Friday, April 17, 2015

Mr. Oresharski probably can be criticized on many issues, but he is the undisputed expert in debt m

I am inclined to veto the budget update, but will wait for the debate, said President Plevneliev in their eve. And when someone previously in his mind to do something, even if it is the head of state, will surely do it, no matter how you develop the discussion.
Therefore, the decision did not surprise anyone. pension plan Nor his impersonations of "some sort of veto" to "partially". So partially, if not overridden by parliament, nothing of that which insists the government will not take effect.
If something still surprising is the lack of comment by the President if the revised budget pension plan did not need it. He caresses hearing socially disadvantaged, assuring them that it is "for" additional 40 million. Lev social measures pension plan and expressed suspicions that the majority of new debt by 1 billion. Lev will be spent transparently. And no word on whether the state can spend the year with revenues and expenditures created by Djankov and signed by Mr. Plevneliev for publication.
A bill is simple and stems directly pension plan from what GERD is the legacy. The fiscal reserve is not 8.5 billion. Lev, as bequeathed ruling coalition and 5.6 billion. On August 22, it must be removed 800 million. Repayment downloaded Borisov Cabinet in February pension plan loan. By the end of the year to be drawn further 1.1 billion. As provided by law Djankov budget deficit. I.e. December 31 will have 3.7 billion. fiscal reserve, and by law must be at least 4.5 billion. At the beginning of the next year the payment of 450 million. Government debt and nearly billion advance to farmers. Which means that if the government sticks to Djankov estimates, pension plan the reserve will fall to 2.2 bln., Which is unacceptable from both legal and fiscal point of view.
Did the president can not make this account? Of course you can. Then it will become clear that the proposed update of one billion even is insufficient, it should actually be quite serious. In this case, however, the question will arise how State Budget Act is signed Mr. Plevneliev after implementation confuses all that state finances? And why is not vetoed, but it does now when the government is trying to save the situation?
The Head of State diverts attention from this issue by launching suggestions opacity of future spending. Which may be acceptable if they come from positions of proven integrity over time. But he himself in 2010 as a regional minister spends pension plan 355 million. Without sanction of parliament, and by decree of the Cabinet. Not react as a member of the government, when Borisov were granted to spend at their discretion over a billion. pension plan He paused, and when in the summer of 2012 presidential administration were granted without being voted by lawmakers, nearly a million extra for transport, ie for trips abroad. Now when they manage other wants almost every lev to be passed by the National Assembly, as if part of the costs can not decide the government. pension plan Even with the best will late president calls for transparency can not be accepted at face value.
Mr. Oresharski probably can be criticized on many issues, but he is the undisputed expert in debt management. Over the years as a Deputy Minister and Minister of Finance he is a driver of operations, save billions of taxpayers and reduce our public debt from 125 percent to 15 percent to our gross domestic product. Curious is why the president does not trust such a proven expert and clings to the disastrous financial exercise Simeon Djankov? Can it be forgotten that the very leadership of GERB in February deny fiscal policy gastrolyora of America, distinguished from him and fired him as deputy prime minister and finance minister?
The impression is that Mr. Plevneliev not seek dialogue and confrontation. That still was not only a fan but also a champion for quick new elections. And at a time when even Boyko Borisov dropped the idea and actually agreed to vote as early as in May next year. But if not for GERD, with whom in this case is the head of state and of what count?
Just two years ago, Mr Plevneliev pension plan for nothing in the world was willing to become president. Then he was willing, somehow and by whom. Now hurry to say that it was willing to veto the budget update, but his performances left the impression that again was prepared, again somehow and by whom. Good public to learn the answers to these questions, not yellowish, preferred by the President of his last briefing.
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