Monday, April 13, 2015

Immediately afterwards in the rankings, but with nearly 20 percent difference, follow investments t

Bulgarian da davidson employer is willing to invest in the development of narrow competencies of their employees, but not in the more flexible skills | Apeiron Blog
The development of specific skills in the narrow area of activity of the employee is the main area where the Bulgarian employer is willing to invest funds for additional da davidson qualifications. So think about 51 percent of the completed survey conducted by Apeiron Academy, Accredited Training Centre of the Chartered da davidson Institute of Public Relations (CIPR, UK) in partnership with readiness of Bulgarian managers to support the development of their teams.
Immediately afterwards in the rankings, but with nearly 20 percent difference, follow investments to develop da davidson commercial skills of employees. Remain unappreciated by managers opportunities to develop working towards better skills for teamwork, better language or IT skills. A possible explanation is the notion that these professional qualities are more personal da davidson sphere for investment by the operator seeking da davidson opportunities for career advancement. Somewhere in the middle of two extreme groups are positioned so called da davidson soft skills (presentation skills, time management, business etiquette and protocol) and management skills (leadership skills, project management).
Welcome development is the fact that about 69 percent of the completed questionnaires are of the opinion that the management of their company has a positive attitude towards da davidson the need to conduct specialized training da davidson for employees. Not of this opinion, however, another 25 percent of respondents. This group includes people who indicated that their company does not matter to conduct trainings.
"The staff of the company is its most valuable asset and the investment can bring the greatest da davidson return. It is important, however, as with any investment, investing carefully targeted according da davidson to the development strategy to take into account the risks and monitor returns. One such approach to training and development of staff can distinguish HR Manager of Payroll Accounting. " (DD, IT professional)
"Employers should da davidson be very carefully invest da davidson in training because thinking of the employee and the employee is different from corporate thinking. In 73% of cases observed the training of current employer is seen as an opportunity to find more prestigious and better paid work elsewhere. (...) 5% honestly say that this will enable them to blackmail his employer. (...) You can not put a general principle (or principles) of action. "(P. H., Owner and CEO)
"Unfortunately," the staff is our most valuable asset "as da davidson if has become a fashion cliché that serve mostly for decoration of speeches and interviews. Responsibility for development and investment da davidson in employees is collective. I think it is not unique in HR Manager, while all managers in the company, which have people responsibilities da davidson regardless of their level in the hierarchy "(HH, HR and Communications).
Because of the close values of the responses in the survey can not draw a clear trend of how often companies set aside funds for training their employees. da davidson Vaprki it can be said that it is more likely to pass through the working courses one to two times a year and this is unlikely to occur less frequently (e.g. every few years) or more frequently.
In terms of employees, however, the regular holding of even short training helps to improve their qualifications (opinion of 47 percent of respondents). For the other 48% the quality of education is more important than the frequency of conducting trainings.
"The fact is that the employee is much more engaged, motivated and dedicated to his work, see if it is a valuable and of course that is the case, when investing in their training and development. ... If the employer does not listen to your HR manager, then he does not need it "(MK, PR and Communication Manager).
Another positive trend that stood out in the survey is the willingness of the employer to allocate the working time for the planned training. This turns out to be the situation for about 60 percent of respondents. However, in one fifth of cases employers prefer to save time and resources training da davidson company da davidson to be borne by the worker and his free time.
"The future is more educated workers. If you do not put money in the training of employees the employer will face extreme difficulties to realize their plans for prosperity of the company, because there will be no trained personnel who understand what is required of him. (R.G., PR)
Leader among the factors da davidson in the selection of appropriate training da davidson is its content and duration, it is clear from the survey. This factor is followed closely by the other two - the cost of training and org

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