We've talked a few times here about the power of using Big Data in education and how calls adaptive platforms have helped teachers, administrators and school systems to give more autonomy to the students and to personalize the learning process. But the construction of these algorithms that analyze the performance of real-time kyc status students and suggesting content (videos, games, exercises, texts etc.) specific kyc status to the needs of each is not an easy task.
There are few tools that got there. Building on the hook of Education Dive, which recently published its selection of the most famous adaptive platforms, Hereafter prepared its list of Latin American version including platforms. These include the Smart Sparrow, which allows anyone to create their own course, the DreamBox, personalizing teaching through games, and the Geekie Games, national platform that helps students prepare for the Enem. Check out:
Smart Sparrow is a startup incubated in the Adaptive Learning Research Group at the University of New South Wales, Australia. kyc status Built in 2010, the platform is designed for secondary and higher education and is the first to allow anyone to create their interactive and adaptive course. In partnership with six Australian universities, Smart Sparrow developed the Adaptive Mechanics, community to practice mechanics, in engineering, which has produced a reduction from 31% to 7% in the number of students kyc status who failed the course. kyc status
The DreamBox Learning is an adaptive platform mathematics for primary and fundamental one, which uses the logic of gamification to personalize learning from all the decisions, resolutions, clicks and questions of each student. The program, which is already used in all 50 US states, is known to achieve positive results kyc status on standardized tests.
Grockit is a collaborative learning company that began as a test platform to prepare students for tests. The program is customized not only in terms of right and wrong answers of the students, but also evaluating the way they respond to questions. The platform includes study groups, videos, live instructors and games, preparatory tests are developed kyc status for elementary school kyc status and middle 2, the Grock.it is also available for iPad.
The platform is the result of a partnership between the publisher John Wiley & Sons and the Snapwiz, which specializes in adaptive learning solutions. Together, the two companies launched the WileyPlus with Orion, facing higher education. The site aims to integrate adaptive learning with an online learning environment focusing on research, practice, collaboration and evaluations that consider the strengths and unique needs of each student to make them use their time more efficiently. Before unification, kyc status Wiley Plus was already used by over 2 million people in more than 20 countries.
The ScootPad is an adaptive platform for elementary school students develop reading and math skills. With free plans, the site, which offers real-time information kyc status for teachers and learning through games, partners with Google in Education, the Edmodo and Schoology Platform. Launched kyc status in 2012, the platform - which is already used by more than 25,000 schools in more than 8000 cities - is also available kyc status for phones and tablets with Android and iPad operating system.
The Knewton is considered the largest adaptive platform in the world and offers personalized content, in different ways, for students of fundamental teachings 1 and 2 and a half. With the goal of reaching more than 10 million students by next year, the platform - which has partnered with Pearson in August this year - was considered in January 2012, the 47 most innovative company in the world by Fast Company.
The Geekie Games is a Brazilian platform adaptive kyc status teaching, launched in August this year, which offers personalized learning through games to help students prepare for the Enem (National High School Exam). After each student kyc status performs online simulated, the algorithms will identify their needs and difficulties, the best way to teach and present this information so that the teacher can also tailor their classes. The platform already kyc status has a membership of Acre education departments, Bahia, Ceará, Espírito Santo, Goiás, Pará and Pernambuco.
It is an adaptive kyc status platform Uruguayan mathematics kyc status facing students in primary and secondary education, which provides a comprehensive assessment of system development reports for students and teachers. The platform with over 100 000 years, and glossaries, text files and quizzes, and develops micro and macroadaptabilidade, promoting both individual and customization to a group of students, according to the similarities of their REQUIRED
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