Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Jerusalem Council was the prototype for all future church councils, the last of which was Vatican I

I am well aware how frightening words read as "dogma" or "doctrine." Many people below them certainly easy to imagine medieval taking care of business shackles which dissolute Church spútavala his sheep. Which tried to conceal the anti-biblical teaching by simply declaring him infallible and immutable. Fortunately this view, although it is certainly in the non-Catholic circles immensely popular and widespread, is not based on truth.
At the outset, I want to thank former evangelicals today influential Catholic apologist Steve Ray from the page http://www.catholic-convert.com/, who gave me permission to translate articles from his site - which can be very useful, since some of the things taking care of business just be professional. (Today, 13.8, Steve's father died when you have time and you are a believer, I ask you to pray for him and his family to bear these difficult times in the grace of Christ. Thanks.) Perhaps we should clarify where the word "dogma" comes. If you really thought that first appeared in the Middle Ages and the early church about him had no idea you were wrong. In fact, only in the actual New Testament the word "dogma" appears 5 times.
Steve Ray explained: "DOGMA comes from a Greek word which means a decree or decision. In fact, it used five times in the New Testament. It is used in decree from Caesar Augustus and during the ceremony of the Law of Moses. It is also used to describe the decrees of the Jerusalem Council in AD 49. of whom it is written in the 15th chapter of Acts.
The early church was a crisis. The apostles and elders (priests) gathered in Jerusalem on KociL (order). The Holy Spirit worked together with the Conciliar decisions. In Acts 15:28 it says, "For the Holy Spirit and we have concluded ..." The decision to enroll in certificate (as in the encyclical) and circulated it to all churches, taking care of business including those which founded St. Paul. It was binding for all.
Jerusalem Council was the prototype for all future church councils, the last of which was Vatican II. This letter is also mentioned in Acts 16: 4, where it is used in the word dogma. This it says is: 'How went the cities [Paul, Silas and Timothy] passed them learning [dogma], which had declared the apostles and elders in Jerusalem to observe it.' "
"Magisterium of the Church full use of the authority given by the Christ when defining dogma, that is, if a manner which obliges the Christian people as irrevocable consent faith by the truth contained taking care of business in divine revelation taking care of business or when a definitive way by the truths with them necessarily related. The our spiritual life and there is an organic connection dogmas. Dogmas taking care of business are lights on the path of our faith. It throws light on this path and make it safe. Conversely, if our life is correct, our mind and our hearts are open to receive light dogmas of faith. "
Dogmas are not something that the Catholic Church may at any time add to invent a "depositum fidei" to the deposit of faith. taking care of business They are "truths" that "runs in the blood of the faithful" - a link to this can be found in the Eastern Orthodox Church, which after being picked by the Bishop of Rome focuses solely on a common spirit taking care of business and in truth believers considered only things that are proven right in life faith. taking care of business Similar taking care of business conceived are susceptible even in the Catholic Church:
"" Community of the faithful as a whole can not be wrong ... in faith and that their specific characteristic manifests a supernatural sense of faith, which is around the people, when 'from the Bishops to the last of the lay faithful' expresses its general agreement on matters of faith and morals. " "This sense of faith that inspires and keeps the Spirit of truth, the People of God under the guidance of the sacred Magisterium ... has steadfastly follows the faith once for all forwarded to the saints ', it penetrates deeper into the true judgments and it provides a fuller life.'" (CCC 92-93) taking care of business
Already Scripture we notice that despite the fact that the worldwide spread untruths about Christ and the apostles' teaching, at the invitation of the council (which oversees St. Peter); no one doubts that the decision of the council is unfailingly supported the spirit of truth. Thus the Magisterium taking care of business (Magisterium) of the Church does not serve to control people, but putting people back to apostolic teaching transmitted by the whole Church as Scripture and Tradition.
Ecumenical council, that the council of bishops (as successors of the Apostles), which officially taking care of business confirmed or at least recognized the pope (as successor of St. Peter). Again we can see how deeply the Catholic faith rooted in faith in the pope as successor of St. only. Petra, but superior of the highest of all the faithful of the Catholic Church.
Where to take this trust? The answer is simple - in Jesus Christ. Or to non-Catholic denomination or not to grant all the teaching of the Catholic Church directly based on the authority of Jesus Christ, who gave Peter the keys to his kingdom: 'I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven: whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever taking care of business you loose on earth It will be loosed in heaven. " (Mt 16:19) taking care of business Thus, although under certain (believe me, but very very limited) circumstances apply dogma of infallibility p

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