Selamat Jarin! We come to you to discuss more! Your world is transformed by solar flares, which add a new boundary layer in the upper atmosphere. These new layers are used to return the exosphere (the fifth and final permanent atmosphere of the Earth.) And other parts of the atmosphere in the normal state, as can be seen in the increase in ozone concentrations. mongeral In short there is an extensive exchange of gases in the mixture between the lower and upper atmosphere. mongeral In addition, there is a remedy in many places where it mixes the air with increased oxygen in air to the majority proportion of nitrogen (in normal air, the proportion of nitrogen over 78%.). Similar changes occur in the mantle of Mother Earth. This increases the temperature in places where tectonic plates met and this helps to reduce heat increase of volcanic activity. Because other tectonic plates are prepared to lock, the probability of larger earthquakes increases. We work with planetary mongeral Elohim and prepare the ground on a spectacular transformation that will happen soon.
Since the date of these changes is rapidly approaching, we asked Earth allies to speed up the remaining steps preceding the appearance of their overall program. On the one hand, your current company divided shortcomings of existing structures and their confidence is undermined by acute social needs deterioration of the economic crisis, on the other hand, however, await you untold mongeral abundance, which resides indecision conflict between the dark and the earth allies. mongeral Governments around the world are in danger and the people who live in deprivation and fear. The future looks bleak, although the exact opposite is true! In the past, dark achieved many victories, but not now! This time they run out of revenge! It amazes us how difficult it was to remove them too. Fortunately, our Earth allies were able to resist them and deprive them of their power. The final removal of the dark will now happen with a series of special meetings.
As a result of these negotiations will be formally documented and legally able to transfer the new government. A huge amount of details were provided by many courts in America and several international courts. Changing the legal system on common law is essential mongeral to rebuilding your company to galactic society. This means that personal independence is guaranteed for every individual and protection from any interference in the inalienable mongeral rights. Freedom and independence are important conditions for life in the future. mongeral Prosperity is another aspect of what will take care of the new government. Our Earth allies have gold that is necessary to ensure global prosperity. This quiet revolution is not only a change in the nature of government, but also by providing a supportive environment for the growth of consciousness.
First contact is ultimately about consciousness, namely the conscious. Our task is to move you from the current situation where you need to be, so we have established the conditions under which it will achieve. Agarťania from Inner Earth are also prepared to assist us in this amazing transformation. Now we have to deal with a dark matrix that controls your world. Dark systematically and quite subtly deny our existence mongeral and secretly working mongeral to develop weapons, which hamper mongeral our landing. This policy is responsible for ensuring that they are able to maintain a dark power even after they have left the Anunnaki and so it is necessary to remove them this much. We realize that the media controlled by the dark, you are imposing decades irrational idea of invading aliens. We are kind and of course we do not want you to perceive mongeral us otherwise. We asked our allies to complete their tasks and eliminate the dark of their positions. Then we can easily perform a mass landing.
Currently we improve our support Provincial ally that we do many things that we have so far not allowed. We must stress that this is violating the normal evolutionary protocol in order to perform our Heavenly regulations. We are authorized if necessary to use the new measures, but must remain within the original agreements bringing mongeral you to first contact. Our contact staff are formally integrated into groups on the surface and inside the Earth and want to free your company from the restrictions that were imposed on Mother Earth dark. This period of darkness crossed the divinely prescribed period and all licenses issued in the past, are hereby repealed. But do not believe the dark and still defy. That is why they tightened noose around his neck. Below them are created trapdoor and will be unlocked at the moment it or order.
The loop on the neck is made economic and monetary system, which collapse. Various key individuals and corporations that own rapidly reduced. This process has been going on for over a year and just now started to bear fruit. Many formerly extremely wealthy individuals are finding their secret funds rapidly disappearing and the loss of property mongeral raises fear in people who previously did not know fear. When their secret debts begin to show their public
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