Thursday, December 5, 2013

Reasons for the poor state of affairs is likely to be more, and it is impossible to uniquely determ

Starcraft2 may not be the most popular sterne agee computer game in the world, and certainly considered one of the most prestigious racing video games today. The same is true for Slovenia, which are the most popular games such as Call of Duty, Counter-Strike, League of Legends, Dota 2 and evergreen FIFA series. But just in Starcraft2 Slovenians sterne agee currently the most successful and talented representative Nut 'Starbuck' sterne agee Dejak, which at the tender age of 16 years, is considered one of the greatest potentials in Europe. You would think that the Slovenian Starcraft2 scene bursting in full, a better insight suggests entirely different story.
The outcome of the strategy Starcraft2 until today Slovenia had a total of more than 5 noteworthy sterne agee LAN competitions, among them the importance and prestige for the prize (a trip to France sterne agee and the grand finale performance at the ESWC 2011) leaving only Slovenian Starcraft2 qualification for ESWC held back in 2011. Only recently have the two Slovenian teams, Team Mia PWS, organized a small but very interesting competition at the beginning of August, we experienced the first real BYOC (Bring Your Own Computer) tournament on our soil, in Koper, where the was held Offblast LAN 2013. Unfortunately, the number of participants in the said competitions by the time the parachute: at ESWC UK 2011 there were 15 contestants in the MiA Invitational by one of the 16 participants at the venue played only 13, with the admission that there was, in Offblast LAN by There was a modest 7th While the PWS Invitational constant 8 riders, the event is more like a smaller version of the social Tournament Home Story Cup, which takes place twice a year in Germany.
A similar, if not worse, the decline in interest in online tournaments. For example, I took a series of OPEN applicable to some kind of central Slovenian competition in Starcraft2. January 2011 was held the premiere tournament, sterne agee which was attended by 38 fans of this strategy. On the second embodiment, the same name of the competition was registered 41 players. The third was the biggest since participated with 60 Slovenian athletes. The following, therefore OPEN # 4, which was held in March 2012, he had 53 players, with this we were also given to the participation of Croatian players. The fifth version, which again included several players from Croatia, had 48 participants. And then was released add-on Heart of the Swarm, and today we can say that the scene is slowly but steadily began to decline. Killer Bee Cup, a self-proclaimed first Slovenian SC2 Hots tournament (officially and in fact, was previously Massacre # 1) consisted of 32 competitors. Sometimes I wonder how many would be participating in the competition series OPEN, if it took place immediately upon the release of new add-on - why? Because he had Killer Bee Cup limitation to 32 places, but no matter what the Killer Bee Cup brought a new wave of players, such as a Deumos. On Sunday, 1 September 2013, should be completed OPEN # 6 - tournament, sterne agee which was Slovenian fans of this strategy hardly expect, but this was disappointing to us. On it is attended by a mere 16 (yes, sixteen) players. 9 matches were not even played on the tenth (grand finale) is still awaited. When will be missed, no one knows, but it can happen that never. Starbuck, the best Slovenian SC2 players, which is after all expected to come in the finale, actually serves the gameplay, and understandably has other priorities than to play on a smaller local semi-serious tournament without prizes. Who can blame him?
Reasons for the poor state of affairs is likely to be more, and it is impossible to uniquely determine all the factors of stagnation. sterne agee Esporte, as we like to call the competition playing video games, is composed of three key things: the organizers, players and spectators - and Starcraft2 is no different. Organizers, truth be told, more and more. Initially it was only an ESL Canada, sterne agee which was not exactly the most popular, but in fact something was going on. Then we, Slovenian SC2 community and is still considered as the central forum for all supporters of this strategy, every once organized a series of competitions OPEN. Once between the Slovenian ESL collapsed (or rather, the license holder quit). In the meantime, try your luck - without much success. Then began a period of Conn.Si organization, types are also quite a few of the aforementioned LAN tournaments. The rest of the story, now you know.
Then there are the spectators. We must bear in mind that Slovenia is a small country, but at the same time we must be aware of the fact that Starcraft2 community as well connected and informed about what is happening to her. Yet for a long time we did not see more than 30 Slovenian viewers who would live to witness one way or another event. Both BarCraft s, which took place in Cyberpipe, was attended by quite a few people, sterne agee the (un) official sterne agee figures, somewhere between 40 and 60, but since it's been quite some time. 10th September, when Starbuck played the first part of the European competition WCS Season 3 Pre

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