Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Secretariat of the Synod KBS family PSTN PSTN soup reflection Notitiae GS KBS Ppe Frantiek ivot

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The Secretariat of the Synod KBS family PSTN PSTN soup reflection Notitiae GS KBS Ppe Frantiek ivotopis generl audience Angelus [audio] Urbi et Orbi Activities Rann Homle Ppe sekulrnym intittom: Objmajte SLSK wounds of the world and the Church P 3, 25. 07. 2012 07:22, g Castel Gandole 25. JLA (RV) Keep in sekulrne titty maintain a capability to budcnosti snake and let the firmly rooted in Christ objmajcslskou wounds of the world and the Church. This is the essence of the message of Pope Benedict XVI. astnkom Congress in Assisi. Meeting lenov sekulrnych intittov laying vera in Vol. Frantík skonilo, addressed the dark Navan God in brake Dejn. Women Muiane able vntornho vision and skutonho testimony midst Histria following Benedict XVI. zasvtench defined in the message podpsanom vatiknskym ttnym sekretrom Tarcisio Bertone. The ASE like this that puts faith and cause serious personal zsadn a question irrevocable to, peppe, owner zasvten vykonva their profession, led by the Holy Spirit R ", that would be the world Berc to weave himself lest his quality, with udskm quarrel, which is more in line with stle Bo m. In this sense, irrevocable identity zasvtench shows their dleit mission in the Church: irrevocable pomha the reality of the world of wine to his influence to prostrednctvom teolgie Dejn , substantial participation of new evanjelizcie could Putting people dneka nos this skutone free and at peace quarrel in the world who really need it. For this vychdza vzva p pea, that the relation between the Church and the world prevan in terms of reciprocity, that is so much not only the Church is two meters world and contributes to the fact that was human, but the world is two meters of the Church, that she could Lepie napa its mission. Then Benedict irrevocable XVI. naznail three Specific areas to which they must Sekulo rne intitty sstredi my attention. The first is full donation in the personal clashes with Boou LSKO. Then the spiritual life, defined as a fixed point, revocable who rob ns able member all odovzdva Christ, building ndej advert and who It is attached the prayer and povanm Boie words. Finally, Blessed Father reminded dleitos FormCal as to such educational establishments irrevocable mdrosti, who is conscious stle median position loveka and vekosti Four a. This kind kultry formed laity Acacia schopnch zvldnu spochybovania dnsn world and posudzova Histria in the light of the word of life. Blessed Father irrevocable encouraged irrevocable sekulrne intitty to be the dispozcii in building roads Common irrevocable good, without prejudice, ALWAYS be ready that your ivot; kreatvni irrevocable to be in the Spirit Svtom; ivilla irrevocable optimistic that the quarrel in budcnos firmly rooted in Christ; and objmali SLSK wounds irrevocable of the world and the Church. The goal is Najhlbm The Life and joy and full, open and capable of forgiveness, pretot is founded on the Jeiovi Christ. (TK KBS, RV jk; pz) 20120725009 | | Tell a mistake in initially, [back]
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