Thursday, April 2, 2015

Reproduced in a variety of ways: some freely between plants, some hatched offspring as ustonoše, th

This family is characterized by having in addition www previdenciasocial to the gills have a specific authority to respiration - a labyrinth which is in the skull. This family does not supply only the oxygen from the water, but also from the air. Water surface must be in these types always clean; www previdenciasocial If the oily or coated, www previdenciasocial so that the fish can not stick the muzzle from the water and breathe air choke, although the water with sufficient oxygen.
This family lives in places with very hot water, but are usually poor oxygen. Some species spend the dry season so that is buried in silt and snout protruding above the surface. Most representatives peaceful, but some of the prominent robbers. Males are much nicer color than females.
Reproduced in a variety of ways: some freely between plants, some hatched offspring as ustonoše, the vast majority of it makes a nest of bubbles on the surface. The size of the tank, in which we intend to cultivate a labyrinth, is dependent on the type. Most feel well in smaller aquariums, which must be low. We must not forget that the labyrinth quite fruitful, because delay of 600 to 700 eggs. If we are to grow spent too small aquarium will fry in confined spaces slowly and unevenly doraščale. Labirintovcev smaller species, for example. Dwarf nitkarju (Colisa lalia) Siamese fighting fish (Betta Splendens) and makropodu (Macropodus opercularis) is sufficient 40-liter aquarium, the greater the labyrinth, for example. the pearl gouramis (Trichogaster Leer), and requires an aquarium with a capacity of 80 to 100 liters. The aquarium should be densely overgrown because males are very temperamental, and if a female does not have enough hiding places, the male's random can ugonobi. It is imperative that float on the surface of aquatic plants nest for support. Most labirintovcev is building a nest from their saliva into and engages the parts of the plant.
The temperature of the water in which we intend to grow this fish should be 26 to 29 C, only makropodu corresponds to a lower temperature. The hardness of the water should be 8 to 10 dH, the acidity is not important. Most of Representatives spawns in a unique way, and we will accurately describe their wedding dowry ceremony. When the time approaches spawning, the male begins to build a nest. First collected by floating aquatic plants, including muzzle makes sticky bubbles. These are surface coated with a sticky oily exudate, www previdenciasocial which prevents cracking and decomposition, while the adhesive substance binds nest.
When the nest is completed, the male tries to love foreplay with lively www previdenciasocial movements to lure a female under the nest. When you are ready to spawn, the male wraps with your body, so that their sex organs come down. The eggs, which are excreted in the female, the male fertilizes at the same time. Typical posture wrapped bodies allows the eggs some time delay between the genital organs and therefore reliably fertilized. Spawning is very intense and pair a few seconds completely skewed. From the rapture is awakened by the first male to muzzle begins www previdenciasocial to carefully collect eggs and use them in the nest. Spawning time is different, it depends on the quantity of mature eggs in samičinem body of temperament and fitness females and from external influences. You could say that the couples in the sixth to eighth month of age already suitable for spawning, Siamese fighting fish even earlier. www previdenciasocial
During drstjo pair should not bother because they already due to the small panic stops disposed of female eggs. When a pair of stops spawned, we have a female immediately removed from the tank. namely the male chasing the mortality. The female is trying to eat eggs, which the male is not permitted, so raw prosecuted. The role of caring "mother", therefore, assume the "father". that the next few days carefully defend their offspring, repairs nest and muzzle www previdenciasocial collected fry which is away from the nest. If the nest is not the most appropriate place to build new and it moves to its offspring. During fry in the nest constantly adds slinasto foam to have enough oxygen and stick to the bubbles. During this time, the typical male wedding war paint, which warns of the danger, so he then retreating a much stronger fish.
In the first days after spawning www previdenciasocial water temperature must be the same, care and whether the male protects your breed and nest. If they begin to neglect, it is removed from the aquarium. www previdenciasocial Usually www previdenciasocial the male ceases www previdenciasocial to care for offspring after five to six days, then fry it already floated. The development of eggs depends on the species of fish and water temperature; higher temperature (29 C) to promote their development. When we see that Jones fry fed on plankton or protozoans, we have prepared earlier. During the first 14 days fry feeding on plankton, www previdenciasocial the next 14 to 20 days with Artemia, then finely chopped tubifeksi and retail nutritious dry food. Instead of chopped tubifeksov they can also be administered by midges www previdenciasocial and vacuum-dried mosquito larvae. It is recommended that the eighteenth al

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