They retail, greyish green body with translucent fins and green belt, which in artificial light shines. legat The upper part of the body is light blue in color, the lower part is extremely bright red eye pupil is golden green. Although legat seemingly very gentle, without the effects of transferring large fluctuations in temperature. Pleases her aquarium medium size, which should be a little dark, dense and overgrown with underwater roots. The water should be softer, having a temperature of 22 to 23 C. Since a darker water, using peat filter or humic concentrate.
At least twenty days before the intended spawning we have a pair of separated and placed in slightly cooler water (20 C). Solitary provide two males, legat to deposit the eggs will not be successful. After completion of spawning parents removed from the aquarium, otherwise they will eat eggs. Aquarium dimmed eggs are in fact extremely sensitive to light. After 24 hours the observed larvae that have hatched from the eggs and is stuck to the glass or aquatic legat plants.
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