, which was the age of Otto von Bismarck may lari Germany aiming at when he decided to pay the old military pension in the early 19th century, when the life expectancy of people was much shorter. "It is my opinion too low age, People are so much of free kara but it was like thirty and forty years ago and ever is always extended so I would a normal job age should of course also be extended, except that the work is a certain quality of life and to deprive people the quality can be really bad. " He has proposed that the 67-year limit pensions will be abolished. nationwide retirement solutions More opportunity for people to choose when it is receiving a pension after that age. Those who so wish can begin early retirement which would then result in a reduced nationwide retirement solutions pension, but others nationwide retirement solutions might take a pension out later and get higher payments. Generation of so-called deal, is that parents think of their children as thoughtful nationwide retirement solutions of his parents in old age. This agreement is still in force but has traditionally shifted more to the social security and pension funds.
Observation. All comments are their suppressor r publications. Vsir encourages readers to a stick vi mlefnalega umru. Also understand Vsir Srrta to a fjarlgja rumeiandi ea SMIL When comments.
Jeff KSmundsson, president of the Althing, stkk bjlluna nationwide retirement solutions pointing orsteini a VRI him a ra the wrong ml. More
"After Sasta bjrinn that gfkk mrfr me a dizzy," says JNA Gubjrg Gumundsdttir that fstudag was saving the world from qualified person as tk after a v HN was not elilegum sta ... More
"We bum lgregluna a go t the lgreglukonan was definitely lesba and sndi my wife sign a." More
National 12:45 03 nvember 2014
"PLAN seems to be a stasetja us lgra salaries than teachers ara"
LFI | 18:30 Stevie Wonder hopes rburum
Suspected eblusmit Keflavkurflugvelli nationwide retirement solutions Maura turned out to be a coming fr Suur-Afrku and has been a rod he was not m ...
Hlspyrna Henry found son Ian Wright New York Red Bulls are wild animals mlum rslit competition Austurdeildar band ...
Met McConaughey London "to a Daulangai say alright, alright, alright" Kvikmyndafringurinn Wins Ptursdttir nationwide retirement solutions tk vitl vi stjrnurnar film Inte ...
Return to Top News in custody Enska Frttir Domestic Foreign viral Blar Failures Ebla Frttaskringar Myndasfn Brarbunga and hollow lava News in the commercial Enska Domestic Foreign Promotions acid can Lur Mark Suppl Ingar Blar Klink Sport Ball Icelandic English football Ftbo
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