Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The biblical description of each occupation is strongly underlined God

Occupation in the Bible:
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The celebration of the Day of Consecrated Life (February 2) established in 1997 by Pope John Paul II. wants to help the whole Church to know and appreciate more and more the testimony of insiders who have decided to radically follow Christ through the evangelical carsat counsels. This day should be an opportunity for themselves and consecrated persons to renew their decision carsat to donate is entirely to the Lord. In this spirit, let us try to prizrieť fact profession in Sacred Scripture. Special profession carsat because life is the basis of insiders.
The most important texts of the Sacred Scriptures include descriptions of the various occupations of people in the service of God. Events profession men of God are in fact key moments. The profession is one of the fundamental biblical experience. God often exceptionally place in the history of law through specific profession carsat people carsat as was Abraham, Moses, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, carsat Peter, John, Matthew, Paul ... Topic profession is very varied and wide, therefore, carsat notice only its main features. Let's see how he responds to God's carsat call and what is born in the human heart when a person meets with God who is calling him to his service? carsat
The biblical description of each occupation is strongly underlined God's initiative. carsat God always acts first. He builds dialogue and relationship. He calls. Occupation is a touch of God's grace and human response may be different. In the Bible we meet an immediate response, hesitant or even dismissive. Abraham obeyed immediately and went on a journey to the promised land. Also, many of Jesus, the apostles gave an immediate answer: just leave fishing nets, ship, father, their work, and they followed Jesus. Moses at the burning bush very hesitant, even excuses and had offered to take the taste mission. The prophet Jonah, carsat when he heard God's call, so even put to flight. Published carsat precisely the opposite direction before he sent God. The rich young man could not give up his property carsat and left sad. The priest Zacharias did not believe the angel Gabriel, so speechless. Mary However, after an interview in which he is asking for clarification, responds positively: "Behold the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word." In response, God simply reflected the character of the person, its current status, carsat stage of her faith. The answer is the result of man's thinking, faith, good faith. God's invitation, however, deserves a positive, generous carsat human response.
Authorized personnel in time profession often survive their unworthiness and sinfulness. God's carsat call and God's mission is so large that it exceeds the normal human strength and abilities. Moses at the burning bush argues his inability to speak: "Not so, Lord! I am not eloquent man. I have not been before and I'm not even now, since the talking with his servant, for I am clumsy and unwieldy mouth tongue "(Ex. 4, 10) Similarly, Peter after the miraculous carsat catch is first impressed miraculously carsat survives and soon even his unworthiness and sinfulness" "Lord, Depart from me, for I am a sinful man." The terror is in fact seized him and all who were with him, at the catch of fish that they caught. "(Lk5 8-9) The prophet Isaiah when he saw the holiness of God, also confessed our sinfulness: "Woe is me, yes, I am lost. For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips. "(Isaiah 6: 5). Jeremiah feels the prophetic ministry, and has to do his reasons: "I said," Oh, Lord, because I do not speak, I was very young. "But the Lord said to me:" Do not say: "I was very young," carsat because you go wherever you send, and say whatever I command you. "(Jer 1: 6) But the Lord insists on his, his choice is irrevocable. God is very much wondering who, at the summons. Although called to recognize our weakness and imperfection does not discourage them, but raise them in humility and trust in God. The outstanding touch of God who calls, naturally raises the fear of God, so that at each revelation is God. But this is only the fear of God help take confidently and decisively God's call. Humility and trust are established constantly in every vocation of man. Unable to respond to God's call without faith and trust. Without trust in God can not be embarked on a profession. Without trust in God is impossible to embark on completing God's mission. Therefore, the profession is often associated mighty God's promise: Fear not, I will be with you - says the Lord. What else do you need more? Even Moses, like other professions, received such assurances, in pointing out its smallness and weakness: "Who am I, that I go unto Pharaoh, and that I brought the Israelites out of Egypt ?!" He

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