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Years of life: 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85
Since the world people dream is to peek into the future to be more prepared on what to expect. This primarily relates to their life and death. Everyone is interested and fascinated by the possibility of divination own longevity. Will we live long or short? It seems that science is on the right track to build a crystal ball from which you will be able to foreshadow the length of life.
It seems that scientists will be soon able to predict how long a person budget planner will live based on their genetics. A group of US scientists even in 2009 received the Nobel Prize in Medicine for their discovery budget planner that telomeres are indicators of the age of the organism. Telomeres are protective structures at the tips of chromosomes that shorten with each cell division, and their excessive shortening causes cellular aging. How telomeres gradually shorten the course of our life, it is possible to monitor the rate of aging. Scientists have developed a proper blood test report that is the measurement of the speed of shortening telomeres good indication of the speed of the biological aging of a person.
Lay opinion is that we will after getting the test results, almost, to know the exact date of our death! Of course budget planner this is not the case. As with any health issue, and here's the basic problem biological variability. Although the known range of the average length of telomeres of a certain age, there are a large number of healthy individuals with telomeres that naturally lie outside the standard range. A person may have shorter budget planner telomeres and no increased likelihood earlier death. If we want to predict the rate of aging of a person, blood tests should be carried out over a longer period of time.
But be careful interpretations opinions on telomeres. People come to the temptation to think of them as a clock until the end of time. Although telomeres are strong predictors, they are still only predictors. budget planner This means that measuring the length of telomeres will not get to the exact date of our death but to the probable duration of life.
Why would people be interested in testing the telomeres? Firstly because everyone interested in his own destiny, which is reflected in death. We could not be aware of its inception, but we are aware that there is a place and it was mostly fear and we want it as much as possible to delay.
If you expect a long life, then we will behave budget planner economically and harmonize our living habits with our financial capabilities. We expect that you will die in the next, say, ten years, then we can decide that you immediately afford wasteful life.
Studies have shown that telomere shortening is associated lifestyle, especially exposure to stress and smoking. Therefore, doctors believe that the lifestyle changes may affect the slowing of the aging process. This is very much important, since the results of the testing could be a guideline in the selection and implementation of the lifestyle that the individual could increase longevity, if these warnings are received on time.
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